Adult neuro Flashcards
a) what is TIA?
b) Positive Romberg test for? feet together and eyes open then close.
c) irrigate pt’s ear for impacted with cerumen, what action?
a) caused by a temporary reduction of O2 supply
NO cerebral edema. stroke-like attack
b) cerebellar dysfunction
c) instilling 5ML-10ml of fluid with each irrigation(warm-up 37 degrees)
pull upward and backward then apply gentle but continuous pressure
a) otitis media s/s?
b) pt who has encephalitis d/t west Nile virus. what action?
c) what is West Nile virus?
d) what is encephalitis?
a) low-pitched sound heard
feeling fullness in the ear
cracking sound when yawning
b) vital q2
assess neuro q4
keet the pt’s room darkened
c) after bitten by a mosquito. standard precaution
d)inflammation of the brain/HOB 30 degress
a) pt traumatic brain injury. what s/s indicate inc intracranial pressure
b) pt has a clonic seizure while lying in bed. why do we remove the pillow?
c) presbyopia, what EF?
a) dilates pupils
b) protects the airway
c) heard to read the newspaper 老眼
a) cataracts
b) angled-closure glaucoma
c) retinal detachment
d) macular degeneration
a) clouding,dec periphela and central vision d/t opacity of the lens
blurried vision
white pupils
b) emergency, sudden severe pain, reduce vision
open-angle gradual loss of vision
c) curtain pulled over the visual field with flashes of light,floating dark spots
d) lose of vision in the center of the visual fiels
Inc intake deep wellow and orange vege
a) pt fall off of a roof. What indication of a basilar skull fracture?
b) pt who has closed traumatic brain injury experiencing inc ICP, this d/t?
c) ALS early s/s?
a) clear fluid coming from the nares
open traumatic brain injury
b) Rigid skull containing cranial contents
c) weakness of the distal extremities
they don’t affect visual, sensory nervous and temp regulation
a) pt received sedation. When the nurse applies nailbed pressure, the pt withdraws his hand. what document of this?
b) pt who has myasthenia gravis, what supplies should the nurse place the pt’s bedside?
c) repetaed middle ear infections d/t obstraction of the structure that connects the middles ear to the throat. what is this?
a) aroudal(response sensory stimulation)
b) oral-nasal suction(weakness of the skeletal muscles
c) eustachian tube
pre-ope teaching about laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)?
need glasses after surgery/eye surgery
no drive home/will have blurry vision
not wear contact for 2-3 weeks
complete healing is about 4 weeks
ADR is dry eye
a) teaching about open-angled glaucoma
a) driving can be dangerous d/t loss of peripheral vision
laser surgery can help reestablish the flow of aqueous humor
eye drop will not help improve vision but reduce intraocular pressure
a) mastoiditis s/s?
b) multiple scleosis(MS) s/s?
a) selling behind the affected ear
b) remissions(減少) and exacerbations
including vision loss, pain, fatigue, and impaired coordination
Right side stroke
-Left side neglect
-impaired judgment
-lmparied impulse control
-impaired time
-Short attention span
left side stroke
-Paralysis on right side
-Impaired speech/language
(Left=Language) aphasia
-Slow, cautious
-Aware of deficits/depression
which part of the brain is affected?
a) aphasia(speaking)
b) vision
c) understand speech
d) memory
a) frontal
b) occipital
c) temporal
d) limbic
a) pt who has autonomic dysreflexia d/t a C5 spinal cord injury. After checking pt’s vital signs, what should do first?
b) pt received mannitol for inc ICP. what indicates therapeutic effect?
a) Place the pt in a high fowler’s position
b) serum osmolarity is 310(because mannitol is osmotic diuretic/normal 275 to 295)
dilated pupils,bradycardia,restlessness,widened pulse pressure are inc ICP
a) difficult to arouse means?
b) pt has a brain tumor and has CT. what factors affect the manner of preparing the CT?
c) EGG, what position and how long?
