Adrenal physiology Flashcards
- Identify the key steps in steroid hormone biosynthesis.
Cholesterol goes to pregnenalone
pregnenalone can be made into mineralocorticoids
pregnenalone can also hydroxylated into 17-OH=pregnanlone which can turn into glucocorticoids or it can be tuened into DHE and then sex steroids
- Describe the transport of glucocorticoids in the plasma.
> 90% carried by carrier proteins (cortisol-binding-proteins)
-hard to estimate free concentration, eventhough this portion is important and regulated
- Categorize the actions of cortisol on various systems.
metabolic CV Fibroblasts Vit D inflammatory immune
- glucose up, gluconeogenesis up, insulin down
- proteins freed from muscle
- FFA freed, in excess deposited centripedally (moon facies, Buffalo hump)
CV (permissive effects)
- increase HR, Increase contractiloty by uprgeulated Beta adrenergic receptors
- increase RBC’s (polycythemia)
- decreases their production
- decrease fibroblast #
- decrease collagen synthesis (thinning of the skin)
Vit D- antagonizes vit D
- osteoporosis
- Ca2+ deficiency
- inhibits Phospholipase A2
- less arachodonic acid-> less PGs, LKT’s, TXA’s
- inhibits vascular permeability changes
- inhibits T cell Proliferation
- inhibits T cell Activation
- Diagram the regulation of ACTH production and release.
Cortisol neg feedback on Hypothalamus production of CRH
cortisol neg feedback on ant. pituitary on ACTH
- Define the actions of ACTH.
acts on Adrenal cortex
- increases cell #
- increases enzyme #
- Define mechanisms of epinephrine release from medullary chromaffin cells.
Tyrosine is converted to L dopa by TYR-hydroxylase
L-dopa is converted to dopamine by Dopa decarboxylase
Dopamine goes into dense core vesicles (chromogranins) where its converted to NE by Dopa Beta Hydroxylase,
NE exits vesicle through H+/NE cotransporter where is is converted to EPI and shuttled back in through same mechanism
Splanchnic nerve through nicotinic neuronal receptors relases Ach causing Na+ influx depolarizing the cell, causing Ca2+ influx causing vesicle relases from chromaffin cells
There is also a slow mechansim through muscurinic receptors
- Describe the body’s integrated response to stress.
glucose goes up (glycogenolysis)
free fatty acids go up (stimulated HSL)
Insulin release drops (protect from HYpoglycemia (alpha/beta high)
-alpha decreases cAMP, Beta increases cAMP
- Describe actions of epinephrine and mechanisms of adrenergic receptor action.
Beta- Gs->AC->increase cAMP
Alpha 2- Gi/o-> decreases cAMP
Alpha 1- Gq-> IP3, DAG-> increase Ca2+ and PKC
Adrenal insufficency
addisons disease
- Cortisol down
- ACTH up
- Aldosterone down
Pituitary insufficiency
ACTH down, cortisol down, normal aldosterone due to renin aldosterone angiotensin system
Cushings syndrome
pituitary- (cushings disease) -increased ACTH, increased cortisol Adrenal -increased cortisol, decreased ACTH, -increased aldosterone exogenous cushings -too many steroids
Pathological increase in Catecholamines
Regulation of MEdulla
Spinal cord- aplanchnic nerve, short burst no need for feedback
Cortisol-> acts on medulla increases NE, E release
-> increases B adrenergic activity by increasing Bets receptors
Brain (hypothalamus)
- CRH and NE can excite each other
- arousal and agression