affs set 5 Flashcards
I attract moments of rest.
I attract people who like me for me.
I attract content suited to my welfare.
I attract kind and loving people.
I attract exciting surprises.
I attract infinite occasions to spend time with my friends.
I attract lucky chances.
I attract things that inspire me to become a kinder person.
I attract things that inspire me to become a wiser person.
I attract meaningful connections.
I attract what is meant for me.
I attract positive, happy, and healthy relationships into my life.
I attract the love I desire.
I attract limitless wealth.
I attract miracles.
I attract positivity.
I attract an infinite amount of amazing opportunities.
I attract the right people.
I attract the right lessons for me.
I attract creativity.
I attract reminders that encourage me to be kind to myself.
I attract solutions to any problem.
I attract resources that promote my freedom.
I attract independent and confident people.