Advanced Vocab Words - Set 1 Flashcards
Learn to understand and effectively use 100 advanced vocabulary words. Improve your test scores, or simply be more articulate in your daily life. Each word is used in context in a sample sentence and includes synonyms and a pronunciation guide.
n. reckless confidence
The temerity of the pirate crew cost them their ship.
v. to plunder, pillage, destroy
v. to exploit
The Vikings depredated the whole valley.
v. to bend knee to ground (as in worship)
v. to grovel
The king’s subjects genuflected when he entered the room.
v. to go, proceed, walk
We wended our way through the market.
adj. relating to open seas rather than waters adjacent to land
The pelagic organism was only found in the deepest part of the ocean.
adj. intractable, stubbornly disobedient, difficult to manage
The froward mule sat down and refused to move all afternoon.
adj. precise, paying attention to trivialities of etiquette
A secretary who punctiliously records every detail.
n. a tersely phrased truth or opinion; adage; epigram
n. a brief statement of principle; or general truth
The children had finally learned the meaning of the aphorism “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”.
(per-loin, per-loin)
v. to steal
The manipulative thief purloined the diamonds after gaining the confidence of their location.
adj. intended for or understood only by a particular group
adj. not publicly disclosed; confidential
The esoteric ideas of the cult failed to enlighten many outsiders.
n. relief during a time of struggle
The Red Cross provides succor to refugees in emergency shelters.
adj. readily assuming different forms or characters, versatile
Fans regarded the protean actress as capable of playing any role.
adj. insensitive; having no feeling
The callous remark upset the entire family.
v. to prohibit or forbid as harmful or unlawful
Citizens pushed to proscribe swimming in the polluted lake.
n. an outcome or solution to a complex series of events
Though public interest slackened after the arsonist was caught, the denouement of the case was just as interesting as the manhunt that had preceded it.
adj. arrogant, overbearing; displaying condescending superiority over someone else
His supercilious behavior drove away many of his peers.
n. discussion between enemies, often to prepare terms of surrender
The longtime enemies held a parley to work on peace negotiations.
adj. furious; enraged; overcome with anger
When Jim found out he was fired, he apoplectically stormed out of the office.
v. to say with a coy smile; to smirk
Dave simpered a feeble attempt at an apology.
n. the interbreeding of different races
n. any mixture or hybrid
Miscegenation, the intermarriage or mixing of different racial groups, was historically met with social and legal barriers in many societies. But today, miscegenation is widely accepted in many societies, and interracial relationships are common and often celebrated as a sign of cultural diversity and tolerance.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. recklessness
synonyms: arrogance, brashness, foolhardiness, audacity, impudence
His temerity in challenging the seasoned lawyer surprised everyone in the courtroom.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to plunder, pillage, destroy
v. to exploit
synonyms: despoil, ravish, defile, loot, pillage, maraud
The invaders depredated the village, leaving little behind.
They feared the corporation would depredate the natural resources without concern for the environment.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to bend knee to ground (as in worship)
v. to grovel
synonyms: kneel, beg, bow, prostrate, submit
The faithful genuflect before the altar during the ceremony.
He would rather leave the company than genuflect to the unreasonable demands of his boss.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to go, proceed, walk
synonyms: go, journey, travel, meander, proceed, venture
After the meeting, she wended her way through the crowded streets back home.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. relating to open seas rather than waters adjacent to land
synonyms: aquatic, oceanic, marine, deep-sea, oceanic
The pelagic fish are adapted to life far from the shores, swimming in the deep ocean.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. intractable, stubbornly disobedient, difficult to manage
synonyms: antagonistic, conflicting, obstinate, refractory, unruly
The froward child refused to listen to any instructions from his teacher.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. precise, paying attention to trivialities of etiquette
synonyms: meticulous, careful, finicky, scrupulous, exacting, detailed
She was punctilious about every detail of the formal dinner, ensuring everything was perfect.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a tersely phrased truth or opinion; adage; epigram
n. a brief statement of principle; or general truth
synonyms: axiom, precept; principle, truth, saying, maxim, proverb
His speech was filled with insightful aphorisms that resonated with the audience.
