Africa Flashcards
Who is Nelson Mandela?
The FIRST Black President after the Apartheid
What does Apartheid mean?
The specific area where the majority of violence is happening in Sudan
Person who is displaced from their native country because of unrest or violence
Middle Passage
A slave ship’s journey from Africa to the Americas
The majority of South Africa’s population
A stronger country expanding its power over weaker countries, expansion of empires
ID Card passes
black Africans were forced to carry them during apartheid
deliberate execution of a particular racial, cultural or political group
reasons of Imperialism
- Markets - more places to sell goods
- Nationalism - having more lands makes the empires more powerful
- Moral - convert natives to Christianity
- Natural Resources - taking natural resources from Africa back to Europe to use in factories
disease orphaning African children and spread by human to human contact of bodily fluids
disease caused by infected Mosquitos
Paul Rusesabagina
Hotel manager who saved 1200 Rwandans during the genocide