AE - Radio aids Flashcards
Hver er formúla range?
Range (NM) = 1.23 * (sqrtH1 + sqrtH2)
Hvað ræður VDF range?
Height of transmitter and receiver
Hvað stendur VDF fyrir?
VHF Direction finder
Hvaða Q-code er notaður fyrir magnetic bearing from station?
To get position you need one/two/three VDF’s at different locations, able to take bearings _____.
two, simultaneously
Ground direction finding uses _ at civil aerodromes and _ at military aerodromes.
Valmöguleikar: VHF,UHF,SHF
VDF measures the bearing of the aircraft with reference to ______ at the station
true or magnetic north
VHF direction finder uses __ wavelength
VDF class B accuracy is..
+/- 5°
One of the uses of the VDF service is providing the aircraft with
a) homing b) heading
a) homing
Hvað er homing?
Flying to a station and keeping a relative bearing of zero.
Multipath signals from an aircraft at the Ground VHF direction finder station may result in ___ ___.
bearing errors
The VDF class A accurary is..
+/- 2°
Hvað græðum við á því að nota AM í stað FM?
Getum notað fleiri rásir, meira frequency spacing.
A VDF may be used to provide the ATC controller with ___ of an aircraft in the absence of radar.
The VDF class C accuracy is _°.
+/- 10
Hver er Q code fyrir true bearing to a VDF station?
Memoric: J-joining (to)
To convert the RMI bearings of NDBs and VORs to true bearings the correct combination for the application of magnetic variation is:
NDB: Beacon position/aircraft position
VOR: Beacon position/aircraft position
NDB: Aircraft position
VOR: Beacon position
Locators are ____ used as an aid for final approach
Bearing errors caused by the shoreline/coastal effect reach their maximum on bearings _° - _° to the coastline
0°, 30°
Errors caused by the effect of coastal refractions on bearings at lower altitudes are max when the NDB is Inland/near coast and the bearing crosses the coast at acute/right angles.
inland, acute
When an ADF is correctly tuned to an NDB station but the needle is “hunting” and the signal is fading and growing louder alternately the reason is that the required ___ wave is being contaminated by __ waves.
ground, sky
Which statement is correct for homing towards an NDB in an area with constant wind and constant magnetic variation? The relative bearing of the NDB should be
a) equal to experienced drift angle
b) Equal to applied WCA
c) 000°
kept 000°.
NDB stendur fyrir..
Non Directional Beacon
ADF indication in a cockpit is a ___ on a fixed card indicator.
a) relative bearing b) true bearing c) magnetic bearing
a) relative bearing
Til hvers er BFO selector á ADF receiver?
Hear the IDENT of some NDB stations radiating a continuous wave signal.
What is most likely to have an effect on ADF accuracy?
Interference from other NDB’s particularly at night.
ADF stendur fyrir..
Automatic Direction Finder
When you select the BFO position the BFO circuit imposes a ___ onto the ___ to make the NDB’s ident audible.
tone, carrier wave
The ADF uses the wavelength:
a) decimetric b) metric c) hectometric or kilometric d) centimetric
c) hectometric or kilometric
Hvað þrennt getur þu´gert til að minnka shorline effect? (3 hlutir)
1) Valið stöð sem er 90° við ströndina (vilt ekki að shoreline effect magnist upp með því að vera heillengi að skera ströndina því það magnar sveigjuna (errorið)).
2) Nota stöðvar nær ströndinni
3) Fljúga hærra
Allocated frequency for NDB’s are..
190 - 1750 kHz
Hvað gerist fyrir range og accuracy of an NDB at night?
Range increases, accuracy decreases
The cause of “night effect” is a change in the direction of the plane of ___ due to ___ in the ionosphere.
polarization, reflection
When constant wind and magnetic variation; Relative bearing of the NDB should be equal to what?
drift angle.
The loop aerial as used in the ADF will receive a minimun or __ signal from a transmitter when the plane of the loop is at ___ angles to the direction of the transmitter
null, right
A VOR and an NDB are co-located. An aircraft equipped with an RMI is flying away from the beacons on a radial of 090° through an area where magnetic variation ic changing rapidly. What moves: ADF and/or VOR?
ADF moves.
VOR needle does not move.
Hvernig finnur þú magnetic bearing to station?
Magnetic heading + relative bearing
A locator is a high/low powered beacon. Typical range of _ to _ NM.
low, 10-25 NM.
