adrenal gland physilogy Flashcards
1. Where are the adrenal glands located?
On top of the kidneys. Also known as suprarenal glands.
- How many layers does the adrenal cortex have, and what are they?
The adrenal cortex has three layers: Zona glomerulosa, Zona fasciculata, and Zona reticularis.
- What is the composition of the adrenal medulla?
The adrenal medulla is made up of neural tissue.
- What is the role of the juxtaglomerular cells (JG cells) in response to low blood pressure?
JG cells produce renin, which acts on angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin I, leading to the formation of angiotensin II (ATII).
- What is the primary effect of ATII on the adrenal cortex?
ATII stimulates the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex, activating an intracellular cascade that leads to aldosterone synthesis.
- What are the two conditions that constitute a strong stimulus for aldosterone synthesis?
Hyponatremia (low sodium levels) and hyperkalemia (high potassium levels).
- What is the role of ACTH in the stimulation of the adrenal cortex?
ACTH, produced by the corticotropes in the adenohypophysis, stimulates the adrenal cortex, particularly the zona glomerulosa, to produce aldosterone.
- What is the role of CRH in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis?
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is produced by the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and stimulates the release of ACTH from the adenohypophysis.
- What is the primary effect of ACTH on the adrenal cortex at the cellular level?
ACTH activates an intracellular cascade, leading to the production of aldosterone in the zona glomerulosa.
- What are the three layers of the adrenal cortex and their respective locations?
Zona glomerulosa (most superficial), Zona fasciculata (in the middle, thickest), and Zona reticularis (the deepest).
- What inhibits the synthesis of aldosterone and under what conditions is it secreted?
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) inhibits aldosterone synthesis and is secreted when blood pressure is high.
- What is the role of ANP in inhibiting aldosterone synthesis?
ANP binds to specific receptors, activating a G inhibitory pathway that results in potassium efflux out of the cell.
- What is the basic unit required for the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal cortex?
Cholesterol serves as the basic unit for the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal cortex.
- What is the enzyme responsible for converting cholesterol to pregnenolone in aldosterone synthesis?
21-hydroxylase converts cholesterol to pregnenolone in aldosterone synthesis.
- How is cortisol transported in the bloodstream, and what proteins does it bind to?
Cortisol is transported by binding to corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG or transcortin) and sometimes to albumin, a protein synthesized by the liver.
- What is the function of sodium-potassium ATPase in the cells of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)?
Sodium-potassium ATPase pumps 3Na+ out of the cell and 2K+ into the cell, utilizing ATP.
- What is the role of protein channels for Na+ in the luminal membrane of the DCT cells?
These channels bring Na+ from the filtrate into the cell, and from the cell, it goes into the blood in response to the hyponatremia stimulus.
- How does aldosterone influence water reabsorption in the DCT?
Aldosterone, in response to the strongest synthesis, causes “water follows sodium,” enhancing water reabsorption.
- What is the function of protein channels for K+ in the luminal membrane of the DCT cells?
These channels move potassium from the blood into the filtrate to be lost in the urine in response to the hyperkalemia stimulus.
- What are the effects of aldosterone on the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) cells at the molecular level?
Aldosterone activates specific gene sequences, leading to the production of proteins such as sodium-potassium ATPase and ion channels for Na+ and K+.
- What are the two main parts of the adrenal gland, and where are they located in the body?
The two main parts of the adrenal gland are the cortex and the medulla. They sit on top of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm.
- How many layers does the adrenal cortex have, and what are their names?
The adrenal cortex has three layers: Zona glomerulosa (most superficial), Zona fasciculata (in the middle and thickest), and Zona reticularis (the deepest).
- What type of tissue makes up the adrenal cortex layers?
All layers of the adrenal cortex are mostly composed of glandular cuboidal epithelial tissue.
- What is the adrenal medulla made of, and how many layers does it have?
The adrenal medulla is made up of neural tissue and has only one layer.
- What hormone is secreted by the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus to stimulate cortisol synthesis?
