Advanced Higher Maths: Texture/Structure/Form Flashcards
A contrapuntal piece based on a theme (subject) announced in one voice part alone, then imitated by other voices in close succession.
The main theme in a composition, the main themes in sonata form, or the main theme on which a fugue is based.
In a fugue, after the subject is played, the same tune appears in another voice or part in the dominant (a 5th higher or a 4th lower). This is called the answer.
In a fugue, after the subject or answer is played, the continuation of that same instrument or voice is called the countersubject.
Where voices or instruments enter very quickly one after the other, as in fugue.
Dialogue between voices or instruments – one group of voices or instruments answers the other.
A link between two themes.
Song Cycle
A group of songs linked by a common theme or with a text written by the same author, usually accompanied by piano but sometimes by small ensembles or full orchestra.
A theme occurring throughout a work which represents a person, an event or an idea, etc.
When a musical shape is mirrored; an inverted chord is formed when a note other than the root is in the bass.
To go backwards; a melody or a section of music can be written or performed from the end to the beginning.
Basso Continuo
In the Baroque period, the basso continuo consists of a single bass line (for example, a cello) with a keyboard part (for example, a harpsichord) filling in the harmonies The basso continuo supports one or more melody lines
Concerto grosso
A small group of soloists (concertino) contrasts with a larger group of instrumentalists (ripieno). The concerto grosso developed in the Baroque period.
Ritornello means a theme which returns frequently throughout a piece.
In a concerto grosso, the ritornello is the main, recurring theme played by the ripieno. The ritornello may return frequently throughout the movement.
Variations over a ground bass.
Da capo aria
An aria in ternary form used in opera and oratorio. The 3rd section was not written out and was often ornamented.
Sonata form
A form used for the first movement of a sonata or symphony.
The first section of a movement in sonata form.
The main theme in a composition, the main themes in sonata form, or the main theme on which a fugue is based.
A vocal piece in which there is little or no repetition of the music.