Advantages of League of Nations Flashcards
What was the work done by?
Name 2 Comissions
Disarmament -reduce size of armies and weapons.
Mandates -keep an eye on German and Turkish colonies
Name 5 things that were improved/done
Refugees Turkey 1922 stamped out cholera,smallpox and dysentery ,former prisoners
Working conditions-ILO (international labour organisation)improved working condition
Health- WHOh helped defeat diseases leprosy ,reduce cases of malaria
Transport-Introduced highway codes for road users
Social problems-Blacklisted illegal drug G,D,F,S companies.Tracked drug trafficking,prostitution & slavery
Name the court based in Holland and what it did?
Permanent Court of Justice
sorted out legal disputes between countries
What was the job of the SECRETARIAT?
Sorting out paperwork and general organisation of all these agencies