Adrenal and Pituitary Flashcards
anterior pituitary is also called the ___
is derived from ____
Rathke’s pouch
non-trophic hormones produced by anterior pituitary =
GH and PRL
posterior pituitary aka ___
is an extension of ____ consisting of ___+___
neural tissue
modified glial cells
axonal processes
histology of anterior pituitary = __
acidophils =+
basophils =__+__
islands, cords of cells ; chromophobe islands
acido = somatotrophs (GH-50%) mammotrophs (PRL 20%)
baso = corticotrophs (ACTH 20%), thyrotrophs (TSH 5%) gonadotrophs (L/FSH 5%)
histology of posterior pituitary
non-myelinated axons of neurosecretory neurons
Pituitary adenoma can be associated with __ (__ syndrome)
Wermer syndrome
3 affects of a prolactinoma
lack of libido
25% have amennorhoea
large pituitary adenoma local affects may be __+__+__
visual field defect (bitemporal hemianopia)
P atrophy of surrounding tissue
infarction => panhypopituitarism
ischaemic necrosis of pituitary that causes panhypopituitarism =
Sheehan syndrome
granulomatous disease that can cause panhypopituitarism
craniopharyngioma is derived from _____ = 1-5% of IC tumours
Rathke’s pouch remnants
4 features of craniopharyngioma =
can cause ____
slow growing often cystic may calcify most suprasellar some are in sella => panhypopituitarism
ages that get craniopharyngiomas
5-15 yos or 50-60 yos
_+__ = symptoms of craniopharyngioma
in kids may cause ___
visual disturbances and headaches
growth retardation
congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia :
pattern of inheritance =
causes _/__ of steroid enzymes => increased ___
auto recessive
nodular adrenocortical hyperplasia is ACTH dep/independent?
ACTH independent (diffuse = ACTH driven)
if adrenal cortex tumours in young then consider
Li Fraumeni Syndrome
appearance of adrenal cortex adenomas=
well circumscribed encapsulated small - 2-3cm yellow/yellow-brown (lipids) small nuclei
features of adrenal cortex carcinoma that distinguish it from adenoma
large (>20cm) haemorrhagic and necrotic frequent mitoses atypical mitoses lack of clear cells capsular/vascular invasion
primary hyperaldosteronism aka
60% associate with __
diffuse/nodular bilateral hyperplasia
Cushings that is ACTH dep = __/___
and leads to ___
pituitary tumour (70%) small cell lung cancer adrenal hyperplasia
Cushings that is ACTH independent can be caused by __/___
and leads to ___
adrenal adenoma (10%) or carcinoma (5%) adrenal atrophy
acute primary adrenal insufficiency caused by massive adrenal haemorrhage due to septicaemia =
Waterhouse Friederichsen
causes of acute primary adrenal insufficiency =
rapid steroid withdrawal
stress on chronic insufficiency
massive adrenal haemorrhage - newborn, anticoagulants, DIC, septicaemia
3 common causes of Addisons
AI adrenalitis
infections (tb, HIV etc.)
chronic primary adrenal insufficiency aka
signs of Addisons when >90% of adrenal glands are destroyed =
fatigue anorexia nausea and vom wt loss diarrhoea pigmentation increase K+ and decrease Na+ = hypotension hypoglycaemia
pigmentation in Addisons is caused by
ACTH having the same precursor as MSH
zona glomerulosa produces __
mineralocorticoids - aldosterone
zona fasciculatis produces ___
glucocorticoids - cortisol
zona reticularis produces ___+___
glucocorticoids and sex hormones
adrenal medulla is innervated by ___ and chrommafin cells secrete ___
pre-synaptic sympathetic fibres
___+___ in neuroblastoma are indicative of a poor outcome
amplification of N-myc
expression of telomerase
neuroblastoma is usually diagnosed at age ___
40% from ___ and most of the others are found ___
adrenal medulla
along sympathetic chain
neuroblastoma are composed of ___ cells but can show maturation and differentiation towards ___ cells
tumour of chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla =
tumour in adrenal medulla that secretes catecholamines =
leads to secondary =
2ndry hypertension
detect __+___ in urine if have a phaeo
catecholamines and metabolites
90% of phaeos are associated with ___ which comes on with +++
paroxysmal hbp
stress, palpation of tumour, exercise, posture
if stain phaeo with K2Cr2O7 turns ____ as the catecholamines ____
dark brown
nests of cells seen in phaeos
usually phaeos metastasise to ___
Phaeo is a feature of __ (sipple syndrome )
gene mutation =
gain of function mutation in RET gene on 10q11.2
MEN2B mutation =
tumours associated =
activating point mutation in catalytic zone of encoded enzyme
MTC, neuromas/ganglioneuromas
marfanoid habitus
tumours ass with MEN2A
phaeo in 40%
MTC in 100%
10-20% parathyroid hyperplasia
hormones from hypothalamus > ___ > stimulate the ___ pituitary
portal system
hyphothalamic hormones > ____ >stored in ___ pituitary
neuronal tracts
in synacthen test cortisol should normally rise to ___
dont give a prolonged glucagon test to __/___
epileptics or CVDs
insulin stress test =
make bg ___ the measure __+__
normal =
GH and cortisol
both increase so that GH >7microg/l + cortisol >500
water deprivation test - if suspect __
check + for 8hrs and then give ___ and check for 4hrs more
if urine:serum osmolarity >2 (even on random test ) = ___
Diabetes Insipidus
serum and urine osmolarities
microadenoma = ___cm
macroadenoma =___cm
CN at risk of compression in pituitary pathology
4 physiological causes of raised prolactin
breast feeding
5 drugs that can cause raised prolactin
D2 antagonist anti-emetics (domperidone +metoclopramide) phenothiazines TCA and SSRIs oestrogens cocaine
pathological causes of raised prolactin (3)
hypothyroidism (raised TSH => raised PRL)
stalk lesions