The quadrantal error of an ADF is caused by the __ from the aircraft’s ___ and is compensated for.
refraction, fuselage
The mountain effect is caused by ___ onto steep slopes of mountainous terrain which may cause big errors in the __.
relections, bearing.
VOR indicators eru oft með signal warning failure flags, en hvað með ADF?
ADF er ekki með signal warning failure flag.
Á hvaða frequency er Locator að transmitta?
a) HF b) VHF c) LF d) MF
Bæði LF og MF.
Factors liable to affect most NDB/ADF system performance and reliability include:
a) coastal refraction - lane slip - mountain effect
b) static interference - night effect - absence of failure warning system
b) static interference - night effect - absence of failure warning system
Hvað veldur mestu inaccuracy í ADF bearings?
a) Coastal effect b) quadrantal error c) Local thunderstorm activity
c) Local thunderstorm activity
For long range NDB's the most common type is a) MF, N0N A2A b) LF, N0N A2A c) MF, N0N A1A D) LF, N0N A1A
The ICAO allocated frequency band for ADF receivers is
a) 255 - 455 kHz
b) 300 - 3000 kHz
c) 190 - 1750 kHz
c) 190 - 1750 kHz
Hver er formúlan til að finna range vs power fyrir NDB?
Power new/power old = (range new/range old)^2
Memoric: Power er á undan, think: power rangers
Memoric: New er að ofan því þú vilt nýja “power rangers kallinn”.
The BFO selector switch on the ADF control panel must be in the “ON” position to enable the pilot to hear the __ of the NDBs using __ transmission
IDENT, N0N A1A transmissions
The further away from the coast the greater/less coastal refraction is
You are on a magnetic heading of 10° and your ADF indicates a relative bearing of 350°. The QDM is..
0° - EAK
Night effect which causes loss og signal and fading is due to skywave distortion of the __ ___.
Null position.
Hvenær dags er night effect mest?
dawn and dusk
Mountain effect is caused by a) reflections b) diffractions c) absorption d) refraction
a) reflections
From what display can you get direct read-out (no calculations necessary) of magnetic bearing from aircraft to NDB.
a) Moving card ADF and RMI
b) Fixed card ADF and RMI
c) Moving and fixed card ADF
a) Moving card ADF and RMI
Þegar þú ætlar að breyta MB yfir í TB hvort notar þú VAR at station eða aircraft til að umbreyta?
Night effect: Caused by sky waves being reflected back from the ionosphere which happens because at night the _ layer in the ionosphere disappears and the signals reach the _ and _ layers which reflect them back.
D, E, F
Í NDB approach, hvað þarftu mikið tracking accuracy?
+/- 5% of published approach track
Using an ADF indicator of the manually rotatable card type, the card should be rotated so that ___ is at the top of the indicator.
aircraft heading
Aircraft height is or isn’t a limiting factor for the reception signals from an NDB.
It is not limiting. (Getur greinilega verið eins hátt/lágt og þú vilt og það limitar ekki NDB reception).
nefndu navigation system þar sem cumulonimbus er að valda errorum í indications.
Hver er megin munurinn á tracking og homing?
Wind correction. Tracking er búið að leiðrétta fyrir vind. Leiðin að NDB með homing væri eins og sívalningur. (Þetta er úr tíma).
NDB frequencies are _ - _ kHz LF/MF
190 - 1750 - Þetta er úr glæru sem hann sagði að kæmi á skólaprófi. Extra: Þetta er usually between 250-450 kHz.
NDB uses __ wave as propagation path
surface. - Þetta er úr glæru sem hann sagði að kæmi á skólaprófi.
What types of NDB’s are there? (two)
Locator (L) and En route NDB’s.
When using N0NA1A NDBs the BFO needs to be selected to on for
a) tuning
b) identification
c) monitoring.
allt (Annað en N0NA2A) sem þarf bara “tuning”.
The principle used in VOR bearing measurement is __ comparison
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz.
A VOT is a __ VOR
Mountain effect can effect
a) NDB
b) VOR
If VOR bearing information is used beyond the published protection range, errors could be caused by interference from..
other transmitters
Hvað er annað orð yfir “path deflection”?
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz.
The information carried by a signal emitted from a VOR is:
a) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the ident of the station
b) The direction from the aircraft to the VOR and the ident of the VOR
a) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the ident of the station
If CDI shows full deflection to the left of the CDI, angular deviation is _° or more.
Hvort er Doppler notkun í VOR frequency eða amplitude modulated?
