Acid Mine Drainage ACD Flashcards
acidic - ochreous - pollution, run-off - abandone mining spoil tips, 9% surface, impacts - classified and unclassified H2O
high C % complex structure, % small H, O, N. significant - S, P, trace metals. Partial decay - vegetation , anaerobic
Anaerobic decay
low Eh and pH, CH2O decay => low Eh, organic acids form -> low pH
Cellulose, lignin
Coal complexes
Fe (3)
Reduced to Fe(2)
Sulphate SO4 2-
reduced to S2-
10% pyrite forms of coal seam
FeS.nH2O -> FeS2 (pyrite)
Mining techniques: Drift mining 17th & 18th century
Outcrops mined inwards, coal seam, spoil tip dug out - wastes fall to bottom of hill
Mining techniques: Longwall (Deep) mining 19th & 20th century
Pit dugs deeper than H2O table. Water pumped away
Mining Modern Techniques: Opencast mining
Use of machines
Coal Mining UK, AMD area Affected
central scotland, durham, south yorkshire, south wales
Coal Mining UK, AMD area NOT affected
midlands, tyneside, lancs/merseyside
AMD Unpredictable - Acidity
variable, pyrite content, rock type, catchment
AMD Unpredictable - Rebound
variable rate, recahrge rate - physical structure, groundwater rebound
AMD Unpredictable - Water course
recieving, volumes, dilution, hydrology