AFMAN 11-247 (T-1 fun-damentals) trivia Flashcards
Before takeoff, PM will set airspeed marker on…
S1 (decision speed)
Before takeoff, PF will set airspeed marker on…
Vco (climbout speed)
Before takeoff, both pilots will memorize…
Vrot (rotation speed) if different from S1
For static takeoff, while holding brakes set…
80% N1
On takeoff, the PM will set N1 to TRT before ___ kias
At Vrot, PF will rotate to __ pitch attitude for liftoff
13 to 15 degree
Technique: rolling takeoff power application should take…
1-3 seconds
On takeoff, altitude and airspeed needed before “flaps up, after takeoff checklist” call
400 ft (1,500 if required) AGL; Vco + 10 KIAS
After flaps are retracted, PF will decrease pitch to…
10 degrees nose up
Level-off lead point for moderate climb rates
10% of the VSI
Level-off procedure for steep climb rates
1000 ft below level-off altitude, cut pitch in half, then use 10% of the VSI
To find Vref, subtract _ knots from ___ KIAS for each __ lb below 16,100 lbs
2; 118; 500
For 10-flap or single-engine approaches, add __ knots to Vref
For 0-flap approaches, add __ knots to Vref
When maneuvering in excess of __ AOB, you must add )) to your computed Vapp
15 degrees; 10 knots
Increase Vapp & touchdown speed by __% of the gust increment, up to __-kt correction
50%; 10 knots
Touchdown speed is…
Vapp - 6 knots
Downwind criteria for spacing & altitude…
approx. 1 1/2 mile, wingtip on rwy (no wind); usually 1500 ft AGL
Minimum airspeed for closed turn
160 KIAS
Normal landing zone:
500 to 2000 ft down the rwy
(Formation) Lead’s responsibilities:
Clearing, planning, know wingman’s capabilities, be smooth
(Formation) Wingman’s responsibilities
Keep lead in sight, attempt to maintain precise position
Lost wingman, wings level:
Turn 45 degrees away, using 30 degrees of bank, for 10 seconds, then turn back to initial heading
Lost wingman, outside the turn:
Roll wings level, inform lead, and continue straight ahead. Level off.
Lost wingman, inside the turn:
Maintain the turn, instruct lead to roll out. Level off.
Lost wingman, low level:
Set MCT, lead climbs at 250 KIAS to ERAA, wing climbs at 220 KIAS to ERAA + 1000, to get 1 mile spacing
Lost wingman, cell:
Climb or level off to obtain 1000 ft of separation.
A/A TACAN channels must be __ channels apart
Min runway width for formation takeoff
150 ft
Wingman must be positioned on upwind side for takeoff when crosswind exceeds __ knots
Formation runway lineup most have __ ft of wingtip lateral clearance
For 15 second interval, lead will set MCT - 5% after passing…
400 ft or 1500 ft, based on climb profile
After wingman calls in on departure, lead will set power to…
MCT -2%
The visual position is defined as
600-700 ft behind, 200-300 ft to the right, out of lead’s jetwash.
Visual position references…
Can read tail letters but not numbers; right engine on emergency hatch; stinger light in left tail cone; .2 DME
Offset position is defined as
600 to 4,000 ft of spacing (.2 to .8 DME), from in-trail to line abreast
In offset position, the optimum position is…
30 to 45 degree cone on either side of lead
Straight ahead rejoin, desired overtake speed
approximately 30-40 knots of overtake
Turning rejoin, desired overtake speed
approximately 20 knots
If TAS is 300, cell formation turn delay is…
12 seconds
If TAS is 250, cell formation turn delay is…
14 seconds
If TAS is 360, cell formation turn delay is…
10 seconds
4 reasons to break out
Hazard to the formation, In front of, Told to, unable to maintain Sight
On a formation overhead, wing should break approximately _ to __ seconds after lead
8 to 10