Advanced PPC Flashcards
What is the goal of the search process?
Discover solutions to problems
Why is it important that your ad convey that your brand has the solution to their problem?
Convey relevance and importance
What is the buying funnel?
The process users go through to determine whether to buy a product/service. It is important to understand user’s buying decisions at each stage so can create appropriate messages.
What are the 4 stages of the buying funnel?
- ) Awareness
- ) Consideration
- ) Buying
- ) Retention
Do keywords change throughout the buying funnel?
Yes (keywords and behavior changes throughout the funnel)
At what stage do users tend to use broad keywords in their search?
What type of keywords are used in the consideration phase?
More specific keywords (two keyword terms; more category specific)
What types of keywords are used in the purchase phase?
Long tail keywords; product/brand name is now being used
What are the different types of keyword types?
Describes the:
- ) Product
- ) Problem
- ) Condition/symptoms the problem solves for
- ) Product names and part numbers
Do keywords need to be tailored to the audience that you are targeting and what they would be most likely to input?
What does the match type do?
> > Determine the conditions under which the ad will be served to the visitor
> > How the search term and keyword must relate in order for your ad to be served
What is a semantic match type?
Semantic match types will match to search terms that have the same meaning as your keyword.
Semantic = meaning
Exact match, broad match, broad match modifier
What are syntactic match types?
The structure (format) must match.
> > Phrase match is a syntactic match type (the exact keyword in the same order must be presented; can have words before and after and ad will still display; plurals, singulars, misspellings)
Which report helps you identify which keywords are working well in your search campaign?
Search Term Report
What do you have to keep in mind with negative keyword match type?
- ) Where it will be placed in the account
2. ) What the negative keyword match type will be
What is the impact of negative keywords in an ad group?
If placed in the ad group it will just impact the keywords in that ad group
Helps to create organization
What is the impact of negative keywords in a campaign?
Impacts the keywords in that campaign across multiple ad groups
Ads will not show for negative keywords used anywhere in the campaign
What is the impact of negative keywords in a campaign negative keyword list?
Ads will not be displayed for any campaigns with that negative keyword across all campaigns that reference that negative keyword list
What is an n-gram analysis?
Helps you identify patterns across query data
Where should you go to look for good keywords for your PPC strategy?
- ) Website
- ) Talk to SEO team
- ) Sales team - how customers talk about product
- ) Product team - can provide case scenarios for advertising
- ) Sitemap and feeds
- ) Analytics - Google Search Console (keywords people used to find your website; sort by conversions and conversion rate to find the best keywords to use.)
- ) Internal site search
- ) Google Keyword Planner
What are the 4 different ways that you can use Google Keyword Planner?
- ) Site crawl and suggest keywords
- ) Input keywords and see performance results
- ) Complete projections and forecasts on cost and project clicks
- ) Filter results to create a keyword list
Does Google Search Consule tell you your organic position for keywords?
> > Good approach to include keywords in your organic and PPC campaigns
What are 2 good reference points to help with defining ad group categories?
- ) Product catalogue/feed
2. ) Website site map
When creating a keyword list should you consider adjectives, adverbs and word modifiers, such as colors, sizes, destinations, travel, etc.?
What is the typical structure of a website?
● A typical site breakdown is: o Home page o Category page o Product page o Form
What is a feature?
Characteristic of a product/service
What is a benefit?
Proves why the feature is useful to the user
What is a unique selling proposition?
What makes a product or service unique.
Addresses how your product solves/addresses customer needs
More narrow than UVP because just focuses on the needs of the customer (Think selling is in the name and what it does is describe solutions)
What is a unique value proposition?
- ) What the product is
- ) Who it is for
- ) How solves the customer’s problem
(More robust than USP because defines the audience, the product and impact)
At what stage of the buying funnel do benefits keywords work best?
At what stage of the buying funnel do benefits and features keywords work best?
Should you use different calls to actions at different stages of the funnel?
What are dynamic search ads?
They insert keywords from your website directly into the ad to align with the user search query
What is the if/ function in dynamic search ads?
Allows you to insert logic-based business rules - if this, then insert that
The if/default ads allow you to specify conditions. For example, if the ad is displayed on a mobile, the text displayed is Call us, and if the ad is displayed on a computer, the text displayed is Contact us.
What is the countdown feature in a dynamic search ad?
Allows you to specify a timeline/ count down. For example, you can specify that a certain offer is valid for six hours”. And the time is dynamically updated in the ad based on the time left.
What is the Ad Customizer Feature in a Dynamic Search Ad?