Transmissions from VOR stations can be effected by uneven propagation over __ ground surfaces
Which of the following errors is associated with the use of VOR? a) quadrantal error b) night effect c) coastal refraction d) scalloping
d) scalloping
VHF notar hvaða wavelength?
In a VOR the radial is determined by measurement of the___ difference between the __ signal and the ___ signal.
phase, variable, reference.
Af hverju er DVOR less sensitive to site error than CVOR?
a) af því að í DVOR/CVOR er variable phase frequency modulated instead of amplitude modulated
DVOR er frequency modulated (því less sensitive to site error)
With regard to monitoring of a VOR, the monitor will remove the identification or switch off the VOR transmitter if there is a change in the magnetic bearing greater than _°.
Ef þú ert að horfa á RMI og þú sérð 060° in the tip of the VOR needle, á hvaða radial ertu?
Botninn á RMI needle segir okkur á hvaða radial við erum, svo þetta væri 240°. (Arrow points to the station).
Gæti 108.35 MHz verið terminal VOR?
Nærri því.. TVOR er 108 - 112 MHz eeen .35 er fyrir localiser, .25 gæti verið fyrir TVOR. Það eru bara 40 channels fyrir TVOR.
Rétt svar væri því Nei, en ef þetta væri 108.25 MHz þá gæti þetta verið terminal VOR.
Er mountain effect a concern for VOR and/or NDB?
The indication of a “FROM/TO” indicator of a CDI will shift when the value difference between the selected course and the measured radial passes __ in either direction.
Hefur TVOR limited eða unlimited range?
Ef það er talað um full right deflection, hvert þarftu að beygja?
beygja til hægri, sækja radíalinn. Línan er á síðsta punktinum hægra megin í OBS græjunni.
The frequency range of a VOR receiver is 108 - __ MHz
If the reference phase differs 030° with the variable phase the radial from the VOR station will be __°.
Unless otherwise specified a a radial is the magnetic/true great circle direction from/to the beacon.
magnetic, from
The three main components of VOR airborne equipment is __, antenna and display.
A basic RNAV (B-RNAV) system required
a) RNP2
b) RNP5
b) RNP5
Í “Differential technique” (D-GPS), skiptir vegalengd frá stöð einhverju máli varðandi accuracy?
Hvort er meira accurate in bearing and distance, SSR eða Primary radar?
Primary radar
In a DME, the time between pulse pairs of the interrogation signal is at ___.
in ___ mode, more pulse pairs per second are transmitted than in the tracking mode.
DME; PBN path terminator “CA” means…
Course to an Altitude
The frequency of SSR ground transmission is __ MHz.
1030 MHz
In a primary radar using the pulse technique, range is affected by
a) PRF
b) Pulse width
c) Transmission frequency
A 3D RNAV system has navigation capability in the horiztontal plane:
a) As well as in the vertical plane and a timing function
b) and in the vertical plane
b) and in the vertical plane
DME; The wavelength used is __metric
memoric: (D)ME -> Deci
“Rho-rho” fix is obtained by using two..
Differential technique, DME; Fixed ground stations compute position errors and transmit correction data to a ___ ____ on the aircraft.
suitable receiver
What is the difference between the 3D RNAV and 4D RNAV?
With SSR, interrogation and response signals are standard frequencies separated by __ MHz.
How does a VOR/DME area navigation system select the DME stations to be used for position determination?
a) Pilot tunes the closes VOR/DME stations within range on the VOR/DME area navigation control panel
b) The VOR/DME area navigation system has its own NAV tuner and the system itself tunes the DME stations providing the most accurate position.
b) The VOR/DME area navigation system has its own NAV tuner and the system itself tunes the DME stations providing the most accurate position.
Minimum range of a primary radar, using the pulse technique, is determined by the ___ and the maximum unambiguous range by the ___.
fill in: a) pulse length b) transmission frequency c) pulse recurrence frequency d) transmitter power output
a) pulse length
c) pulse recurrence frequency
Hvað stendur SBAS fyrir?
Satellite Based Augmentation System
To have RAIM function in a GPS you need _ satellites.
The two main design functions of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Mode S are air to ground and ____ datalink communications and improved ATC ___ surveillance capability.
ground to air, aircraft
The heaviest turbulence is likely to be encountered where the area of heaviest precipitation is closest to the __ of the thunderstorm ___.
edge, cell
In the SSR response, the operation of the IDENT button
a) sends a special pulse after the normal response pulse train
b) send a special pulse before the normal response pulse train
a) sends a special pulse after the normal response pulse train
a) The indicated distance is the ground distance measured from the aircraft’s projected position on the ground to the DME ground installation
b) The DME operating frequencies are in the UHF frequency band.
b) The DME operating frequencies are in the UHF frequency band.