Actions speak louder than words” is a classic example of an aphorism.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to steal
(per-loin, per-loin)
synonyms: burglarize, cheat, swindle, filch, pilfer, take
The thief managed to purloin several valuable paintings from the gallery.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. intended for or understood only by a particular group
adj. not publicly disclosed; confidential
synonyms: obscure, secret, cryptic, arcane, hidden, specialized
The professor’s esoteric lecture was difficult for those unfamiliar with the subject.
The company’s esoteric plans for the merger were only shared with top executives.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. relief during a time of struggle
synonyms: aid, comfort, refuge, support, assistance, help
The refugees sought succor in neighboring countries after fleeing the conflict.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. readily assuming different forms or characters, versatile
synonyms: versatile, adaptable, dexterous, flexible, multifaceted, changeable
His protean talent allowed him to excel in both acting and directing.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. insensitive; having no feeling
synonyms: soulless, cruel, heartless, unfeeling, unsympathetic
Her callous remarks about the disaster shocked everyone.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to prohibit or forbid as harmful or unlawful
synonyms: condemn, banish, forbid, outlaw, prohibit
The government decided to proscribe the use of certain chemicals due to their harmful effects.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. an outcome or solution to a complex series of events
synonyms: finale, final achievement, resolution, conclusion, outcome
The denouement of the mystery novel tied together all the loose ends.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. arrogant, overbearing; displaying condescending superiority over someone else
synonyms: bossy, condescending, haughty, patronizing, disdainful
Her supercilious attitude made her unpopular among her colleagues.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. discussion between enemies, often to prepare terms of surrender
synonyms: conference, mediation, negotiation, dialogue, discussion
The generals held a parley to negotiate the terms of the ceasefire.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. furious; enraged; overcome with anger
adj. relating to a stroke
synonyms: angry, wrathful, furious, incensed, irate
He became apoplectic when he discovered the mistake in the report.
The doctor explained the symptoms of an apoplectic attack and the urgency of seeking medical attention.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to say with a coy smile; to smirk
synonyms: grin, leer, sneer, smirk, smirk, smile coyly
She simpered at the compliment, clearly enjoying the attention.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the interbreeding of different races
n. any mixture or hybrid
synonyms: interbreeding, mixing races, crossbreeding, hybridization
The laws against miscegenation were finally repealed in the 20th century.
Miscegenation, the intermarriage or mixing of different racial groups, was historically met with social and legal barriers in many societies. But today, miscegenation is widely accepted in many societies, and interracial relationships are common and often celebrated as a sign of cultural diversity and tolerance
adj. not distinguishable between male and female
The name Sam is androgynous because it could stand for Samantha or Samuel.
n. a family of partridges
n. a small group
Outside the classroom was a covey of giggling schoolgirls.
(adj. soo-pahyn)
adj. inactive, lying on one’s back apathetically
adj. morally slack
The officials exhibited a supine acceptance of corruption.
v. to cheat, beguile, or deceive
The corrupt televangelist cozened money from viewers by lying about charitable intentions.
adj. calm, untroubled, serene
adj. transparent, clear (as of water, air, or crystal)
The family flew a kite down by the limpid blue pond.
adj. shining radiantly; brilliant
The refulgent palace seemed out of place amid the poverty of the villages surrounding it.
adj. hard to excite, calm, sluggish
adj. unemotional, stoic
Pete’s phlegmatic response was difficult for his friends to read.
v. to weaken or reduce in force or value
v. to make small or fine
The medicine attenuated the fever’s effect.
adj. lacking in sincerity or candor
When the oil prospector’s promises were discovered to be disingenuous, he was run out of town.
n. a written message, usually a formal letter
The epistle was hand-delivered by a confidant in order to avoid interception.
adj. produced artificially; not natural
adj. fake
The factitious laughter of insincere talk show hosts makes my skin crawl.
adj. containing patches of two or more colors, usually in blotches
The jester’s pied coat was stitched together from scraps of blue and red fabric.
v. to have substantial weight on preventing; to argue against; discourage.