a) difficult to awake
b) development of hives when eating shrimp
cause CT uses contrast media(selfish allergy)
c) lying still eyes closed
45mins to 2hrs
a) pt had a head injury from a fall at work, the nurse did ABC then what?
b) what memory? ask provider’s name he saw in past few day or how the pt arrive at the apointment with whom?
c) ask pt’s city of birth or the school he attended?
d) give 3 unrelated words and ask him to repeat
e) mother’s maiden name or specific important date in pt’s history
a) immobilize the pt’s cervical spine
b) recent, recall
c) remote
need to verify
d) immediate
f) past
a) pt who has a traumatic brain injury and assumes a decerebrate posture in response to noxious stimuli.
what reactions should the nurse anticipate when drawing a blood sample?
a) rigidly extends and pronates the 4 extremities and externally rotates the wrists.severe brain stem injury
decorticate posturing internally flexes the wrists and arms and extends and plantar flexes the legs
color of tag
a) dilated pupils that are fixed or nonreactive to light
b) life-threatening injuries but a high possibility of survival once they are stabilized
c) major injuries that are not yet life-threatening
d) minor injuries that are not life-threatening and do not need immediate attention
a) black/die naturally/class 4
b) red/class 1
c) yellow/class2
d) green/class 3
a) after cataract surgery, what should be avoided?
a) bending over,lifting, coughing, performing the Valsalva maneuver
=limit houskeeping activities
attempt of exhalation against a closed airway, usually done by closing one’s mouth and pinching one’s nose shut while expelling air out as if blowing up a balloon
a) cranial nerve 2 affected what?
b) cranial nerve involment?
c) Guillain-Barre syndrome, EF?
a) optic nerve, some visual challenges so provide an obstacle-free path for ambulation
b) dysphagia
c) weakness of the lower extremities
after surgery of detached retina
a) how soon return vision?
b) what activity should avoid?
c) how long should wear eye shields?
a) over several weeks
b) reading or anything can cause rapid movement of the eye
c) 2-6weeks even during sleep
a) cranial nerve X=10. what test was performed?
b) Sclerosis of the ossicles causes what?
c) postoperative following a frontal craniotomy. What positon should be?
a) have the pt open his mouth and say aah
b) Tinnitus, hearing loss
c) semi-fowler’s for prevent inc ICP
a) complication of cranial nerve 8 VIII
b) what EEG measure?
c) adolescent who has recurrent external otitis. what instruction does the nurse teach?
a) dizziness and hearing loss
b) records the electrical activity of the brain cells
c) instill a diluted alcohol solution into the ear after swimming(just drop)
DO NOT insert anything smaller than finger!
a) what is receptive aphasia?
b) what is expressive aphasia?
c) as name all of his children, their ages and bday os what memory?
a) cannot understand words or sentences they hear
b) cannot name simple objects or formulate sentences
c) remote
a) stage 2 Alzheimer’s disease. what teaching to the family?
b) manifestation of autonomic dysreflexia?
c) which one is action first to protect head or put him on side while the seizure?
a) limit choices offered
b) report severe headache, flushing face and neck,bradycardia, extreme hypertension
c) protect head
a) pt multiple sclerosis, what EF?
b) pt who has a spastic bladder following spinal cord injury. what to do?
a) intention tremors
at risk for motor dysfunction, with intention tremors, poor coordination, and loss of balance.
a) stroke the pt’s inner tigh
Other techniques include pinching the skin above the groin and providing digital anal stimulation.
a) pt epilepsy and taking phenytoin. what to teach?
b) care for viral meningitis
a) take at consistent time each day to maintain therapeutic blood levels
client to continue taking antiepileptic medications even in the absence of seizures. Stopping the medication can lead to the return of seizures or the complication of status epilepticus.
b) check capillary refill at least q4
a) pt who has right-sided homonymous hemianopsia. What to teach?
a) look consciously at both sides of their meal tray
Clients who have right-sided homonymous hemianopsia have lost the right visual field of both eyes and might only eat the food they are able to see on the left half of the meal tray. Therefore, the nurse should remind the client to look at both sides of his meal tray to help compensate for the visual loss.