affs set 1 Flashcards
I don’t chase, I attract.
What belongs to me simply finds me.
The partner I seek is also seeking me, and I now release any blocks that are standing between us.
Everything is always working out for me. The universe conspires in my favor.
I love and approve of myself just as I am.
I have an attractive mind, body, and soul.
I’m falling in love more and more every day with the person I am becoming.
Everything that is meant for me is already mine.
People gravitate towards me because I am so positive and confident.
I radiate confidence and leave people mesmerized with my energy.
Every time I think of him, he is thinking about me. I am the only woman for him.
The world is my oyster, and I am the pearl.
The world is a playground for me to play and have fun on.
The world is a buffet of opportunities for me to choose from.
The world is a candy store in which I can pick and choose whatever I want.
The world is a game I keep on winning.
The world revolves around me.
The universe caters to me.
The universe is always on my side and has my back in any situation.
The universe wants the best for me.
The universe has my best interests in mind.
The universe delivers exactly what I want and exactly what I need.
The universe is looking out for me.
The universe showers me with blessings.