The volatility of the situation militated against any rash action.
adj. dark, gloomy, dismal
adj. infernal, hellish
The stygian murk of the cave made it difficult to navigate.
v. to declare false
v. to deny
v. to contradict or claim exception to
Evidence and witness testimony all gainsaid the defendant’s claims.
v. to make something appear less serious; to mitigate; to alleviate
The student tried to palliate the significance of his plagiarism.
n. cure-all, questionable remedy, or a placebo
An ad on television depicted a nostrum that claims to cure hangovers.
adj. unruly, noisy, loudly stubborn
The obstreperous two-year-old cried the entire train ride.
adj. unusually quick development or maturation, especially in intelligence
The child’s precocious understanding of calculus stunned his teachers.
v. to entertain; to supply lavishly
Steve regaled his guests with exciting tales.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. hermaphroditic
adj. not distinguishable between male and female
synonyms: cross-sexual, unisexual, trans-sexual, gender-neutral, ambiguous
The creature in the myth was portrayed as androgynous, embodying both male and female traits.
The androgynous fashion trend blurred traditional gender lines in clothing.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a family of partridges
n. a small group
synonyms: a small group, a small flock of birds, cluster, bunch, assembly
We spotted a covey of partridges in the field during our hike.
A covey of students gathered around the teacher to ask questions after the lecture.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. inactive, lying on one’s back apathetically
adj. morally slack
(adj. soo-pahyn)
synonyms: lying down, flat; apathetic, lazy, prostrate, recumbent
He lay supine on the couch, unwilling to do anything productive.
The government’s supine attitude towards corruption allowed it to flourish.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to cheat, beguile, or deceive
synonyms: hoodwink, swindle, dupe, trick, defraud, mislead
The con artist cozened people into giving him their life savings.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. calm, untroubled, serene
adj. transparent, clear (as of water, air, or crystal)
synonyms: tranquil, peaceful; glassy, translucent, clear, unclouded, bright
The limpid expression on her face showed she wasn’t worried at all.
The limpid water of the lake made it easy to see the fish swimming below.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. shining radiantly; brilliant
synonyms: glowing, luminous, gleaming, radiant, brilliant, incandescent
The refulgent glow of the setting sun bathed the landscape in golden light.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. hard to excite, calm, sluggish
adj. unemotional, stoic
synonyms: apathetic, dispassionate, lethargic, unemotional, placid, indifferent
His phlegmatic response to the exciting news surprised everyone.
The phlegmatic soldier remained composed even in the face of danger.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to weaken or reduce in force or value
v. to make small or fine
synonyms: deflate, cripple, lessen, diminish, reduce, dilute
The long drought attenuated the strength of the river’s current.
The sound of the music attenuated as we moved further away from the concert.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. lacking in sincerity or candor
synonyms: dishonest, crooked, deceitful, duplicitous, insincere
His disingenuous apology did little to mend the rift between them.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a written message, usually a formal letter
synonyms: card, letter, memo, communication, note, missive
The scholar wrote an epistle to his colleagues, detailing his latest findings.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. produced artificially; not natural
adj. fake
synonyms: artificial, false, sham, manufactured, synthetic, spurious
The diamonds in the necklace were factitious but still looked stunning.
His factitious enthusiasm at the event was apparent to everyone.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. containing patches of two or more colors, usually in blotches
synonyms: patches of color, uneven coloring, multicolored, variegated, speckled
The pied horse stood out with its distinct black and white markings.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to have substantial weight or bearing on; to argue for or against
synonyms: weigh, important, influential, affect, contribute, determine
The evidence presented in the trial will militate heavily against the defendant.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. dark, gloomy, dismal
adj. infernal, hellish
synonyms: inky, sombre, gloomy, shadowy, murky
The forest at night had a Stygian atmosphere, making it feel eerie and foreboding.
