Affective/Mood Disorders Flashcards
Define Mood disorders
Disorders of mental status and function where altered mood is the/a core feature. This includes depression and mania, they are the most common group of mental disorders.
Mood/affect is a specturm, depression is at one end and mania is at the other. Neutral is called euthymia.
These disorders can present as the primary problem or be secondary to other illnesses such as cancer, dementia or medical treatment e.g. with steroids.
They are also often associated with anxiety symptoms or disorders.
How are Mood/ affective disorders classified?
We maninly use the ICD-10 classification (International Classification of Disease edition 10 by World Health Organisation).
This separates Mood/ Affective disorders in to 7 categories (all with subsets): Manic episode Bipolar affective disorder Depressive episode Recurrent depressive episode Peristent Mood disorders Other mood disorders Unspecified mood disorder
The most common mood disorders include depression, mania, hypomania and bipolar affective disorder (BAD).
What is depression?
This is an emotion which can range from normal experience to a life-threatening illness. It will present with a collection of symptoms which can be quite different between two people.
It is the leading cause of disability in the world.
When does depression become abnormal/ an illness?
There is no clear point at which it becomes abnormal.
Normally consists of: Peristsence of symptoms >2 weeks Pervasivness of symptoms - not necessarily lasting all day but for quite alot of it Degree of impairment Presence of specific symtpoms of signs
What are the symptoms of depression?
Psychological :
~ change in mood: depression (usually diurnal variation), anxiety(inability to relax), perplexity/confusion/being overwhelmed (particularly in puerperal illness), anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure in the things you would normally)
~change in thought content: guilty, hopelessness, worthlessness, obessions & compulsions, panic attacks
~ change in bodily function: energy (faitgue), disturbed sleep, change in appetite, weightloss, reduced libido, constipation and pain
~ change in psychomotor functioning, agitation, retardation
Social: ~loss of interets ~Iritabillity ~Apathy ~Loss of confidence ~withdrawl ~loss of concentration ~ reduced memory
Define Puerperal Illness
Illness that occurs during the time of having a baby
Define Agitiation
A state of restless overactivity, aimless or inaffective
Define Anhedonia
Loss of ability to derive pleaure from experience
Define Apathy
Loss of interet in own surroundings
Define Anxiety
An unpleasent emotion in which thoughts of apprehension or fear predominate
Define Depression
An unpleasent emotion in which thoughts of sadness or unhappiness predominate
Define Retardation
a slowing of motor responses including speech
Deifine Stupor
A state of extreme retardation on which consiouness is intact. The patient stops moving, spekaing, eating and drinking. On recovery they can describe clealry events which occured whilst stuposed.
What is the ICD-10 classification of depression?
Lasts for at least 2 weeks
No hypomanic/manic episodes in life ( if these have occured then would be dipolar affective disorder)
Not attributable to psychoactive substance use or organic mental disorder
If psychotic symptoms or stupor then severe depreession with psychotic symptoms (need to excluded schizoprenia ect).
Criteria: Main; depressed mood that is abnormal for most of the day almost everyday for 2 weeks loss of interest or pleasure decreased energy or increased fatigue
Additional symptoms; loss of confidence/ self esteem unreasonable feelings of guilt recurrent suicidal ideation decreased concentration Agitation or retardation sleep disturbance change in appetite
Mild- at least symptoms, of which at least 2 must be main symptoms
Moderate- at least 6 symptoms, of which at least 2 are main symptoms
Severe- at least 8 symptoms including all three main symptoms
What is somatic syndrome?
It is a subtype of depression that is a particular cluster of symptoms
Loss of interest/pleasure in activities they normally enjoy Lack of emotional reactions Waking 2 hrs before normal Depression worse in morning psychomotor agitation or retardation marked loss of appetite weightloss (5%+ of body weight in a month) marked loss of libido
What is postnatal depression?
It is depression which occurs within 1 year of giving birth. It is very common
75% of women will get baby blues (does not last longer than 2 weeks)
10% of women will develop a major depressive disorder within 3-6 months of delivery
What is mania? ICD-10 definition
Lasts at least 1 wekk and is severe enough to disrupt ordinary work and social activites. Can be with or without psychosis Elevated mood increased energy overactivity pressure of speech decreased need for sleep disinhibition grandiosity alteration of senses extravagant spending irritable
What is hypomania?
Lesser degree of mainia and no psychosis
Not to the extent of severe disruption of work or social rejection
What is cyclothymia?
Similar to bipolar affective disorder, it is a mood disorder with lows and highs of mood, most people’s symptoms are mild enough that they do not seek mental health treatment, this often goes undiagnosed but can cause problems with people’s work and social relationships.
What is dysthymia?
It is a milder but longer-lasting form of depression, it can also be called peristent depressive disorder.
How is mania treated?
Antipsychotics e.g. Olanzapine or Risperidone
Mood stabilisers e.g. sodium valproate, lamotrigene
Define Bipolar disorder
BAD has many subtypes including whether the patient is in a current manic, depressive or remissive phase, with or without psychosis.
It is defined as repeated (2+) episodes or depression and mania or hypomania
What is the epidemology of BAD?
Equal rates in men and women and in developed/industrialised and non-developed/non-industrialised countries.
Mean age of onset 21, unusal for onset >30 years
Lifetime prevalence 0.7-1.6 per 100
Earlier onset usually 15-19 if positive family history
What is the epidemology of depression?
lifetime prevalence rate 2.9-12 per 100
More common in females
highest risk 18-44 (median 25)
However can occur across all ages and onset in old age is not uncommon.
MDD less common in those employed and financially independant
Increased risk in 1st degree relatives
Associated with exit events e.g. separations and losses
What is the course/outcome of a MDD?
Typically lasts 4-6 months
54% recovered at 26 weeks/ 6 months 12% fail to recover 80%+ have further episodes Those treated in primary care have ~40% recurrence rate 15% die by suicide
What is the course/outcome of BAD?
Manic episode usually lasts 1-3 months 60% recover at 10 weeks 5% fail to recover 90% have further episodes 1/3 have poor outcome 10% die by suicide