AE - Radio aids Flashcards
Hver er formúla range?
Range (NM) = 1.23 * (sqrtH1 + sqrtH2)
Hvað ræður VDF range?
Height of transmitter and receiver
Hvað stendur VDF fyrir?
VHF Direction finder
Hvaða Q-code er notaður fyrir magnetic bearing from station?
To get position you need one/two/three VDF’s at different locations, able to take bearings _____.
two, simultaneously
Ground direction finding uses _ at civil aerodromes and _ at military aerodromes.
Valmöguleikar: VHF,UHF,SHF
VDF measures the bearing of the aircraft with reference to ______ at the station
true or magnetic north
VHF direction finder uses __ wavelength
VDF class B accuracy is..
+/- 5°
One of the uses of the VDF service is providing the aircraft with
a) homing b) heading
a) homing
Hvað er homing?
Flying to a station and keeping a relative bearing of zero.
Multipath signals from an aircraft at the Ground VHF direction finder station may result in ___ ___.
bearing errors
The VDF class A accurary is..
+/- 2°
Hvað græðum við á því að nota AM í stað FM?
Getum notað fleiri rásir, meira frequency spacing.
A VDF may be used to provide the ATC controller with ___ of an aircraft in the absence of radar.
The VDF class C accuracy is _°.
+/- 10
Hver er Q code fyrir true bearing to a VDF station?
Memoric: J-joining (to)
To convert the RMI bearings of NDBs and VORs to true bearings the correct combination for the application of magnetic variation is:
NDB: Beacon position/aircraft position
VOR: Beacon position/aircraft position
NDB: Aircraft position
VOR: Beacon position
Locators are ____ used as an aid for final approach
Bearing errors caused by the shoreline/coastal effect reach their maximum on bearings _° - _° to the coastline
0°, 30°
Errors caused by the effect of coastal refractions on bearings at lower altitudes are max when the NDB is Inland/near coast and the bearing crosses the coast at acute/right angles.
inland, acute
When an ADF is correctly tuned to an NDB station but the needle is “hunting” and the signal is fading and growing louder alternately the reason is that the required ___ wave is being contaminated by __ waves.
ground, sky
Which statement is correct for homing towards an NDB in an area with constant wind and constant magnetic variation? The relative bearing of the NDB should be
a) equal to experienced drift angle
b) Equal to applied WCA
c) 000°
kept 000°.
NDB stendur fyrir..
Non Directional Beacon
ADF indication in a cockpit is a ___ on a fixed card indicator.
a) relative bearing b) true bearing c) magnetic bearing
a) relative bearing
Til hvers er BFO selector á ADF receiver?
Hear the IDENT of some NDB stations radiating a continuous wave signal.
What is most likely to have an effect on ADF accuracy?
Interference from other NDB’s particularly at night.
ADF stendur fyrir..
Automatic Direction Finder
When you select the BFO position the BFO circuit imposes a ___ onto the ___ to make the NDB’s ident audible.
tone, carrier wave
The ADF uses the wavelength:
a) decimetric b) metric c) hectometric or kilometric d) centimetric
c) hectometric or kilometric
Hvað þrennt getur þu´gert til að minnka shorline effect? (3 hlutir)
1) Valið stöð sem er 90° við ströndina (vilt ekki að shoreline effect magnist upp með því að vera heillengi að skera ströndina því það magnar sveigjuna (errorið)).
2) Nota stöðvar nær ströndinni
3) Fljúga hærra
Allocated frequency for NDB’s are..
190 - 1750 kHz
Hvað gerist fyrir range og accuracy of an NDB at night?
Range increases, accuracy decreases
The cause of “night effect” is a change in the direction of the plane of ___ due to ___ in the ionosphere.
polarization, reflection
When constant wind and magnetic variation; Relative bearing of the NDB should be equal to what?
drift angle.
The loop aerial as used in the ADF will receive a minimun or __ signal from a transmitter when the plane of the loop is at ___ angles to the direction of the transmitter
null, right
A VOR and an NDB are co-located. An aircraft equipped with an RMI is flying away from the beacons on a radial of 090° through an area where magnetic variation ic changing rapidly. What moves: ADF and/or VOR?
ADF moves.
VOR needle does not move.
Hvernig finnur þú magnetic bearing to station?
