Advanced Higher Music: Melody/harmony Flashcards
An ornament which sounds like a leaning note, takes half the value of the main note which follows it or two-thirds if the main note is dotted.
Four notes which turn round the main note with the note above, the main note, the note below, and the main note again.
Interval of an augmented 4th, eg C–F sharp or F–B. It is made up of three whole tones.
Augmented Triad
This chord is formed by a major triad in which the 5th degree is raised by a semitone.
This effect occurs when a note from one chord is held over to the next chord creating a discord, and is then resolved by moving one step to make a concord
Chords I, IV, V and VI in major and minor keys
In a major key, it is normal for chords I, IV and V to be major chords. Chord VI is normally a minor chord.
Chord II and its first inversion (major keys only)
In a major key, chord II tends to be a minor chord.
The use of two (bitonality) or more keys (polytonality) played or sung at the same time.
Tone row
An arrangement of the 12 notes of the octave which forms the basis of a serial composition.
Usually this refers to any of the early scales e.g. Dorian mode (white notes D to D on a keyboard).
Relative Major
The major key with the same key signature as one minor key.
Relative Minor
The minor key with the same key signature as one major key.
The distance between 2 notes.
A prominent solo instrument part in a piece of vocal music.
An ornament which sounds like a crushed note played very quickly on the beat or just before it.
An ornament consisting of the main note, the note above, the main note.
Plagal Cadence
Chords IV to I at the end of a phrase.
It sounds finished.
Interrupted Cadence
Chords V – VI at the end of a phrase. In a major key, chord VI is minor.
It sounds unfinished.
Tierce de Picardie
The final chord of a piece in a minor key is changed to major.
Dominant 7th
Inbetween spooky and jazz.
Diminished 7th
Spooky Chord.
Added 6th
Jazzy Chord.
Harmonic minor scale
Alladin scale.
Melodic minor scale
Different on the way up and down.