The ad customizer feature allows you to dynamically update your ads from a feed. You can add a placeholder in your ad and then that data is pulled from the feed.
What is the responsive search ad feature for dyanamic ads?
Acts like modular content. Create multiple headlines, descriptions and call to action copy and Google Ads will optimize for the best combination
The responsive search ad feature allows you to provide multiple headlines and multiple descriptions. This allows Google to offer the best possible combination.
Why is prequalifying copy in an ad important?
- Helps to ensure that only certain users (your target audience) clicks on the ad
What is a Complete Ad?
- Means using most of your characters (at least 20 characters for headlines and at least 80% of your description length)
- Get higher conversion rates and CTRs
What is Single Ad Group testing?
>>Most comment >>A/B testing (test two ads) >>Gain insights on ads within an ad group >>Good to do for high-traffic ad groups >>Good for branded ad groups
What is Multi-Ad Group Testing?
> Testing patterns across ad groups to find out which works best for a campaign
> > Get insights across a segment
Good for ads that use a template (so somewhat standardized for comparison sake)
Small data accounts
Market research
What is the benefit of Single-Ad Group testing?
Helps to determine messaging focus. Should ads be action-oriented, benefits-oriented or features-oriented.
What is the benefit of Multi-Ad Group Testing?
Test several factors, including:
- price, location, shipping, quality, call to action, display URL
- Need to segment the data to ensure that results do not get affected (double counting)
What metric is commonly used to measure search ad performance?
> can look more granularly at conversions/impressions
revenue/impressions (good for e-commerce)
What is an ad extension?
-Allows you to include additional information in your ads (static text- callouts, links to additional pages - site extensions, call extensions, driving directions, etc.)
What is the benefit of using ad extensions?
- ) Get more real estate on the SERP
- ) Add more information to your ads
- ) Works differently on mobile devices (call icon on desktop will open a third-party application; mobile device will allow you to make the call directly)
What are 3 information ad extensions?
- ) Callouts
- ) Sitelinks
- ) Structured data (select from options in the platform and input data)
What are the 4 contact-based ad extensions?
- ) Call extension
- ) Location extension
- ) SMS extension
- ) App extension (install app)
What are the 2 promotional ad extensions?
- ) Price extension (shows the product along with the price)
- ) Promotional offer extension (can display promotions in the ad)
Can you track calls made via the call extension?
Yes via call tracking
What do campaign settings dictate as it pertains to the display of your ad?
- ) Budget
- ) Location
- ) Exact placement of ads in the Google Display Network
Can you do IP exclusions with search ads?
What is a campaign type?
Determines what type of campaign you will be running (i.e., Search, Display, Video, Shopping, Universal App on the Google Display Network)
What are the 5 campaign types within Google Ads?
- ) Search
- ) Display
- ) Video,
- ) Shopping
- ) Universal App
What are Search Partners?
Search partners are partner sites that syndicate Google’s search ads, non-Google websites, YouTube, and Google websites
syndication is a type of partnership for proliferation or production purposes
Can you monitor the performance of search partners?
What is a campaign budget?
Maximum amount of money that can be spent in a 30-day period
Should you have different budgets for your various products and brands?
Yes. Helps make it easier to manage.
Will your daily budget be spent evenly?
No. Will change as impressions change based on the auction. However, Google will not exceed your total monthly budget (or may do so by a set percentage).
How can you make sure that you will have enough budget each month?
Chart conversions over a month to see how much budget it took to reach your target conversion goal. This will help you plan for peak periods and ensure that you have enough budget
Can different campaigns share the same budget?
Yes. If the campaigns have an aggregate budget.
What is an ad rotation?
Displays how multiple ads in your ad group will be displayed
What is an IP exclusion?
Allows you to block IP addresses or IP ranges from seeing your ad
What is location targeting?
Helps you determine where your ads will show. Can narrow down targeting to specific locations.
What is language targeting?
Can target users that have their browsers set to a certain language
At what level is location and language targeting set - campaign, ad group, ad?
Campaign level
What is the default setting for location targeting?
Display ads to people in or interested in your target location
How does Google know your location in order to facilitate location targeting?
- ) Browser setting
- ) Google setting
- ) URL top-level domain (TLD)
What is Customer Match in Google Ads?
- Leveraging CRM data to create an audience targeting list
What is an affinity audience?
Targeting groups of individuals with certain interests
What is an in-market audience?
Targeting audiences actively searching for your keyword terms
How can you remarket in Google Ads?