Magnetic heading + relative bearing
A locator is a high/low powered beacon. Typical range of _ to _ NM.
low, 10-25 NM.
The quadrantal error of an ADF is caused by the __ from the aircraft’s ___ and is compensated for.
refraction, fuselage
The mountain effect is caused by ___ onto steep slopes of mountainous terrain which may cause big errors in the __.
relections, bearing.
VOR indicators eru oft með signal warning failure flags, en hvað með ADF?
ADF er ekki með signal warning failure flag.
Á hvaða frequency er Locator að transmitta?
a) HF b) VHF c) LF d) MF
Bæði LF og MF.
Factors liable to affect most NDB/ADF system performance and reliability include:
a) coastal refraction - lane slip - mountain effect
b) static interference - night effect - absence of failure warning system
b) static interference - night effect - absence of failure warning system
Hvað veldur mestu inaccuracy í ADF bearings?
a) Coastal effect b) quadrantal error c) Local thunderstorm activity
c) Local thunderstorm activity
For long range NDB's the most common type is a) MF, N0N A2A b) LF, N0N A2A c) MF, N0N A1A D) LF, N0N A1A
The ICAO allocated frequency band for ADF receivers is
a) 255 - 455 kHz
b) 300 - 3000 kHz
c) 190 - 1750 kHz
c) 190 - 1750 kHz
Hver er formúlan til að finna range vs power fyrir NDB?
Power new/power old = (range new/range old)^2
Memoric: Power er á undan, think: power rangers
Memoric: New er að ofan því þú vilt nýja “power rangers kallinn”.
The BFO selector switch on the ADF control panel must be in the “ON” position to enable the pilot to hear the __ of the NDBs using __ transmission
IDENT, N0N A1A transmissions
The further away from the coast the greater/less coastal refraction is
You are on a magnetic heading of 10° and your ADF indicates a relative bearing of 350°. The QDM is..
0° - EAK
Night effect which causes loss og signal and fading is due to skywave distortion of the __ ___.
Null position.
Hvenær dags er night effect mest?
dawn and dusk
Mountain effect is caused by a) reflections b) diffractions c) absorption d) refraction
a) reflections
From what display can you get direct read-out (no calculations necessary) of magnetic bearing from aircraft to NDB.
a) Moving card ADF and RMI
b) Fixed card ADF and RMI
c) Moving and fixed card ADF
a) Moving card ADF and RMI
Þegar þú ætlar að breyta MB yfir í TB hvort notar þú VAR at station eða aircraft til að umbreyta?
Night effect: Caused by sky waves being reflected back from the ionosphere which happens because at night the _ layer in the ionosphere disappears and the signals reach the _ and _ layers which reflect them back.
D, E, F
Í NDB approach, hvað þarftu mikið tracking accuracy?
+/- 5% of published approach track
Using an ADF indicator of the manually rotatable card type, the card should be rotated so that ___ is at the top of the indicator.
aircraft heading
Aircraft height is or isn’t a limiting factor for the reception signals from an NDB.
It is not limiting. (Getur greinilega verið eins hátt/lágt og þú vilt og það limitar ekki NDB reception).
nefndu navigation system þar sem cumulonimbus er að valda errorum í indications.
Hver er megin munurinn á tracking og homing?
Wind correction. Tracking er búið að leiðrétta fyrir vind. Leiðin að NDB með homing væri eins og sívalningur. (Þetta er úr tíma).
NDB frequencies are _ - _ kHz LF/MF
190 - 1750 - Þetta er úr glæru sem hann sagði að kæmi á skólaprófi. Extra: Þetta er usually between 250-450 kHz.
NDB uses __ wave as propagation path
surface. - Þetta er úr glæru sem hann sagði að kæmi á skólaprófi.
What types of NDB’s are there? (two)
Locator (L) and En route NDB’s.
When using N0NA1A NDBs the BFO needs to be selected to on for
a) tuning
b) identification
c) monitoring.
allt (Annað en N0NA2A) sem þarf bara “tuning”.
The principle used in VOR bearing measurement is __ comparison
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz.
A VOT is a __ VOR
Mountain effect can effect
a) NDB
b) VOR
If VOR bearing information is used beyond the published protection range, errors could be caused by interference from..
other transmitters
Hvað er annað orð yfir “path deflection”?
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz.