Hvað stendur AFCS fyrir?
Automatic Flight Control System
Skv. EASA reglugerð um EFIS, hvaða litur stendur fyrir AFCS mode engaged?
Hvað þýðir “de-fruiting” í SSR terminology? The removal of __ __ from the display
random responses
With mode-S each aircraft can be uniquely interrogated and identified by using the __ bits address code, giving more than __ million possible codes.
24, 16
Í GPS þá er “all in view” the receiver is tracking all currently ___ satellites above the receivers mask angle and uses them to compute the position.
GLONASS satellites orbit faster around the earth than __ satellites
DME operates in the __ band and is a primary/secondary radar system
UHF, secondary
Galileo GNSS: The navigation message basically contains information concerning the satellite orbit and the __ references.
In respect of the use of GNSS, Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a loss of accuracy due to
a) relative position of the visible satellites
b) use of satellites at low altitudes
c) multi-path signals from satellites
a) relative position of the visible satellites
X in RNAV X or RNP X is the __ navigation accuracy (total system error) in __ NM, which is expected to be achieved at least __ of the flight time.
lateral, NM, 95%
In order to carry out an independent three-dimensional fix, receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) and failure detection and exclusion of any faulty satellite, signal reception is required from a minimum number of how many satellites?
Hvaða formúlu notar þú til að fá Pulse Repetition Frequency?
range (km) = 300 000 / PRF*2
En error during PBN operations rising from the RNAV system and its inability to accurately specify the desired path is a __ ___ error
path definition error, PDN
Track-line á EHSI represents track of the aircraft over ___. When it coincides with the desired track, __ influence is compensated for.
ground, wind
When a GPS receiver is using altitude as an augmentation to RAIM, the number of satellites to perform RAIM function can be..
reduced by one.
Which component of typical EFIS generates the visual displays on the EADI and EHSI?
Symbol generator
To improve the etection of precipitation areas in e.g. thunderstorms, in which the top of the cloud lies at or slightly above th elevel of flight; the tilt setting should be ___ when the aircraft ___.
lower, climbs to a higher altitude.
Orbital height of the GALILEO satellites circling the earth: ___ km.
In the navigation message of GPS, what is contained in the almanac data?
a) Orbital data about all satellites in the GPS constellation
b) broadcast ephemeris data of the navigation message of a GPS satellite
a) Orbital data about all satellites in the GPS constellation
Which of the following types of shapes depicted on an Airborne Weather Radar (AWR) display should be avoided?
a) Cumulonimbus, TRS, Thunderstorms
b) Fingers, Hooks, Scallops
b) Fingers, Hooks, Scallops
RNAV giving a flight crew control of lateral guidance function needs to perform functions:
a) Conform to WGS-84 geodetic reference system
b) Fly parallel tracks at the selected offset distance
c) Execute a modified flight plan after positive action by the flight crew
d) Control automatically the speed of the aircraft in order to reach a waypoint at a specified time (timing function)
a) Conform to WGS-84 geodetic reference system
b) Fly parallel tracks at the selected offset distance
c) Execute a modified flight plan after positive action by the flight crew
EAK: Kannski er trikkið að RNAV er ekki að pæla í hraða og/eða tímasetningu.
In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR GPS, the term inclination denotes the angle between the ___ plane at the location of the receiver and the __ line to a satellite.
horizontal, direct
FMS includes
1) obstacles 2) waypoints 3) SID, STAR 4) Terrain cells 5) Magnetic Variation
2) waypoints
5) Magnetic Variation
Which is not improved by the application of differential GPS?
a) Tropospheric delays b) selective availability c) satellite clock error d) Multi-path effects
d) Multi-path effects
A weather radar, set to the 100 NM scale, shows a squall at 50 NM. By changing the scale to 50 NM, the return on the radar screen should __ in area and move to the ___ of the screen.
increase, top
Hér er átt við að “the squall” eða “return” sem er þarna á weather radarnum stækkar í svæði, ef þú zoomar inn.
Hver er formúla slant range?
Slant range = sqrt ( true range ^2 + height^2)
GALILEO: _ satellites, _ orbital planes. Orbital height is ___ km.
