Advanced Web Analytics Flashcards
What are Dimensions?
The attributes of your data (e.g., page URL, page title, category, color, etc.)
> > Rows of data (typically represented)
What are Metrics?
The quantative measurement (are the columns in GA). Can be:
- Quantity (#)
- Ratio or Percentage (%)
- Monetary ($)
- Time Duration (0:00)
Examples: Page Views, Sessions, Revenue, Transactions
What are the 5 Building Blocks of Google Analytics?
The sections of reports available:
- ) Audience Building Block - characteristics of users - technographic (devices, browsers, sessions, etc) and demographics (age, income, etc.)
- ) Acquisition Building Block - characteristics of traffic origin and campaigns
- ) Behavior Building Block - how users interact with the site
- ) Conversions Building Block
- ) Calculated Building Block - combination/blended metrics
What is a User in Google Analytics?
Is a session from the same browser and device (cookie-based identifier)
What is a Source?
The specific name of the channel/medium that brought in the traffic (e.g., LinkedIn)
What is a Channel?
Grouping of traffic sources used to make analysis easy (rule-based grouping)
What is a Medium in Google Analytics?
A category of the source (e.g., organic or paid search)
What are Campaigns in Google Analytics?
Allow you to track cost, impressions, clicks
What metric is used to determine the effectiveness of a page?
Page Views
What is a Session?
A series of page views within a certain period of time
What is a Bounce?
A session with a single page view
What is Session Duration?
Sum of total time on each page
What are events?
Measure specific user interactions
What is Site Search?
Measure of the number of searches for a specific term
What are calculated metrics?
> > Combination of two distinct metrics to create a new view of the data;
> > is also taking metrics from each of the GA building blocks (acquisition, audience, behavior and conversion) to create a new view of the data.
- Average Page Views/Session (# Page Views in Behavior Building Block and Sessions from Audience Building Block)
- Bounce Rate - # Single Page Views/Sessions
- Click-Through Rate - Clicks/Impressions
- Conversion Rate - # Transactions or Goals/#Sessions
What are compound metrics?
A very complex forumla involving more than 2 variables and are weighted in importance
(e.g., credit score, qualified visit rate, Twitter resonance, engagement score, etc.)
Think: Calculated has an ‘a.’ Compound has a ‘o’ as the second letter. A comes before O. A is the least complex forumla.
What is the Data Dictionary in Google Analytics?
Lists all of the available dimensions and metrics in GA and how they are used, named and limitations
What is Web Analytics?
Focused on analysis of web data only
What is Digital Analytics?
Focuses on the analysis of all data platforms, including social, email, digital ads, mobile apps, third-party sources, websites, etc.
Can Digital Analytics be combined with other sources?
Yes. Can combine with sales, offline information, qualitative data to inform strategy
What is Analysis?
The process of breaking complex topics down into smaller more understandable parts
What are 3 elements of Digital Analytics?
- ) Context - what is the problem or opportunity that we are trying to solve
- ) Data - what sources of data will be used - internal, external, quant, qualitative, offline, online?
- ) Creativity - how do we leverage best practices to arrive at original solutions
What are the 4 types of digital analytics?
Descriptive - What happened?
Diagnostic - Why did it happen?
Predictive - What will happen?
Prescriptive - What can be done to prevent bad results and optimize for good results?
Remember - Medical terms (diagnosis and prescriptive).
Remember that prescriptions prevent bad conditions from getting worse. Prescriptive analytics is the same.)
How many segments can you apply at once in Google Analytics?