affs set 4 Flashcards
I can overcome any challenge.
I am a fun person.
I love people, and people love me.
I love money, and money loves me.
I am my most precious resource.
I welcome change.
I am a winner.
I am strong enough for anything that comes my way.
My life is whole and healthy.
My options are unlimited.
I have unlimited creativity.
I nurture my well-being.
I know what is most important.
I always do the right thing.
I believe in myself.
I am happy to see myself.
I greet myself with love and respect.
My confidence makes me unstoppable.
My mind is flexible and resilient.
My body gets healthier each day because I take excellent care of it.
I am delighted with myself.
I have high hopes.
I am a warm, welcoming person.
I am eager to see my future.
My thoughts are calm and peaceful.
My deep, slow breaths make me calm and strong.
Health and well-being are mine at this moment.
I triumph over trouble.
I succeed at whatever is important to me.
My life is so interesting.
I am thankful for every part of my life.
Everything is working out well for me.
Everything is working out best-case scenario for me.
I accept myself and love myself more every day.
I am the best I can be.
I have inner and outer beauty.
I enjoy the humor in my life.
I strive for happiness and peace.
I’m at my best right this minute.
The more wealth is in my hands, the more good circulates in the universe.
I have my dream body.
I am effortlessly able to maintain my dream body.
I always look gorgeous.
My skin is always perfectly clear.
I am learning to have more love and acceptance for my body every day.
I appreciate my worth without question.
I choose to be kind and loving to my body.
I am irresistible to everyone, no matter what I say, think, or do.
I am always on his mind, no matter where he is, who he’s with, or what he’s doing. He literally can’t get enough of me.
I am the number one person on his mind all day long.
I am simply deciding that I am going to lose this weight easily and effortlessly.
With good to all and harm to none, $5,000 is on its way to me now.
Everything is working out best-case scenario for me.
I can easily achieve anything I’d like to.
What I see in my mind, I also see in my life.
What I see in my mind comes true instantly.
What I see in my mind is immediately reflected in reality.
My body has overcome many feats and shows its beauty.
I am allowed to take up space.
I am entitled to my place in the world.
My body is worthy.
I am beautiful just the way I am.
My body is a gift.
I’m grateful for all my body allows me to do.
My body is my home and I will build it up.
I am thankful for the food I eat for nourishing my body and giving me energy.
Thank you, body, for taking care of me today.
I am enough, just as I am.
My body is deserving of love and respect.
I make the choice to include myself in my life and in the world.
My body takes me places.
My body is strong.
I take care of my body, and it takes care of me.
I am grateful for every moment of my life.
I celebrate every moment of my life.
I am willing to look within myself and confront any limiting beliefs or fears.
I trust in my intuition and make decisions that align with my true self.
I forgive myself and others for past mistakes and choose to focus on the present moment.
I am open to receive guidance and support from the universe and from those around me.
I believe in myself and my abilities. I’m capable of much more than I imagine.
I have the power to take control over my feelings and actions.
My thoughts are positive and bring only good people and circumstances to me.
I welcome the day with love, gratitude and peace.
Today is another chance to be a better person, get closer to my dreams, and enjoy life to the fullest.
I’m the master of my mind and I choose to focus it on the positive things around me.
I am surrounded by great people, powerful lessons, and countless opportunities.
I have all it takes to change and be happy and successful.
I enter every day with determination.
I am filled with boundless hope.
I effortlessly attract abundance in every facet of my life.
I deserve to be contented and choose to live my life as an optimist.
I share my happy thoughts with others and give them a reason to smile.
Today is going to be a day I’ll remember because I’ll make it meaningful.
I’m going to take the best decisions and always move forward.
Facing this day and its challenges will make me stronger and help me learn and grow.
I let go of all negative thoughts, regrets for the past, fears, worries about the future, judgment, comparison and doubt. And I let in freedom, peace and joy.
I now release all blockages between where I am and where I want to be.
I am a money magnet.
I am always receiving unexpected financial gains.
Every penny I spend returns to me tenfold immediately.
I get to be supported by money all the time.
I allow money to find its way to me.
I attract abundance, and there are no barriers that prevent me from doing so.
I can afford whatever I desire.
I have more money in my bank account than I can possibly spend.
For the good of all and harm to none, a million dollars is on its way to me.
My energy is exclusive and expensive.
I get paid to exist.
Every penny I spend is returned to me tenfold.
My presence is a blessing.
My mind is worth millions.
I feel confident about the way I look.
I carry myself with grace and elegance.
I feel fabulous in my body.
My body is always well-nourished.
My legs are slim, long and toned.
My body has perfect curves, just the way I desire.
I am beautiful the way I am.
I love moving my body.
Exercising every day is a priority for me.
I look forward to my exercise sessions every day.
I love the feeling of staying active.
My body loves staying active.
I love sweating it out every day.
Regular exercise benefits both my mental and physical health.
I stay happy and positive every day.
I feel content and fulfilled.
My life is amazing.
My self-confidence makes me irresistibly charming.
I have an amazing personality that perfectly complements my beauty.
I am beautiful and attractive.
I am an eloquent speaker.
I am the perfect combination of a hot body and a sharp mind.
I am a genius.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I am very talented.
I cherish the gift of a perfectly toned body every day.
I am healthy and slim.
I love my body and appreciate it for taking care of me.
I am grateful for my strong and healthy body.
I release any excess weight effortlessly and easily.
I nurture my body with healthy and nourishing food.
My body is toned, fit, and strong.
I am grateful for all the progress I have made so far.
I am excited to see how much better I feel every day.
I am excited to see what the future holds for me every day.
I love my body and its ability to lose all the extra weight quickly.
No matter what I eat, my body stays slim and in perfect shape.
I am grateful for my super toned body.
Losing all the extra weight is natural for my body.
My body is so smart.
I fully trust my body.
My metabolism is naturally very fast.
My body quickly burns all the extra fat it has.
I am proud of my body.
I am in the best shape of my life.
I am always at my ideal weight.
I am always able to effortlessly maintain my ideal weight and my ideal body.
My body is an efficient fat-burning machine.
My body is excellent at naturally staying fit and healthy.
I love nourishing my body with healthy food.
I love staying active and exercising daily.
I respect my body.
I am thankful for my wonderful body.
My body is getting stronger every day.
My body is becoming slimmer and more toned every day.
Having a good-looking body is so easy for me.
I am healthy and smart.
I am in perfect shape.
I am now the fittest I have ever been.
I am happy and joyful.
I am losing weight effortlessly.
I am losing all the extra fat without trying.
I am always healthy.
I am always happy.
I am proud of my slim body.
I am fond of eating food that nourishes my body and mind.