30, 3, 23.200 km
Which aircraft will be denied first, if the number of pulse pairs received by a DME transponder exceeds the maximum number possible?
b) the aircraft which the weakest pulse pairs are received
b) the aircraft which is flying at the greatest distance from the DME station.
b) the aircraft which the weakest pulse pairs are received
The maximum range of primary radar depends on
a) Pulse length
b) Pulse repetition frequency
b) Pulse repetition frequency
Which gives the most accurate calculation of aircraft ground speed?
a) VOR b) VDF c) ADF d) DME
d) DME
Middle marker of an ILS is identified audibly and visually by a series of — dashes/alternate dots and dashes/two dashes — and an [colour} light flashing.
alternate dots and dashes, amber
While performing an ILS approach, the maximum safe “fly-up” indication of the glide path needle is ___ dots.
Hvernig reiknar þú út approximate angular coverage of reliable navigation information fyrir 3°ILS glideslope to a distance of 10 NM?
Above horizontal: Frá 0.45 * 3, til 1.75 * 3.
Each side: 8°
Efri gildin eru fasti sem þú margfaldar við tiltekna glideslope en each side er bara fast 8 held ég.
The amplitude modulation and colour of outer marker light is..
400 Hz, blue
ILs receiver on approach and flying glidepath; receives modulation from which lobe? Is the depth equal?
both, equal depth
The indicator needle using an ILS is centered when the difference in depth of modulation (DDM) is..
What is regarded as maximum safe deviation below glide path using ILS approach? __ deflection
half scale deflection
Flying an ILS back-beam approach, you are flying a a) Non-precision b) Precision - approach on the ___ runway of the precision approach runway.
Non-precision, reciprocal
Full deflection on a glide slope indicator indicates the aircraft is __ above or below the correct glide path.
A localiser must provide a minimum horizontal coverage to a distance of __ NM..
a) over a sector of 35° each side of center line
b) all around
17, a) over a sector of 35° each side of center line
The ILS receiver of an aircraft flying down the exact runway centreline will receive __ Hz and 150 Hz lobes at __ depth
90, equal
The ILS middle marker modulation frequency is..
1300 Hz
The principle operation of an ILS is the difference of ___
depth of modulation
The ILS marker with the lowest aural frequency is the ___ marker
The sensitive area of an ILSwhere vehicles or taxiing aircraft may not enter when category ___ ILS operations are in progres
In which frequency band does an ILS glide slope transmit?
Outer marker: _ NM from threshold
Middle marker: _ NM from threshold
Glide path transmitter: _ metres from threshold
Localiser transmitter: _ behind end of runway
10 NM, 1.5 NM, 300 metres, 300 metres.
Hvernig myndir þú reikna rate of descent needed to maintain a 3° glide path at ground speed 90 kts?
Notar trigonometry.
Dæmi: 3° glideslope, GS 90 kts (9120 ft pr min) og representar þetta langhliðina á þríhyrningnum (pathið).
tan(3) = x/9120 => x = 478 ft/min
ILS glide path provides azimuth coverage __ each side of the localiser centerline to a distance of _ NM from the threshold.
8°, 10
Regarding ILS, if the aircraft strays right, the higher tone lobe will be received at a lower/higher intensity than th elower tone lobe.
A DDM of zero in an ILS indicates..
exact runway centerline
The depth of modulation ___ away from the centerline
A DDM of zero indicates a ___ between modulations
A CAT III glide path transmitter provides reliable guidance information down to..
the surface of the runway
The back beam of a localizer antenna can be used as a published ___ approach
The audio frequency modulation of the middle marker shall be keyed as follows: a continuous series of alternate dots and dashes, the dashes keyed at the rate of _ dashes per second and the dots at the rate of _ dots per second
2, 6
An ILS category II ground installation is one that is capable of providing guidance to a height of: _ m above the horizontal plane containing the threshold.
The localiser is positioned on the approach/non-approach end of the runway at __ metres.
non-approach, 300 meters
Which of the following list use the VHF band?
a) locator b) localiser c) outer marker d) glide path
b) localiser, c) outer marker
Glide path notar UHF, locator uses MF/LF
The color of the light flashing in the middle marker is..
The flashing light in the inner marker is what colour?
If you go beyond the maximum safe deviation below the glide path during ILS (more than half scale deflection), what shall you do?
initiate a go-around
FM-immunity filters protect what equipment against interference?
a) glideslope
b) localiser
c) dme
b) localiser
The audio frequency modulation of the outer marker shall be keyed: _ dashes per second continuously.