The novel’s depiction of the underworld was described as a Stygian realm of torment.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to declare false
v. to deny
v. to contradict or claim exception to
synonyms: deny, disaffirm, disprove, contradict, refute, challenge
No one could gainsay the facts presented in the report.
It was difficult to gainsay her argument given the strong data backing it up.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make something appear less serious; to mitigate; to alleviate
synonyms: gloss over, condone, lessen, alleviate, relieve, soothe
The doctor prescribed medication to palliate the symptoms of the disease.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. cure-all, questionable remedy, or a placebo
synonyms: elixir, quick fix, aid, remedy, potion, fix
The herbalist claimed to have a nostrum for every ailment, but none of them worked.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. unruly, noisy, loudly stubborn
synonyms: boisterous, loud, riotous, disorderly, rowdy, disruptive
The obstreperous crowd refused to leave, even after the event was over.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. unusually quick development or maturation, especially in intelligence
synonyms: advanced, developed, quick, intelligent, mature, ahead of one’s years, gifted
The precocious child was reading at a college level by the age of 10.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to entertain; to feast
synonyms: delight, amuse; treat, entertain, captivate, charm
He regaled the guests with stories of his adventures abroad.
n. the extent, boundary or scope of something
Though I find her actions reprehensible, she was acting within the ambit of the law and so my hands are tied.
n. one who abandons a belief, cause, party or religion
The apostate is dealt with very harshly in many religious traditions.
n. fallacious reasoning; faulty, although plausible, logic
The students were quickly convinced by the professor’s sophistry and did not inquire further.
n. clarity or perceptiveness in speech, thought, or writing
The perspicuity of the writing made a complicated topic easy for all to understand.
v. to command or direct an action with authority
v. to prohibit or forbid an action
The captain enjoined his men to respect the local laws while on shore leave.
adj. offensively flattering or insincere.
adj. offensive to the taste
adj. generous or abundant
I prefer Sara’s sincere criticism to all the fulsome praise I receive from Deb.
n. a curse
The witch cast an imprecation on the villagers.
v. to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of; to mitigate
The prisoner’s illness may extenuate the conditions of his captivity, but it shall not lead me to order his early release.
adj. certain, inevitable, unavoidable
A hectic lifestyle seems to be the ineluctable product of modernity.
v. to reduce the quality of
v. to corrupt
The tear in the painting vitiated its overall appeal and halved its appraisal cost.
n. depravity, baseness
n. a vile act
Because of stealing, he was dismissed on grounds of moral turpitude.
adj. mournful, sorrowful, melancholy
The procession was led by the plaintive strains of the bagpipe.
adj. holding tenaciously to a belief
adj. stubbornly unyielding
Her pertinacious devotion to the debunked theory led her to be marginalized in the scientific community.
adj. unfaithful, disloyal to belief or principle
adj. cowardly or craven
n. one who is a coward, unfaithful, or disloyal
The recreant knight ran from the battle.
v. to offer as proof in an argument
Seth adduced several recent studies in support of his hypothesis.
v. to slander or speak maliciously of
As a “green energy” campaigner, I distrust politicians who habitually traduce the motivations of environmentalists.
adj. relevant, suitable, or fitting
Though clever, Dmitry’s pun was not apposite to the solemn occasion.
adj. rambling aimlessly through a wide range of subjects.
