what increases the risk of adverse drug rxns (3)
- pts over 60
- women>men
- multiple drug therapy
what are the pharmacokinetic mechanisms for drug interactions (4)
GIT absorbtion
Drug distribution
Renal Excretion
What is the threshold limit value in industry
value descrubes the permitted exposure usually weighted for an 8 hr period (substance per cubic meter air)
what does 1ppm mean
1 miligram per kilogram
what is NOAEL and LOAEL
no observable adverse events level
low observable adverse events level
What is the calculation for safe human dose
NOAEL/Uncertentiy factors
What is the non biological factors of metals
tendency to ionize
1st time= end with ous
2nd time= end with ic
trivalent chromium vs hexavalent chromium- toxicity
tri- relatively non toxic
hexa- toxic and carcinogenic
what form of lead, tin, mercury absorb more redialy
Organic forms
Rank order of toxicity: elemental mercury, methyl mercury, divalent mercury
methly> elemental> divalent
what does acute exposure to Hg cause (4)
Hg affinity for SH groups- causing disruption of cell membranes
- displacement of other cations
- reduction in mito glutathione
- effect on peripheral motor neurons
What are the negative effects of lead
Hematopoetic toxicity- reduced heme/ hemaglobin
Interference w synaptic function/ nts
What are the negative effects of cadmium
- irritation of GIT
- highly nephrotoxic in prox tubule
- disturbance in calcium metabolism (cause osteomalacia)
what does inhalation of arsenic lead to
inhalation leads to lung cancer
What are the negative effects of arsenic
- vascular lesions
- GIT irratation
- affect on peripheral motor neurons
- headache/confusion
- liver jaundice/cirrhosis
- mees lines in nails
Negative effects of chromium
Respiratory major target for organ toxicity
Carcinogenic- lung and GI
Negative effects of beryllium
inhalation route of exposure
-lung fibrosis, pneumonitis, cardiomegaly
what is lithium used for
bipolar manic depressive
What is platin used for
inhibits cell div
What is gold used for
rheumatoid arthritis
What is silver used for
bactericidal eye creame for newborns
What is cheation and how is it excreted
Formation of metal ion complexes with ligand to detoxify
What does ethylene diamine tetraacetitic acid chelate
What was british anti lewisite used for
chelate antidote against arsenic, mercury, antimony, chromium, cadium, gold, nickel
What is penicillamine used to chelate
What was desferrioxamine use to chelate
what are the 3 major urban pollutants
- total suspended particulate matter
- Sulfur oxides
- ground level ozone
What is arthropogenic material
created by human activuty
whtat is sick building syndrome and what does it cause
poor ventilation
–eyes, nose, headache, fatigue, reduced attention span, irritability, nosebleeds
what type of polution is dickens londons particular
sulfur dioxide and smoke from incomplete combustion of coal - reducing type
what type of polution is los angles
oxident type consisting of hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen- contributes to ground level ozone
What is photochemical air pollution
when exposed to light NO molecules split and great reactive oxygen with reacts w oxygen in air to make ozone (cycle)
Drugs that affect bronchial mm contraction
- antihistamines
- synpathomimetic agents
- beta 2 selective adreno receptor agonists
- anticholinergic drugs
- calcium channel blockers
- anti inflammatory steroids