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is secreted by the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus to stimulate cortisol synthesis.
- What cells in the adenohypophysis are stimulated by CRH to release a hormone into the bloodstream?
Corticotropes in the adenohypophysis are stimulated by CRH to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into the bloodstream.
- What is the role of ACTH in cortisol synthesis, and how does it exert its effects on the adrenal cortex?
ACTH binds to a G protein-coupled receptor, triggering an intracellular cascade that activates adenylate cyclase. This leads to an increase in cAMP and the activation of protein kinase A (pkA), stimulating cortisol synthesis in the adrenal cortex.
- What is the basic unit required for cortisol synthesis, and how is it converted to pregnenolone?
Cholesterol serves as the basic unit for cortisol synthesis, and it is converted to pregnenolone by the enzyme 21-hydroxylase.
- What proteins transport cortisol in the bloodstream, and what percentage binds to each?
Cortisol is transported by binding to corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG or transcortin) (~75%) and albumin (~25%), a protein synthesized by the liver.
- What stimulates cortisol synthesis, and how does the activation of pkA influence this process?
Cortisol synthesis is stimulated by ACTH, and the activation of pkA by phosphorylation influences the enzymes catalyzing the pathway, enhancing cortisol synthesis.
- What is the primary effect of cortisol on skeletal muscles, and how does it achieve this effect?
Cortisol stimulates protein catabolism in muscles, breaking down proteins into amino acids. This is achieved by activating specific genes in the nucleus, leading to the production of proteases that break peptide bonds inside proteins.
- What is the process called when cortisol stimulates protein breakdown in muscles, and what is the fate of the amino acids released?
The process is called protein catabolism. Amino acids released into the bloodstream go to the liver.
- How does cortisol influence catabolism within bones?
Cortisol stimulates catabolism within the bones.
- What is the primary effect of cortisol on adipose tissue, and what process does it stimulate?
Cortisol stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissue, breaking down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.
- What happens to the fatty acids released during cortisol-induced lipolysis?
Fatty acids can be utilized by the muscles or redistributed and relocated to different parts of the body.
- What process in the liver does cortisol stimulate, and what are the two main components of this process?
Cortisol stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis in the liver. Gluconeogenesis is the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, including amino acids, lactic acid, glycerol, and odd-chain fatty acids. Glycogenesis is the conversion of glucose into glycogen, a storage molecule for glucose.
- How does cortisol influence the sympathetic nervous system, and what is its effect on the adrenergic receptors in the liver?
Cortisol enhances the sympathetic nervous system and acts on tissues sensitive to norepinephrine. There are adrenergic receptors on the liver that bind norepinephrine.
- What is the overall effect of norepinephrine on the vessels in response to cortisol’s influence on adrenergic receptors?
The overall effect of norepinephrine on the vessels is glycogenolysis, the conversion of glycogen into glucose
- What are the direct and indirect effects of cortisol on glycogenesis and glycogenolysis in the liver?
Cortisol directly stimulates glycogenesis (conversion of glucose into glycogen) and indirectly stimulates glycogenolysis (conversion of glycogen into glucose) by increasing the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors for norepinephrine.
- How does cortisol influence blood vessels, and what is its effect on adrenergic receptors in smooth muscle cells?
Cortisol enhances the sympathetic nervous system and acts on adrenergic receptors in smooth muscle cells within the tunica media of vessels. It increases the sensitivity of these receptors, leading to vasoconstriction and amplifying the effects of norepinephrine on the vessels.
- What is the overall effect of cortisol on blood vessels, and how does it relate to the sympathetic nervous system?
The overall effect of cortisol on blood vessels is vasoconstriction, and it amplifies the vasoconstriction initiated by the sympathetic nervous system.
- How does cortisol affect the immune system, and which immune cells and processes does it inhibit?
Cortisol can inhibit specific processes inside immune cells. It inhibits basophils from secreting histamines, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins, and it inhibits lymphocytes and monocytes from secreting interleukins and cytokines involved in the inflammatory immune response.