The poor speaker gave a rambling, discursive speech
n. an extracurricular activity; a hobby
My favorite avocation is playing baseball in the summertime.
v. to foreshadow vaguely
v. to produce a faint outline or resemblance of something
The first volume merely adumbrates the basics of the story to be developed in the next two books.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the extent, boundary or scope of something
synonyms: compass, extension, range, scope, reach, limits
The discussion remained within the ambit of the assigned topics for the meeting.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. one who abandons a belief, cause, party or religion
synonyms: traitor, defector, unfaithful, renegade, turncoat, dissenter
The apostate was shunned by his former comrades after leaving the movement.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. fallacious reasoning; faulty, although plausible, logic
synonyms: fallacy, inconsistency, misleading argument, specious reasoning
The politician’s argument was nothing more than sophistry, designed to mislead the public.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. clarity or perceptiveness in speech, thought, or writing
synonyms: comprehensibility, articulateness, clarity, lucidity, transparency
The perspicuity of her speech made even the most complex ideas easy to understand.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to command or direct an action with authority
v. to prohibit or forbid an action
synonyms: order, command; disallow, outlaw, dictate, direct, mandate
The court enjoined the company to halt its illegal practices immediately.
The rules enjoin students from bringing their phones to class.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. offensively flattering or insincere.
adj. offensive to the taste
synonyms: overdone, copious, distasteful, excessive, lavish, insincere
His fulsome praise made everyone uncomfortable, as it felt exaggerated and fake.
The fulsome sweetness of the dessert made it difficult to finish.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a curse
synonyms: spell, hex, malediction, anathema, curse
The angry witch muttered an imprecation under her breath as she walked away.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of; to mitigate
synonyms: mitigate, lessen, lighten, alleviate, excuse, diminish
The lawyer tried to extenuate the defendant’s actions by highlighting his difficult upbringing.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. certain, inevitable, unavoidable
synonyms: inescapable, destined, inevitable, unavoidable, certain
The ineluctable passage of time affects everyone, no matter their status.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to reduce the quality of
v. to corrupt
synonyms: cheapen, deteriorate; blemish, debase, impair, spoil, undermine
His repeated lies vitiated the credibility of his testimony.
The scandal vitiated the integrity of the entire organization.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. depravity, baseness
n. a vile act
synonyms: depravity, baseness, wickedness, immorality, corruption
The turpitude of the criminal’s actions shocked the entire community.
His turpitude was evident when he betrayed his own family for money.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. mournful, sorrowful, melancholy
synonyms: sad, wistful, forlorn, sorrowful, lamenting
The plaintive melody of the violin expressed a deep sense of loss.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. holding tenaciously to a belief
adj. stubbornly unyielding
synonyms: stubbornly unyielding, tenacious, persistent, dogged, resolute
The pertinacious activist refused to back down, despite the opposition.
His pertinacious nature made it difficult to convince him to change his mind.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. unfaithful, disloyal to belief or principle
adj. cowardly or craven
n. one who is a coward, unfaithful, or disloyal
synonyms: cowardly, disloyal, traitorous, unfaithful, craven
The recreant knight abandoned his comrades in their hour of need.
The recreant fled the battlefield, leaving his fellow soldiers behind.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to offer as proof in an argument
synonyms: introduce, exhibit, cite, bring forward, present, mention
The lawyer adduced several pieces of evidence to support her client’s innocence.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to slander or speak maliciously of
synonyms: defame, slander, malign, disparage, vilify
He was quick to traduce his rivals, spreading false rumors to damage their reputations.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. relevant, suitable, or fitting
synonyms: pertinent, timely, appropriate, fitting, applicable, relevant
His apposite remarks during the meeting helped to clarify the situation.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. rambling aimlessly through a wide range of subjects
adj. drawing conclusions based on reason (as opposed to intuition)
synonyms: digressive, erratic; inclusive, absolute, wandering, rambling, aimless
His discursive lecture covered topics ranging from philosophy to pop culture.
The discursive analysis of the data led to several logical conclusions.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. an extracurricular activity; a hobby
synonyms: hobby, recreation, pastime, interest, pursuit, diversion
Her avocation of painting provided a creative outlet outside of her day job.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to foreshadow vaguely
v. to produce a faint outline or resemblance of something
synonyms: bode, suggest, indicate, outline, foreshadow, sketch
The author adumbrated the tragic ending early in the novel.
