Advertiser Qualification Flashcards
What are our default products?
- CT One Tag
- Performance Banners
- FBX RHS + Newsfeed
What are the 5 main categories of questions to ask a new client?
- Advertiser’s activity
- Technical Context
- Campaign Targets
- Competition Landscape
- Marketing Context
What are the 5 key questions for advertiser’s activity and their purpose?
To understand the advertiser’s business and propose the right campaign
- What’s the advertiser’s vertical ? (to identify established offerings in the vertical)
- What does the advertiser sell? ( to identify relevant tagging scenarios)
- Product/Service?
- Single or multiple products? # of products in feed?
- Standard or highly customized?
- One or many products in cust carts?
- How does the advertiser make money? ( to determine what metrics advertiser will value)
- Through sales or converting users?
- Through advertising revenue or unique users?
- What does the advertiser consider a conversion? ( helps identify relevant tagging scenarios and key campaign metrics)
- sales orr filled-in web form or qualified lead etc
- What’s the advertiser’s global strategy and perspectives? ( helps anticipate on upcoming notable changes)
What are the 6 key questions for marketing context and their purpose?
Know advertiser’s organization for advertising
- What’s the advertising budget? ( determine potential revenue for CT)
- How is the advertising budget organized? ( provide further info on advertising’s retargeting budget)
- One overall budget or separate budget for acquisition?
- Budget split between performance and branding?
- Budget split between search, Display, affliate marketing?
- Any other splits?
- Does the advertiser work through an agency?
- Who is the main contact for the campaign? ( determine who will be involved in the decision process for campaigns)
- Are advertising budgets fixed in advance or open and defined based on campaign ROAs? ( define if advertiser work on finite or performance-based budget)
- What are the advertiser’s marketing actions? (identify potential optimizations to support these actions and potential explanation to variations in performance)
- Specific marketing operations
- Seasonal actions ( sales, back to school, summer)
- Regular or ad-hoc modigications on advertiser’s website
What are the 7 key questions for competition landscape and their purpose?
Competition & performance, budget attribution across channels
- What are the other advertising channels used by the advertiser? ( assess competition landscape)
- How is the budget split among these channels? ( further evaluate account’s potential and identify weight of retargeting)
- What do they do on mobile? Do they have a mobile site? App? Cross-device solution? ( assess potential on mobile channel)
- Does the advertiser work with a competing retargeting company? ( Assess Criteo’s position with the AC, anticipate impact on performance attribution and user exposure)
- Which conversions are taken into account?
- Post click or post view?
- Windows of attribution?
- Are sales deduplicated among the different advertising channels? If yes, how?
- prioritization? First or last click?
- Which deduplication tool is used?
- Single deduplication platform for all channels?
- How are the sales attributed among the different advertising channels? ( for 5-7, make sure we’re assessing performance on the same baseline as advertiser and to assess competition landscape)
What are the 4 key questions for business target and their purpose?
Objectives of the advertiser’s campaign - very important and should be established in first few meetings. Key to switching advertiser to uncapped budget
- Besides additional business, what’s the target pursued by the advertiser by implementing a CT campaign?
- New clients acquisition
- Focus on volumes of conversion
- Focus on revenue
- Other ( visibility, UU)
- What are the key metrics that he advertiser follows? ( for 1 2, enables to determine how to optimize the campaign to reach the target and identify what the advertiser will value)
- Global revenue
- New customer rate
- Average Cart
- CR
- Other ( Cost per UU, ROAs)
- Are there specific targets to reach for these metrics?( help idenitfy relevant tagging scenarios and key campaign metrics)
- Are the targets fixed? Do the targets vary relative to colume delivered? ( help optimize the campaign. Note: advertisers sometimes consider this confidential info. However, this info is v.useful to optimize campaigns based on a target and is also provided to affiliates)
What are the 4 key questions for advertiser’s activity and their purpose?
Compatibility with CT, indications on the integration
- What’s the advertiser’s website structure?
- Website live? What’s its URL?
- Does the website have dedicated pages for each product?
- A dedicated sales confirmation page?
- Does the advertiser have a catalogue feed? What’s its structure? ( for 1&2, provide info to TS team, help determine technical integration to be implemented, enable TS to determine if SWAT is needed)
- What info in the feed? ( name, price , image & landing page URL for each product?)
- advertiser’s feed covers its full inventory of products?
- Stable product inventory in terms of product actual existence, price and quantity?
- Products requiring blacklisting? ( adult, wine, drugs)
- Does the advertiser have partnerships with webanalytics solutions or other technical facilitators? ( identify if CT also has a partnership with the solutions used by advertiser and if partner already includes CT One Tag in its library)
- What’s the advertiser’s tagging capabilities? ( ensure we cnan have CT One Tag quickly implelented and get hased emails with MD5 technology)
- Tag management solution?
- Email encryption solution?
- Conversion pixel implementation?