- What are the main stimuli for cortisol release, and how does cortisol respond to hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) is one of the main stimuli for cortisol release. In response to hypoglycemia, cortisol indirectly stimulates glycogenolysis and directly stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis, helping to raise blood glucose levels.
- What is another stimulus for cortisol release, and how does cortisol respond to long-term stress?
Long-term (chronic) stress is another stimulus for cortisol release. In response to long-term stress, cortisol increases the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors in smooth muscle cells, enhances muscle catabolism to provide nutrients, and depresses the immune system.
What is the impact of long-term stress, such as preparing for finals, on the immune system?
Long-term stress, like preparing for finals, can depress the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections. Microorganisms can cause damage due to the weakened immune response, often leading to illness before finals.
How is cortisol utilized in the treatment of leukemia?
Cortisol is employed in leukemia treatment by depressing the bone marrow and inhibiting white blood cells. It also prevents already formed cells from producing inflammatory cytokines, contributing to its therapeutic effects.
What feedback mechanism is triggered by elevated cortisol levels in the blood?
Elevated cortisol levels initiate a negative feedback loop on the hypothalamus and inhibit the adenohypophysis from producing ACTH. This negative feedback helps regulate cortisol levels in the blood.
What happens when cortisol levels decrease in the blood?
When cortisol levels decrease, there’s insufficient inhibition on the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis. This leads to stimulation of the nuclei to produce more CRH, which, in turn, stimulates the pituitary to produce more ACTH. Ultimately, this increased ACTH stimulates the synthesis of cortisol.
What are the main parts of the adrenal gland?
The adrenal gland consists of the cortex and the medulla. The cortex is further divided into three layers: Zona glomerulosa (superficial), Zona fasciculata (middle and thickest), and Zona reticularis (deepest). The medulla is composed of neural tissue.
Describe the synthesis of androstenedione.
Androstenedione synthesis begins with the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. CRH stimulates corticotropes in the adenohypophysis to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH, in turn, triggers a cascade involving G-proteins, adenylate cyclase, and protein kinase A (pkA). In the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex, steroid hormones, including androstenedione, are synthesized from cholesterol. This process is regulated by enzymes and involves the activation of pkA through phosphorylation.
What is the role of ACTH in androstenedione synthesis?
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) plays a crucial role in androstenedione synthesis. It is released in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and binds to a G-protein coupled receptor on the adrenal cortex cells. This binding triggers an intracellular cascade involving adenylate cyclase, GTPase, and protein kinase A (pkA), ultimately leading to the synthesis of androstenedione and other steroid hormones in the zona reticularis.
What alternative pathway exists in androstenedione synthesis?
An alternative pathway involves the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, with subsequent synthesis of weak sex hormones, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and androstenedione. These gonadocorticoids are produced in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and contribute to the overall synthesis of androstenedione.
What is the general function of androstenedione?
Androstenedione is a weak sex hormone classified as a gonadocorticoid. Its general function involves contributing to the synthesis of other sex hormones.
What are the effects of androstenedione in males?
In males, androstenedione goes to the testes, where it gets converted to testosterone in minimal amounts. It increases libido (sex drive), stimulates the development of secondary sex characteristics, including pubic, axillary, and facial hair growth, and stimulates the secretions of the sebaceous glands of the skin.
What are the effects of androstenedione in females?
In females, androstenedione goes to the theca cells in the ovaries, where it gets converted to estrogen in minimal amounts. It increases libido (sex drive), stimulates the development of secondary sex characteristics, including the growth of mammary glands (breasts) and pubic and axillary hair growth, and stimulates the secretions of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Excessive DHEA and androstenedione production in females can lead to clitoral enlargement resembling a small penis.
What is the outer layer of the adrenal cortex?
Zona glomerulosa
What is the middle layer of the adrenal cortex?
Zona fasciculata
What tissue is the adrenal medulla made of?
What does the paraventricular nucleus secrete?
CRH (Corticotropin-releasing hormone)
What is the basic unit required for androstenedione synthesis?