AE109 Flashcards
What is the definition of boundary layer separation?
Point in streamline where airflow no longer adheres to the airfoil
What is the point of stall on a CL curve?
What is the definition of a stall?
Condition in flight where increase in AOA results in decrease in C_L
What is the key difference between an aircraft’s stall AOA and stall airspeed?
Stall AOA remains constant; stall airspeed is variable
Which type of stall will have lower stall airspeed?
Power-on stall
What are the factors associated with increased thrust that impact stall characteristics?
Vertical component of thrust and propeller acceleration factor
Which flight control would you expect to be most effective during a stall/stall recovery?
Which aircraft would stall at a higher indicated airspeed? One weighing 5500 lbs or one weighing 6000 lbs?
The heavier aircraft
Which aircraft would stall at a higher true airspeed? The one at 12,000 ft or the one at 20,000 ft?
The higher one
How do you think increased G loading will affect stall airspeed?
Stall airspeed increases
What is the T-6A stall AOA?
18 units
What is the primary artificial stall warning in the T-6A?
Stick shaker
What does activation of the stick shaker indicate?
Aircraft is approximately 5 to 10 knots above stall speed
Can an aircraft that is not stalled be in a spin?
No. Both stall and yaw must be present to be in a spin.
If the aircraft is in a stall, what could happen if you misapply the controls or if the aircraft is out of
Aircraft could enter a spin
If stalled and yawed, which aircraft would enter an erect spin? One pulling +3 G or one pulling -2 G?
The aircraft stalled at +3Gs
During a spin, what will happen if the ailerons are deflected in spin direction?
Roll and yaw will become more oscillatory
How does anti-spin rudder aid in recovery?
Slows rotation and decreases AOA
Would an aircraft spinning with the stick other than full aft be in an accelerated or unaccelerated
Anytime the aircraft is spinning with the stick other than full aft, the spin is accelerated.
Lower pitch attitude at stall results in higher stall airspeed (greater energy) which results in what?
faster spin entry airspeed and greater oscillations.
Will a left or right spin entry stabilize at a lower pitch attitude?
When does an aircraft produce wingtip vortices?
Whenever it is producing lift
What three factors primarily affect vortex strength?
Weight, speed, and configuration
What are the two main hazards associated with wake turbulence?
Induced roll and induced flow field
Assume you are planning an approach with an airspeed of 110 KIAS when tower reports a 15 knot decreasing performance wind shear. What configuration should you use and what airspeed should you fly?
a. Takeoff flaps and 120 KIAS
b. Normal approach speed + predicted wind shear = adjusted approach speed (up to 10 knots above normal)
What is the definition of a stall?
Condition in flight where increase in AOA results in decrease in C_L
What are the two major classifications of stalls?
Power-on and power-off stalls
Which type of stall will have lower stall airspeed?
Power-on stall
What is the only reason the T-6A will stall?
Exceeding stall AOA (18 units)
What two conditions must be present in order for an aircraft to spin?
Stall and yaw
What causes an accelerated spin?
Spinning with the control stick anywhere other than full aft
In a right spin, which rudder position will provide the greatest anti-spin forces?
Full left rudder
When taking off behind a heavy aircraft in the T-6A, you should allow for a minimum spacing of how many minutes?
2 minutes
When landing behind a heavy aircraft that has just landed, what should you do to minimize the effects
of its wake turbulence?
Delay landing for three minutes. In addition, you can land beyond the landing aircraft’s nose
gear touchdown point.
How will a wind shear that decreases your headwind component by 20 knots affect your aircraft?
Indicated airspeed will decrease 20 knots, thereby decreasing lift.
An aircraft reported wind shear on final with a 10 knot loss of airspeed. How should you adjust your
approach and what things should you look out for?
a. Set flaps to “Takeoff”
b. Add 10 knots to your approach speed
c. Be alert for the tendency to land long
What force opposes and controls the adverse pressure gradient?
The kinetic energy of the relative wind