Aerosols Flashcards
PM10 particles less than 10 microns
What is aerosols made of?
Natural 90%, man made 10%
% aerosols
Industrial processes 60%, combustion 30%, tansport 3%
Natural sources?
Natural NaCl, dust (ash, volcanoes, forest fires)
Secondary aerosols?
When gases react e.g. ammonium sulphate
What is ‘Rain out’?
‘Rain out’ aerosols nucleate raindrops
What is ‘Wash out’?
‘Wash out’ particles impacted by raindrops
How are aerosols removed in the body?
.5 microns by nasal hair, 0.5 microns cilia and mucus
How much aerosols reach the alveloi?
<5 microns
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons?
Adsorbed gases
PM10 concentration and mortality
Sources in urban areas?
How is CO produced?
High T combustion in lack of oxygen, mostly from natural CH4, local high concentrations
How is CO removed?
by fungi and O3
What does it form?