The information carried by a signal emitted from a VOR is:
a) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the ident of the station
b) The direction from the aircraft to the VOR and the ident of the VOR
a) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the ident of the station
If CDI shows full deflection to the left of the CDI, angular deviation is _° or more.
Hvort er Doppler notkun í VOR frequency eða amplitude modulated?
Transmissions from VOR stations can be effected by uneven propagation over __ ground surfaces
Which of the following errors is associated with the use of VOR? a) quadrantal error b) night effect c) coastal refraction d) scalloping
d) scalloping
VHF notar hvaða wavelength?
In a VOR the radial is determined by measurement of the___ difference between the __ signal and the ___ signal.
phase, variable, reference.
Af hverju er DVOR less sensitive to site error than CVOR?
a) af því að í DVOR/CVOR er variable phase frequency modulated instead of amplitude modulated
DVOR er frequency modulated (því less sensitive to site error)
With regard to monitoring of a VOR, the monitor will remove the identification or switch off the VOR transmitter if there is a change in the magnetic bearing greater than _°.
Ef þú ert að horfa á RMI og þú sérð 060° in the tip of the VOR needle, á hvaða radial ertu?
Botninn á RMI needle segir okkur á hvaða radial við erum, svo þetta væri 240°. (Arrow points to the station).
Gæti 108.35 MHz verið terminal VOR?
Nærri því.. TVOR er 108 - 112 MHz eeen .35 er fyrir localiser, .25 gæti verið fyrir TVOR. Það eru bara 40 channels fyrir TVOR.
Rétt svar væri því Nei, en ef þetta væri 108.25 MHz þá gæti þetta verið terminal VOR.
Er mountain effect a concern for VOR and/or NDB?
The indication of a “FROM/TO” indicator of a CDI will shift when the value difference between the selected course and the measured radial passes __ in either direction.
Hefur TVOR limited eða unlimited range?
Ef það er talað um full right deflection, hvert þarftu að beygja?
beygja til hægri, sækja radíalinn. Línan er á síðsta punktinum hægra megin í OBS græjunni.
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz
If the reference phase differs 030° with the variable phase the radial from the VOR station will be __°.
Unless otherwise specified a a radial is the magnetic/true great circle direction from/to the beacon.
magnetic, from
The three main components of VOR airborne equipment is __, antenna and display.
A basic RNAV (B-RNAV) system required
a) RNP2
b) RNP5
b) RNP5
Í “Differential technique” (D-GPS), skiptir vegalengd frá stöð einhverju máli varðandi accuracy?
Hvort er meira accurate in bearing and distance, SSR eða Primary radar?
Primary radar
In a DME, the time between pulse pairs of the interrogation signal is at ___.
in ___ mode, more pulse pairs per second are transmitted than in the tracking mode.
DME; PBN path terminator “CA” means…
Course to an Altitude
The frequency of SSR ground transmission is __ MHz.
1030 MHz
In a primary radar using the pulse technique, range is affected by
a) PRF
b) Pulse width
c) Transmission frequency
A 3D RNAV system has navigation capability in the horiztontal plane:
a) As well as in the vertical plane and a timing function
b) and in the vertical plane
b) and in the vertical plane
DME; The wavelength used is __metric
memoric: (D)ME -> Deci
“Rho-rho” fix is obtained by using two..
Differential technique, DME; Fixed ground stations compute position errors and transmit correction data to a ___ ____ on the aircraft.
suitable receiver
What is the difference between the 3D RNAV and 4D RNAV?
With SSR, interrogation and response signals are standard frequencies separated by __ MHz.
How does a VOR/DME area navigation system select the DME stations to be used for position determination?
a) Pilot tunes the closes VOR/DME stations within range on the VOR/DME area navigation control panel
b) The VOR/DME area navigation system has its own NAV tuner and the system itself tunes the DME stations providing the most accurate position.
b) The VOR/DME area navigation system has its own NAV tuner and the system itself tunes the DME stations providing the most accurate position.
Minimum range of a primary radar, using the pulse technique, is determined by the ___ and the maximum unambiguous range by the ___.
fill in: a) pulse length b) transmission frequency c) pulse recurrence frequency d) transmitter power output
a) pulse length
c) pulse recurrence frequency
Hvað stendur SBAS fyrir?
Satellite Based Augmentation System