Need to use Google Analytics of Google Ads tracking script in order to remarket display ads to visitors to your website across the Google Display Network
How can you use remarketing in Search?
On the Search Network, you can target remarketing lists in two ways:
o Change bids
o Target remarketing lists
Do you need a tag to market to a Customer Match list?
No. Looks to see how many of the individuals on your list (match rate) are in the Google database using email address, phone number and address as identifiers
What are Similar Lists?
> Lookalikes
>Based of the Customer Match list, which is using your CRM data or offline data
How can you use Similar Lists in Search and Display, respectively?
Search: Increase bids for similar lists
Display: Remarket with different display ads
When should you target in-market audiences?
When looking to drive conversions (because actively search for your product/service)
Can you target based on income and life events?
Yes. In certain countries only
What types of custom lists can you create in Google Analytics for remarketing?
- ) Based on page title
- ) Based on days since last visit
(create any segment that you want and then can remarket to them)
Can you set the duration that users stay on a remarketing list in Google Analytics?
Can you create remarketing lists in Google Ads manager?
Yes. If install the Google Ads tag to your website.
Can you use your product feed to create dynamic display ads?
Yes. Can use feed for remarketing ads as well.
What is a Bid Adjustment?
Bid adjustments allow you to change your bids by a certain percentage.
What is the observation option?
Type of targeting option that allows anyone to see your ad
How can you exclude an audience from seeing your ad using bid adjustments?
Set the bid adjustment to -100% will opt your ad out of being displayed for whatever you selected (e.g., location, device, demographic, etc.)
Where are Audience Lists stored?
In the Audience Manager. Lists will grow over time
What is the Google Display Network?
Non-search sites (display ads), includes 2 million websites, YouTube, Gmail, and other large content publishers
What percent of users does GDN reach?
90% of users
Can you stack different targeting options?
Yes. Can stack using the targeting or observation targeting option.
Targeting - select when want ad to show to specific audiences or on specific content you’ve selected (recommended for all display campaigns)
Observation - open to all; etting won’t change who can see your ads or where they can show. However, the “Observation” setting allows you to monitor how ads are performing for your selected placements, topics, or audiences while your campaign is running. Note that “observation” shows you how additional criteria perform when they fall within the scope of your existing targeting.
What is a responsive display ad?
Image and text get re-arranged depending on the available ad slot
What is the purpose of display ads?
Get people to the website (need to be visually compelling)
What are image ads?
The traditional banner ads
At what point in the funnel is it best to use GDN with audience targeting?
Towards the bottom of the funner; TOFU - observation to not limit reach and determine which of your campaign criteria are working best so that you can do bid adjustments
What is Layered Targeting?
Layered targeting allows you to only target users if they meet multiple targeting conditions
What are Content Exclusions?
Exclude ad from showing on webpages that offer certain types of content
What is placement targeting?
Place an ad on a certain channel/specific site, app or video
What is contextual targeting?
Targeting websites that discuss certain types of content (keywords or topics are used here)
Does GDN use match types?
No. So target broad keywords that will have higher impressions and reach more people
For contextual targeting in GDN, do you have to type in your own keywords or can Google suggest terms?
Google can suggest terms by using the URL
What should determine your GDN keyword settings?
Where you are in the buying funnel (trying to increase awareness or conversion)
Should you use broad or narrow negative keywords to have your ad excluded on certain websites?
Broad keywords (these are the type of keywords use for display contextual or topic targeting)
Which has a fixed ad size - image ads or responsive ads?
Image ads are fixed. Responsive ads adjust to available ad unit specs
How many ads should you have in an ad group?
3-5 ( if responsive ads, have different image and text options so don’t encounter ad fatigue)
Which ads give you full exposure and are easier to maintain - responsive or image ads?
Responsive ads
What 6 elements are needed in order to create a responsive ad?
- ) URL
- ) Headline - short and long
- ) Body copy
- ) 2 Image assets
- ) 2 Logos
- ) Business name
What is a mobile ad unit size?
What are the most common ad unit sizes?
- ) 300x250 (medium rectangle)
- ) 728 x 90 (leaderboard - horizontal)
- ) 300x600 (half page)
- ) 336x280 (large rectangle)
- ) 320x100 (mobile)
What is RLSA?
Remarketing List Search Ads - Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a feature that lets you customize your search ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your bids and ads to these visitors when they’re searching on Google and search partner sites.
Are responsive ads a form of dynamic marketing?
> > Can use if don’t have strict brand standards or restrictions on exact ads that must be in-market; gives broader exposure than image ads