Adrenoceptors Flashcards
Which adrenoceptor inhibits sympathetic-associated insulin secretion?
Receptors that activate adenylyl cyclase and mechanism
β1,β2, β3, D1.
Activation of adenylyl cyclase, increased cAMP, activation of protein kinases.
Imidazoline receptors - effects
Decreased sympathetic outflow from CNS.
Most potent for β2-adrenoceptors, epinephrine or norepinephrine?
β1-adrenoceptors - effects:
Pos chronotropic (increased HR), inotropic (increased contractility) and dromotropic (increased impulse conduction velocity). Renin secretion.
β2-adrenoceptors - effects:
Smooth muscle relaxation (bronchial, uterine, vascular).
Skeletal muscles: increased K+ uptake.
Activation of glycogenolysis (increased blood glucose).
Which adrenoceptor(s) have effects on eyes?
α1: contraction of iris dilator muscle.
α2: Decreased aqueous humor secretion
α1-adrenoceptors - mechanism
Phospholipase C activation, increased IP3, Ca2+ release
β3-adrenoceptors - effects
Activate lipolysis.
Skeletal muscle: activate thermogenesis.
Utererine relaxation.
Which adrenoceptor cause bronchodilation and increased blood glucose?
α2-adrenoceptor - mechanism
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, decreased cAMP
Feedback inhibition of norepinephrine
Platelet aggregation
insulin secretion inhibition
Which adrenoceptor(s) cause exocrine gland secretion?
D2 receptors - mechanism
Decreased cAMP, increased K currents, decreased Ca influx.
Which adrenoceptor(s) activate lipolysis?
α1-adrenoceptors - Effects
Smooth muscle (sympathetic neuroeffector junctions): contractions (vascular sm. iris dilator muscle, bladder, urethra, prostate) increases BP.
Exocrine glands: Secretion
CNS: neuronal excitation