The sketch adumbrated the final design of the building.
n. the medieval study of transforming lead into gold
Although it was never proven possible, alchemy is in many ways related to the chemistry we study today.
v. to state that something is true without providing proof
The neighbors alleged that it was the store owner who started the fire, but it turned out that he had been out of town after speaking with him.
v. to refer to another concept indirectly
She would occasionally allude to a summer house, though nobody knew exactly where it was.
n. selfless concern for others
Many charities were formed thanks to Rajiv’s altruism and generosity.
n. confused or contradicting feelings
The bride’s ambivalence towards the color of the roses meant the groom had to decide.
v. to walk slowly
The old man ambled over to our table and started up a conversation.
v. to make better
The new medicine ameliorated her condition rather quickly.
adj. open to suggestion or criticism
adj. accountable
A good manager is amenable to his employee’s new ideas.
n. pain reliever
After the surgery, the doctor prescribed an analgesic for her patient’s leg.
n. a story of a specific incident, used as an example or for entertainment
The actor’s acceptance speech included an anecdote about his first audition.
v. to declare invalid
The couple had their marriage annulled when it was revealed that the groom was still married to another woman.
adj. overly instructive, educational
He may mean well, but Pat’s efforts to help came across as fussy and didactic.
adj. lacking confidence; restrained or reserved
Since it was her first day, Lucy ventured only diffident answers to her superiors’ requests for input.
(v. dih-fewz; adj. dih-fewss)
v. to spread out
adj. widely spread, scattered
adj. wordy and rambling
Such a diffuse network of law enforcement will not be able to eliminate all instances of crime.
adj. ruined, worn down
The abandoned house was dilapidated from years of neglect.
v. to widen or enlarge
v. to give a long speech on a subject
The eye drops dilated his pupils so the eye doctor could better examine them.
n. a person with an interest in a topic without really commiting
n. a patron of the arts
The dance school accepted dilettantes as well as trained professionals.
n. a mournful song
We heard a chorus singing a dirge as the funeral procession began.
v. to free from a misconception or error in thought
Luke made it his goal to disabuse his students of the notion that they didn’t need to work hard to do well.
v. to make someone lose loyalty or affection
Her attention-seeking behavior disaffected many of her classmates.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. the medieval study of transforming lead into gold
synonyms: sorcery, wizardry, medieval science, magical transformation, mysticism, theurgy
Medieval scientists pursued alchemy, hoping to turn base metals into gold.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to state that something is true without providing proof
synonyms: assert, claim, contend, proclaim, argue
He alleged that the company was involved in illegal activities, but no evidence was presented.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to refer to another concept indirectly
synonyms: bring up, imply, mention, hint at, suggest, insinuate
The author alluded to a famous historical event in the opening chapter of the novel.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. selfless concern for others
synonyms: charity, kindness, selflessness, benevolence, philanthropy
Her decision to volunteer at the shelter was an act of pure altruism.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. confused or contradicting feelings
synonyms: confusion, dilemma, hesitation, uncertainty, mixed feelings, conflict
His ambivalence about moving to a new city made the decision difficult.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to walk slowly
synonyms: saunter, drag, stroll, meander, roam
They amble along the park path, enjoying the sunny afternoon.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make better
synonyms: amend, help, improve, enhance, alleviate
The government launched several initiatives to ameliorate living conditions in the city.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. open to suggestion or criticism
adj. accountable
synonyms: willing, cooperative; chargeable, liable, receptive, compliant, flexible
She was amenable to feedback and worked hard to improve her skills.
