Advanced Lighting Final Exam Flashcards
Gear in the Studio
- Light modifiers
- Power packs
- mono black lights
- Reflectors
- meters
Different Light Modifiers
- Softbox
- Reflectors
-Color Gels - Skrim
- Gary Fong
Continuous Lights
- We use the Fillex P3 Lights, CCT Lights
You can see in live view how the image will look
They are good to learn on
You have to up your ISO in some situations
They are not as powerful as flash
Two Point lighting
Only two lights are being used
Always a key light, then either a fill or a hair light
Three Point Lighting
Three lights being used
Key, fill, and hair across from the key light
Four Point Lighting
Key fill, fill light, hair or backlight, and background light.
Inverse Square Law
an object that is twice the distance from a point source of light will receive a quarter of the illumination
Flash Duration
Used in studio, freezing motion with flash
High Speed Sync
Used on location, over powers the sun
Natural Lighting
- does not move
- changes based on time of day
- Use bounce cards or flags to alter natural light
-Make sure you do a location scout
-Take time of day into account
Key Light
The primary light source of the scene
High Key Light
- high contrast
- white tones
-minimal use of blacks and mid-range tones
Low Key Light
- Contrast and Blackness
- dark tones, black, shadow
Fill light
Cancels out the shadow created by the key light, not as powerful as key
hits the subject from behind
Practical Light
Light source within locations
Hard Lighting
harsh sourcing of light that can be created with a direct beam from sun or light source
Soft Light
eliminates shadow
bounce light
creates evenly spread light
Side light
enters the frame from the side to highlight a person or object
Motivated Light
a technique that seeks to imitate a natural light source
Ambient Lighting
Sunlight or lamplight that is already present