At what height is the middle marker flown over? __ AAL
The visual and aural indications of the ILS outer marker are: a __ light and _ dashes per second of _Hz modulated tone
blue, 2, 400
The localiser transmitters operate in a frequency band between __ MHz and __ MHz.
108, 111.975
The UHF band is assigned to:
a) locator b) localiser c) outer marker d) glide path
d) glide path
The standard minima for a CAT I ILS approach are: DH __ ft, RVR __m.
200 ft, 550 m.
ILS produces:
a) A radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90 Hz and a 150 Hz signal
b) two lobes modulated in frequency by a 90 hz and a 150 Hz signal
a) A radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90 Hz and a 150 Hz signal
The ILS marker identified audibly by a series of alternate dots and dashes is the
a) locator b) inner marker c) middle marker d) outer marker
c) middle marker
Full scale deflection of the localiser needle indicates that the aircraft is approximately
a) 2.5° offset from the localiser centerline
b) 5° offset from the localiser centerline
a) 2.5° offset from the localiser centerline
The localiser transmits in __ band
Inner marker is identified audibly by a series of dots _/sec.
ILS marker beacon transmits:
a) 90 MHz b) 150 MHz c) 75 MHz
c) 75 MHz
Assuming a five dot display, what does each dot represent?
þeas ef þú ert alveg í endann þá ertu með 2.5 dots
In an ILS, all markers transmit at _ MHz.
Which of the following is an ILS localiser frequency?
a) 112.10 Mhz b) 108.25 MHz c) 109.15 MHz d) 110.20 MHz
c) 109.15 MHz
Tvennt sem þú þarft að vita
Localiser er á 108 MHz - 111.975 MHz
Hitt er að það kemur alltaf oddatala á eftir punktinum.
When using ILS back-beam approach procedure, using a HSI, you must set the course arrow to the localizer ___ course.
The FM-immune filter makes the ILS localiser ___ less susceptible to interference from commerical __ stations.
receiver, FM.
T.d. radio og television.
Outer marker identification is _ dashes per second
Glide slope beacon is characterized by a UHF frequency with a minimum/maximum range of _ NM
minimum range of 10 NM
Glide path antenna is located
a) 200m before the threshold
b) 300m from the far end of the runway
c) 300m beyond the threshold
c) 300m beyond the threshold
What are the modulation frequencies of the two overlapping lobes that are used on an ILS approach?
90 Hz og 150 Hz
ILS glidepath is normally intercepted between - NM from the runway threshold
Category II operation is a precision instrument approach and landing, with a DH lower than __ ft but not lower than __ ft and a RVR not less than __ m.
200, 100, 300
ILS localiser radiation pattern: Two overlapping lobes on different/the same - UHF/VHF - carrier frequency.
the same VHF carrier frequency
Modulation used for ILS is
a) frequency b) dual c) amplitude d) phase
c) amplitude
An aircraft tracking to intercept the instrument landing system (ILS) localiser inbound on the approach side, outside published ILS coverage angle, may…
receive false course indication.
Distance in MLS is measured by __ co-located with the MLS transmitters
The azimuth transmitter of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) provides a fan-shaped horizontal approach zone which is usually +/- _° of the runway center line
Which frequency band does the MLS use?
MLS operates on one of __ channels in the band 5.03 GHz to 5.09 GHz (SHF).
Kostur við MLS er: insensitive to __ site and can be installed at sites where it is not possible to use an ILS.
“Many different approaches to the same runway may be defined by a single set of ground equipment” er kostur við
a) DME b) VOR c) MLS d) ILS
c) MLS
MLS not equipped with DME provides basically the same approach capabilities as __.
The addition of DME-P to MLS is necessary to obtain ___ positions
three dimensional
Hvert er range MLS?
20 NM
MLS uses the wavelength ___.
Major ground based components of an MLS are 1. seperate azimuth and elevation ___ and 2. __ facility
transmitters, DME
MLS gets 3d fix by timing the passage of two scanning beams from __ co-located with __.
transmitters, DME
When performing an MLS approach, the aircraft receives elevation information __ times as frequent as ___ information.
3, azimuth
MLS principle of operation is based on __ reference scanning beam
The scanning beam of the MLS is called the..
Time reference scanning beam
MLS can minimise ___ errors because the transmission can be ___ to avoid reflection by stationary objects.
multipath, interrupted
A locator beacon differs from an NDB with respect to:
1) operational use
2) transmission power
3) presentation in the cockpit
4) Frequency band
1) operational use
2) transmission power
Locator beacon lítur alveg eins út á mælaborðinu og greinilega eru allir NDB á sama frequency band.