As the team leader, he was amenable for any issues that arose during the project.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. pain reliever
synonyms: painkiller, soother, anodyne, remedy, analgesic agent
The doctor prescribed an analgesic to help manage the patient’s pain after surgery.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a story of a specific incident, used as an example or for entertainment
synonyms: episode, account, chronicle, tale, narrative, story
He shared a humorous anecdote about his childhood during the family gathering.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to declare invalid
synonyms: void, abolish, cancel, invalidate, nullify, revoke
The court decided to annul the contract due to a breach of terms.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. overly instructive or preachy
synonyms: advisory, sermonic, bookish, pedagogical, moralistic, instructive
His didactic tone made it difficult for the students to engage with the lesson.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. lacking confidence; restrained or reserved
synonyms: hesitant, unconfident, shy, timid, self-doubting
Her diffident manner made her seem shy during the presentation, though her ideas were strong.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to spread out
adj. widely spread, scattered
adj. wordy and rambling
(v. dih-fewz; adj. dih-fewss)
synonyms: delocalized, verbose, prolix, dispersed, scattered, extended
The scent of flowers diffused through the air as we entered the garden.
The organization’s goals were too diffuse, leading to a lack of focus.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. ruined, worn down
synonyms: ramshackle, wasted, decayed, crumbling, deteriorated, neglected
The dilapidated house on the corner had been abandoned for years.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to widen or enlarge
v. to give a long speech on a subject
synonyms: stretch, amplify; hold forth, expand, broaden, enlarge
The doctor used eye drops to dilate his pupils for the examination.
He began to dilate on the importance of education during the town hall meeting.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a person with an interest in a topic without really commiting
n. a patron of the arts
synonyms: green, unskilled; artist, connoisseur, amateur, enthusiast, hobbyist
As a dilettante, he dabbled in painting but never took it seriously.
The wealthy dilettante often attended art exhibitions and supported local artists.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a mournful song
synonyms: death song, lament, funeral hymn, elegy, requiem, lamentation
The choir sang a somber dirge at the funeral.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to free from a misconception or error in thought
synonyms: correct, debunk, enlighten, clarify, set straight
He worked hard to disabuse his friend of the belief in a common conspiracy theory.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to make someone lose loyalty or affection
synonyms: alienate, antagonize, estrange, turn away, alienate
The manager’s harsh treatment of employees began to disaffect many from the company.
v. to recognize, to recognize as different
From a distance, it was difficult for Josh to discern who was waving at him.
v. to unsettle
v. to upset or prevent from succeeding
The presence of the victim’s family at the trial discomfited the accused.
adj. overdone or cliché
The student’s poem contained the hackneyed expressions that typically fill teenage diaries.
n. a unique, identifying trait
n. a mark used to indicate the purity of certain metals
Complete obedience is the hallmark of a good soldier.
v. to speak with intense emotions
n. a rant
The lobbyists arrived at the senator’s office expecting to make a deal, but instead they received a 45-minute harangue from the angry politician.
n. dedication to pursuing pleasure
Jake’s hedonism became apparent when he quit his job rather than cancel his trip to the Bahamas.
v. to whip
v. to make leather out of animal hide
He spent days tanning the leather properly.
adj. differing from official beliefs
Galileo’s discoveries of the nature of Earth’s place in the universe were considered heretical at the time.
adj. difficult to understand, mysterious
The students could not read the teacher’s hieroglyphic writing on the board.
adj. composed of similar or identical parts
The audience was mostly a homogenous group of fashion design students, though one or two engineering students also attended.
v. to perfect
v. to sharpen
The swimmers spent all day in the water trying to hone their skills before the meet.
v. to conserve
The campers knew they would have to husband their supplies on their trip.
adj. confused
She was nonplussed when her mother scolded her for no apparent reason.
adj. harmful in a physical or moral way
Unfortunately, the group did not notice the noxious gas until it had claimed several victims.
n. a small difference
A trained scientist is sensitive to the nuances between these two seemingly identical procedures.
adj. stubborn; inflexible and unyielding
adj. emotionally cold; not compassionate
Even when the witness began to cry, the accused remained obdurate and detached.
adj. very submissive and flattering
In industries where obsequious service is expected, one generally leaves a tip.
adj. stubborn, unyielding to change an opinion
The obstinate woman refused to move out of the other customers’ way.
v. to anticipate and prevent
v. to make obsolete
The Internet has all but obviated the need for radio stations.
v. to close or block off
v. to combine opposite surfaces
The only way out of the cabin was occluded by a mound of fresh snow.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to see clearly
synonyms: note, notice, focus, detect, perceive, distinguish
She was able to discern the hidden meaning behind his words after careful reflection.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to unsettle
v. to upset or prevent from succeeding
synonyms: frustrate, annoy, embarrass, confuse, thwart
The unexpected question discomfited the speaker, causing him to lose his train of thought.
