Africa Flashcards
Early British settlers of cape colony.
Partition of Africa
Africa divided into distinct parts, and many traditional/tribal boundaries ignored causing wars
Martial law
Military control of an area in place of civilian authorities; usually authorized by a govt. in emergencies when local law agencies cant maintain order
African Union
53 African states that worked to promote peace, security, and development in africa, led by Julius Nyerere
Nelson Mandela
Professor who led African national congress ANC
2 groups helped king govern
Hierarchy of officials for societal issues’
Governors for specific parts of empire ie capital
Ibn Battuta
Muslim historian and travelers; primary source on world trade within Islamic empire
What resources were Western powers hoping to acquire from Africa and how were they justified?
Ports, minerals, Suez Canal, rubber, and ivory. Claimed to bring ‘civilzation’ to Africa and open interior to free trade
British terrotory in Africa
2nd in size but heavily populated w greater resources. Controlled strategic locations, South Africa and Egypt.
French in Africa
Very powerful in US and later spread to west and central Africa. Land controlled as large as US
Germany in Africa
Many battles fought against natives to take over portions in South Africa. Lost territories after WWI
Italy in Africa
Libya conquered, and controlled good portion of Mediterranean. Took somaliland in Horn of Africa but beaten by Ethiopians so badly no other countries attempted.
Belgium in Africa
King Leopoldo exploited riches if congo and brutalized natives.
Portugal and Spain ina frica
Minimal claims even though kings of imperialism, focused on Americas
David Livingston
Scottish missionary, lived in central Africa, named lake victoria after British queen, converted Africans to Christianity, wrote books which piqued foreign interest, went missing and found by Henry Stanley. “Dr living stone, i presume”