Eru flestir long range NDB’s LF eða MF? Eru þeir oftast N0N A1A eða N0N A2A?
In order to obtain an ADF bearing on a system using sense and lop aerials, the
a) sense aerial must be tuned seperately
b) mode selector should be switched to “loop”
c) BFO witch must be selected to “ON”
d) signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials
d) signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials
The information carried by a signal emitted from a VOR is
a) the direction from the aircraft to the VOR and the identification of the VOR
b) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the identification of the station.
b) in what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the identification of the station.
Regarding the monitoring of a VOR, the monitor will remove the identification or switch off the VOR transmitter if there is a change of magnetic bearing greater than _°
In a VOR receiver the radial is determined by measurement of the
a) time difference between the reception of the variable signal and the reference signal
b) phase difference between the variable signal and the reference signal
b) phase difference between the variable signal and the reference signal
Memoric: Feisaðu vorið, gott veður.
Transmissions from VOR facilities are effected by
a) static interference
b) uneven propagation over irregular ground surfaces
b) uneven propagation over irregular ground surfaces
A frequency of 119.70 MHz is typical for:
a) Approach control
b) Terminal VOR
a) Approach control
If an aircraft flies along a VOR radial it will follow a
a) Great circle track
d) line of constant bearing
a) Great circle track
Two airplanes are located on the same radial but at (arbitrary) different distances from a VOR station.
At a certain moment in time, both the ___ of the reference signals and the variable signals are unequal/equal for both aircraft.
phase, unequal
Unless otherwise specified a radial is:
a) the true great circle direction to the beacon
b) the magnetic great circle direction from the beacon
c) the true great circle direction from the beacon
d) b) the magnetic great circle direction to the beacon
b) the magnetic great circle direction from the beacon
Localiser transmitters operate in a frequency band between 108 Mhz and ..
111.975 MHz
The function of a FM immune filter is to make
a) the ILS localiser receiver less susceptible to interference from commercial FM-stations (radio and television).
b) the ILS localiser receiver and glide path less susceptible to interference from commercial FM-stations (radio and television).
a) the ILS localiser receiver less susceptible to interference from commercial FM-stations (radio and television).
Hvar er ILS localiser aerial transmitterinn?
approach end eða non-approach end?
150m to the side of runway eða extended centerline?
non-approach end, extended centerline
ILS produces
a) A 90 Hz lobe and a 150 Hz lobe which are amplitude modulated by the VHF frequency of the ILS
b) a radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90 Hz and a 150 Hz signal
b) a radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90 Hz and a 150 Hz signal
On what carrier frequency does the inner marker transmit?
a) 75 MHz
b) 3000 MHz
a) 75 MHz
Er MLS með seperate azimuth and elevation transmitters?
já, er með 1. azimuth transmitter 2. elevation transmitter og svo reyndar líka 3. DME station sem er hluti af þessu.
Kostur við MLS er að: many different approaches to the same runway may be defined by a single set of ___ equipment
Hvernig er MLS (not equipped with DME P) varðandi approach capabilities m.v. ILS
Basically same approach capabilities
MLS allows the aircraft to fix it’s position accurately in 3-D by means of
a) timing the interval between pulses in azimuth and elevation and timing the delay for pulses to reach the aircraft to define range
b) timing the passage of two scanning beams from transmitters co-located with DME.
b) timing the passage of two scanning beams from transmitters co-located with DME.
Microwave landing system uses:
a) metric
b) centimetric
b) centimetric
When performing an MLS approach receives elevation information __ times as frequent as azimuth information.
MLS is sensitive/insensitive to geographical site
Distance on MLS is measured by
a) phase comparison between azimuth and elevation beams
b) a DME co-located with the MLS transmitters
b) a DME co-located with the MLS transmitters
The maximum range obtainable from an ATC Long Range Surveillance Radar is approximately
a) 50-100 NM
b) 300-400 NM
c) 100-200 NM
d) 200-300 NM
d) 200-300
Typical range for a Terminal Area surveillance radar is __ NM
Hvernig wavelength penetreitar cloud?
long wavelength
Which one is a correct statement regarding the DME?
a) The indicated distance is the ground distance measured from the aircraft’s projected position on the ground to the DME ground installation
b) The DME operating frequencies are in the UHF frequency band
b) The DME operating frequencies are in the UHF frequency band
DME uses the wavelength __metric
memoric: (D)ME - (D)eci
DME operates in the _HF band and is a primary/secondary radar system
UHF, secondary
DME computes the __ range.