Their attempts to discomfit the opposing team by changing tactics were ultimately successful.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. overdone or cliché
synonyms: tired, common, trite, stale, unoriginal
The movie’s plot was filled with hackneyed dialogue that felt tired and unoriginal.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a unique, identifying trait
n. a mark used to indicate the purity of certain metals
synonyms: authentication, emblem, brand, signature, indicator, symbol
Attention to detail is the hallmark of a great designer.
The jeweler inspected the hallmark on the gold ring to verify its authenticity.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to speak with intense emotions
n. a rant
synonyms: diatribe, tirade, speech, lecture, oration, tirade
The coach harangued his team after their lackluster performance.
His harangue about politics lasted for nearly an hour.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. dedication to pursuing pleasure
synonyms: seeking pleasure and happiness, sensualism, indulgence, self-indulgence
His lifestyle of constant parties and indulgence was a clear example of hedonism.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to whip
v. to make leather out of animal hide
synonyms: flog, beat, treat, process, skin
In old times, sailors were often tanned for disobedience.
The workers tanned the hides to create durable leather goods.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. differing from official beliefs
synonyms: unorthodox, disagreeing, dissenting, radical, nonconformist, unconventional
His heretical views on religion caused him to be ostracized by the community.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. difficult to understand, mysterious
synonyms: unclear, unreadable, cryptic, enigmatic, puzzling, obscure
The professor’s notes were so hieroglyphic that no one could make sense of them.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. composed of similar or identical parts
synonyms: same, of like parts, uniform, identical, consistent, congruent
The population of the small town was largely homogeneous, with little cultural diversity.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to perfect
v. to sharpen
synonyms: train, discipline; whet, grind, refine, enhance, improve
She spent years honing her skills as a pianist to reach a professional level.
He used a stone to hone the blade of his knife.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to conserve
synonyms: retain, preserve, manage, conserve, safeguard
They carefully husbanded their resources to ensure they would last through the winter.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. confused
synonyms: perplexed, baffled, puzzled, bewildered, astonished, flabbergasted
He was nonplussed by the strange behavior of his coworkers.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. harmful in a physical or moral way
synonyms: dangerous, corrupt, harmful, toxic, deleterious
The factory emitted noxious fumes that were dangerous to both the environment and the workers.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
n. a small difference
synonyms: degree, subtlety, shade, distinction, variation
The actor’s performance captured every nuance of the character’s emotions.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. emotionally cold; not compassionate
synonyms: insensitive, apathetic, unyielding, stubborn, relentless
Despite their pleas, the judge remained obdurate in his decision to impose the harshest penalty.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. very submissive and flattering
synonyms: flattering, sycophantic, servile, fawning, subservient
His obsequious behavior towards his boss made him seem insincere and desperate for approval.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
adj. stubborn
synonyms: stubborn, determined, headstrong, unyielding, persistent
Despite all the evidence, he remained obstinate in his opinion.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to anticipate and prevent
v. to make obsolete
synonyms: anticipate, counteract; inhibit, stymie, prevent, eliminate, preclude
The new safety measures were put in place to obviate potential accidents.
The introduction of digital cameras quickly obviated the need for film.
Which of your vocabulary words means the following?
v. to close or block off
v. to combine opposite surfaces
synonyms: clog, prevent, choke, congest, smother, block, obstruct, seal
The dentist noticed that the patient’s teeth were occluding improperly, causing discomfort.
The doctor had to occlude the blood vessels during the surgery to prevent bleeding.