Aerobic Fitness Flashcards
What are the 4 assumptions of sub-maximal fitness tests?
- there is a linear relationship between VO2, PO and HR
- Participants reach steady state at each stage
- Max heart rate at a given age is uniform
- Everyone has the same mechanical efficiency
Predictive tests are most useful for which population?
General population ! Athletes/ fit people are very limited by the HR and mechanical assumptions….sub-max tests can grossly underpredict VO2 max
Which test is the best submax test?
- Specificity
- Tests that actually bring people up to a higher intensity are better predictors of VO2 max (ie- lower intensity tests are lower predictors of VO2)
on average people score 10%higher on the treadmill than the bike for VO2 max…why?
- More muscles used therefore higher O2 demand
2. People who are not used to biking may experience muscle fatigue
volume of oxygen consumed
VO2 abs vs relative
what would we expect if someone is sitting at rest?
abs: L/min relative: ml/kg/min
divide 3.5 to get METS
volume of expired CO2
at rest?
as intensity increases
when >1 , more CO2 being blown off than oxygen consumed
0.7 at rest
RER increases as intensity increases
what is someone is set up and right off the bat their RER is 0.9-1-above?
Is this a cause for concern
If we assume machine is set up properly and they set up their machine better
- they are hyperventilating
nerves, etc
- should go up as soon as exercise starts (VO2 increases right away as intensity increases)
If you see a high RER chances are you’ll see a high ?
Vt ?
Tidal volume= normal breathing (how much air per breath)
normal= 0.5L
Ventilation = frequence of breath x amount of breath (L/min)
What do we really look at to make sure the cart is set up? what are the normal values?
FeO2= fraction of O2 in expired gas = 16 FeCO2= fraction of CO2 in expired gas= 4
is the persons nose plug on???
How long should Direct tests last?
8-12 minutes
if less– too hard
if more — to long (fatigue biochemistry starts to set in)
Stages are typically how long for direct tests?
1-3 minutes (gotta hit steady state)
What is the peak criteria for direct tests?
- HR fails to increase with increasing workload or is close to age predicted max
- Blood lactate is >8mmol/L
- RER >1.15
- Volitional Fatigue (RPE> 17 on borg scale)
What is max criteria for direct tests?
Same as peak, but also must attain a plateau: <2ml/kgmin VO2 change with increasing workload
What percent of the population plateaus? Trained or untrained populations?
20%, mostly in trained because people are beasts and competitive
other people will get close to max and feel the volitional fatigue and quit
How do we determine threshold?
Anarobic threshold– cannot directly measure, can determine based on
- blood lactate values (lactate threshold)
- Ventilatory threshold
- RER=1 …will only last around one or two stages after (use RER live in lab)
How do you determine what % of VO2 max the threshold is at?
threshold value (RER=1)/ VO2max value X 100
60/73.9 =81%of VO2 max
Therefore his threshold is approx 81% of his VO2 max
Higher percent In trained people
Aerobic power?
Direct measure test= measure of aerobic power because there is a unit of time associated with it
Measures the functional ability of the CV system: measures the rate of O2 consumption
What is a measure of aerobic capacity?
Not direct measure !
You stay at a set workload and nothing changes and you just measure how long you can go for (takes forever)
how long your aerobic system can sustain you.
What does aerobic fitness represent?
the ability to perform dynamic exercise involving lasrge muscle groups at moderate to high intensity for prolonged periods
What is VO2 max? What does it depend on?
Maximal volume of O2 one can consume during exhaustive exercise
Depends on:
1. The transport of oxygen via the CV system to the working muscles
2. VO2= (HRxSV) x (a-vO2diff)
the ability of the muscles to delivery (Q) and to extract the oxygen (a-vO2 diff) at the muscle
What is the difference between a direct and an indirect test? Can you have a direct test that is submaximal?
Direct test- measures the actual construct of interest (eg- hooked up to a metabolic cart…O2, VE, CO2)
Indirect- measures a construct known to be related to the actual construct of interest
What is the bruce treadmill protocol? Max? Metabolic cart?
is a max test that uses the metabolic cart.
- 3-5 minute warm-up at the initial stage (speed 1.7, grade 10)
- the grade increases 2% every 3 minutes, as well as the speed.
- start the stopwatch as the person starts the initial stage because what you need to base the VO2 conversion off is the time (see formula sheet- the time needs to be in seconds so divide the minute value you got by 60)
- stop time when the person gets off
- record HR at last 30seconds of every grade
- slow treadmill to 3mph and grade to 0%
- 5 minute cool down period, until their HR goes down to 120bpm
What is the modification for the bruce protocol?
What regression equation do we use for it?
for old or unfit people
- they have a longer warm up time
- we increase speed after the third stage
- we increase grade 5% at min 3 and 6, then 2% every 2 minutes.
We use the ACSM walking equation to estimate relative VO2 max if using the modified procedure
What steps do we take regulating submaximal models ?
- record HR at the end of each minute
- person must acheive steady state HR (within 5bpm) over duration of a test/stage
What are the two types of submax test models?
- Single stage models : use one submax workload to predict VO2 max and are usually 4-6mins in duration
- Multistage models: use two or more submaximal workloads and have 3 minute stages
What is steady state HR?
- HR within 5 bpm in 3 consec measurments
How do you administer the mCAFT step test?
- select stage based on age and gender
- calculate 85% HR max in bpm
- measure HR at the end of each 3 min stage
- complete 3 min stages until 85% HR max is achieved
What should we lookout for in the mCAFT? What level do we count for scoring?
- no arm swinging and no talking to prevent fluctuations in HR
- must complete full motion, shoulders under hips etc
- we count the last full level they completed
How to administer the Queen’s College Step Test:
3 minute test, stepping 16.25 inches at a rate of
- 22 steps/minute for females
- 24 steps/min for males
- take HR at end of 3 minutes
Astrand Submax Cycle test
- Set bike up
- Target HR is 120-170bpm at 50rpm
- Set resistence to 0.04 x BW (nearest 1kp for men and 0.5kp for women)
- Take HR at minute 2 and adjust if below 120 or above 160
- record HR, rpm and workload at end of each minute
- Determine average HR at minute 5 and 6 unless:
- – there was an adj. at min 2, then min 7 and 8
- ->not at steady state..continue!
How do you do the ebbeling treadmill test?
-Calculate 50-70% of HRmax
-warm up 4 mins that elicits hr between 50-70%
(if HR not in zone extend by 1 min and adjust speed accordingly)
-after 4 minutes, increase to a 5% grade and walk for 4 more minutes.
-measure HR each minute (last 15 seconds)
-take av. of min 3 and 4 to determine SSHR
- cool down
YMCA submax cycle test protocol?
- Calibrate cycle ergometer and set seat height
- pedal for 3 mins at 50rpms and 0.5kp
- the heart rate at the end of the first workload determines subsequent workload increases
- Continue workload until they are within 10bpm of 85% HRM
- base increase on if they achieve steady state in each section
What is relative VO2? Absolute VO2?
Relative: compares CR fitness regardless of body size (mL/kgmin)
Absolute: is directly related to body size (L/min)
What is submax fitness end criteria?
Target HR/HR zone obtained
Cannot maintain cadence or workload
Client asks to stop
Signs of physiological stress
Active recovery protocols for a submax test?
- Low intensity aerobic cool down for 3 minutes, measure HR at the end of each minute
- seat client and measure 1 and 3 minute HR and BP
Maximal test recovery protocols?
Low intensity aerobic cool down for at least 5 minutes, measuring HR at the end of each minute
-must be supervised for 15 minutes upon completion of cool down