Hver er formúlan fyrir slant range (ef þú vilt t.d. reikna readout úr DME)
Slant range = sqrt(true range^2 + height^2)
Which statement is correct for tracking towards an NDB in an area with constant wind and constant magnetic variation?
a) the relative bearing of the NDB should be equal (in magnitude and sign) to the experienced Drift angle.
b) The relative bearing of the NDB should be equal (in magnitude and sign) to the applied wind correction angle.
a) the relative bearing of the NDB should be equal (in magnitude and sign) to the experienced Drift angle.
What statement is correct with respect to the range of an NDB?
a) The range depends on the altitude of the aircraft
b) With propagation over sea the range will be greater than the range with propagation over land
b) With propagation over sea the range will be greater than the range with propagation over land
In order to obtain an ADF bearing on a system using sense and loop aerials the
a) BFO switch must be selected to “ON”
b) signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials
b) signal must be received by both the sense and loop aerials
If a failed RMI rose is stuck on 090° and the ADF pointer indicates 225°, the relative bearing to the station will be..
An aircraft is HOMING to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing of zero. If the magnetic heading decreases, the aircraft is experiencing
a) left drift b) zero drift c) wind from west d) right drift
d) right drift
The information carried by a signal emitted from a VOR is
a) In what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the identification of the station
b) The magnetic north reference signal and the identification signal for the correction direction of the aircraft
a) In what magnetic direction the signal left the VOR antenna, and the identification of the station
Ef þú færð að RMI needle tip sé 060, á hvaða radíal ertu staðsettur?
240, held að þetta sé rétt.
If an aircraft flies along a VOR radial it will follow a
a) great circle track
b) line of constant bearing
c) constant magnetic track
d) rhumb line track
a) great circle track
Two signals transmitted by a conventional VOR ground station are 180° out of phase on magnetic
a) north b) south c) west d) east
b) south
The sensitive area of an ILS is the area where vehicles and taxiing aircraft may not enter when
a) CAT I ILS operations are in progress
b) CAT II/III ILS operations are in progress
c) ILS operations are in progress
b) CAT II/III ILS operations are in progress
II og III eru svaka precision, það er því viðkæmt og má ekki trufla.
False beams will only be found ___ the glide path.
ILS transmitters use
a) VHF band
b) UHF band
c) UHF and VHF bands
c) UHF and VHF bands
Full scale deflection of the localiser needle indicates that the aircraft is approximately:
a) 5° offset from the localiser centerline
b) 10° offset from the localiser centerline
c) 2.5° offset from the localiser centerline
c) 2.5° offset from the localiser centerline
Önnur spurning spyr hvað gerist fyrir VOR deflection ef localiserinn er kominn á outer scale. Þar sem hann er 2.5 og VOR miðast við 10° full scale deflection þá er VOR að hreyfast 1/4 með localiser.
The ILS glide path is normally intercepted between _ to _ NM from the runway threshold.
3, 10
Full deflection on a glide slope indicator indicates that the aircraft is _° above or below the correct glide path.
Which is protected by the FM-immunity filters?
a) Glideslope
b) Localiser
c) Glideslope and localiser
b) Localiser
Memoric: “Your local FM station is protected”
When using a ILS back-beam approach procedure and using an HSI you must set the course arrow to the localiser ___-beam course.
ILS is subject to false glide paths resulting from:
a) multiple lobes of radiation patterns in the vertical plane
b) spurious signals reflected by nearby obstacles
a) multiple lobes of radiation patterns in the vertical plane
Hvað er maximum deflection í ILS? _°
- 35 MHz can only be:
a) a VOR frequency b) an ILS frequency
c) a NDB frequency d) an ATC frequency
b) an ILS frequency
(þar sem það er oddatala eftir punktinn) og þetta er á bilinu 108.0 - 111.975.
ILS er 108.0 - _ MHz
VOR er 108.0 - _ MHz
ILS er 108.0 - 111.975 MHz
VOR er 108.0 - 117.975 MHz
Ef “the tip of a RMI needle” segir 060, á hvaða radíal erum við?
- Tip of RMI needle bendir alltaf á stöðina og ef hún bendir 60° þá er stöðin í 60° frá þar sem þú ert, þú ert þá frá stöðinni séð í 240°.