Administrative Code of Board of Psychology, Ch 64B-19 (12) Flashcards
Board Members attendance requirements
- must attend board meetings
- cannot miss 3 consecutive meetings (exceptions allowed)
Emergency absences allowed
- “family” means immediate family, nieces, nephews, cousins, and in-laws
- “Immediate family” consists of spouse, child, parents, parents-in-law, siblings, grandchildren, and grandparents
Post-doctoral training requirements
- 20 hours/week part-time or 40 hours/week full-time
- 900 hours of direct client contact
- minimum of 2 hours of supervision per week
One of which must be face-to-face (hipaa compliant video ok)
Hint: 3 points
Responsibilities of Trainee Supervisors
Trainee must be capable
maintains professional responsibility for trainee’s work
provide 2 hour/week supervision, ( & 1 hr. of individual supervision)
Prevails in all professional disagreements with the psychology resident or post-doctoral fellow
- kept informed of all trainee’s work
- advise the board if complaints against trainee
- can continue until trainee is licensed
What are the fees for Limited Licensure? What is the cost, penalties and under what situation is the cost waived?
- fee is $30, unless, the applicant submits a notarized statement from their employer stating they will not receive pay for any psychology services rendered, then the fee is waived
extra + $25 to change status except for Inactive to Active which is an additional $75.00. If renewing late then $50 late fee or $55 if delinquent (renewing 120 days late)
Penalty for renewing AFTER your license expires, is an addition $25 or If delinquent ( renewing 120 days late) additional $30. Except for
to your total fee except for changing limited license to Retired status (regardless Active/inactive status) which is additional $50.00
If delinquent ( renewing 120 days late) additional $30 penalty except for changing limited license to Retired status (regardless Active/inactive status) which is additional $50.00
Active to Active $30.00 +$25 +
Inactive to Inactive$30.00 “” +25
Active to Inactive $55.00 +25 +25
Inactive to Active $105.00 +102.00 +25
Active to Retired $55.00 +25 +50
Inactive to Retire $55.00 +25 +50
If renewing AFTER your license expires, your fees will be:
Active to Active $55.00 +$25
Inactive to Inactive $55.00 +$25
Active to Inactive $80.00 +$20
Inactive to Active $130.00 +25
Active to Retired $105.00 +50
Inactive to Retired$105.00
If renewing 120 day Notified Delinquent, your fees will be:
Active to Active $85.00
Inactive to Inactive $85.00
Active to Inactive $110.00
Inactive to Active $160.00
Active to Retired $110.00
Inactive to Retired $110.00
When is a Limited Licensure granted? What is the cost, and under what situation is the cost waived?
-When a licensee is retired or will retire from the active practice of psychology within six (6) months of the date of the application;
- fee is $30, unless, the applicant submits a notarized statement from their employer stating they will not receive pay for any psychology services rendered, then the fee is waived
extra + $25 to change status except for Inactive to Active which is an additional $75.00. If renewing late then $50 late fee or $55 if delinquent (renewing 120 days late)
Penalty for renewing AFTER your license expires, is an addition $25 or If delinquent ( renewing 120 days late) additional $30. Except for
to your total fee except for changing limited license to Retired status (regardless Active/inactive status) which is additional $50.00
If delinquent ( renewing 120 days late) additional $30 penalty except for changing limited license to Retired status (regardless Active/inactive status) which is additional $50.00
Active to Active $30.00 +$25 +
Inactive to Inactive$30.00 “” +25
Active to Inactive $55.00 +25 +25
Inactive to Active $105.00 +102.00 +25
Active to Retired $55.00 +25 +50
Inactive to Retire $55.00 +25 +50
If renewing AFTER your license expires, your fees will be:
Active to Active $55.00 +$25
Inactive to Inactive $55.00 +$25
Active to Inactive $80.00 +$20
Inactive to Active $130.00 +25
Active to Retired $105.00 +50
Inactive to Retired$105.00
If renewing 120 day Notified Delinquent, your fees will be:
Active to Active $85.00
Inactive to Inactive $85.00
Active to Inactive $110.00
Inactive to Active $160.00
Active to Retired $110.00
Inactive to Retired $110.00
What are the 2 circumstances which must be met for a limited license to be granted?
- applicant was a licensed psychologist in any jurisdiction in the United States for at least 10 years.
- Applicant is retired or will retire from active practice within six (6) months of the date of the application.
What groups or conditions are considered as “Underserved” or Critical Need Populations as defined by this chapter
people living within a twenty (20) mile radius of any state site where there are no other psychologist practicing in that twenty (20) mile radius
Indigent people who
have developmental disabilities,
immigrants ,
American Indians living on Indian reservations,
adults over fifty-nine (59) years old
A. Initial fee for Licensure?
B. For Licensure by exam?
C. For Licensure by Endorsement?
D. Biennial (Active) Renewal Fee EXCEPT when & how much?
D. Renewal of a limited license and what is the exception?,
-It is $25.00
Additional penalty fee if renewing AFTER license expires ?
-unless the applicant submits a notarized letter from their employer stating they are not receiving pay for any psychological service then the fee is $0.00;
What is the fee for reactivation of an inactive or retired status license?,
What is the fee for any change of status (in addition to other fees)?, $50.00;
The fee for renewal of an inactive license is $_________with what exception?,
A. $100
B. $200
C. $200
D. $295 {except even years (from 2020 to 2028) then fee is $200 (same as fee for reactivation)}
application fee by exam is $200
- fee by endorsement is $200
- initial fee is $100
- limited license renewal fee is $25
- reactivation for inactive or retired is $50, so is change of status fee
- if not renewed in time, delinquency fee is $400 ($25 for limited license)
Active to Active $205.00 +200 +405
Inactive to Inactive $205.00 +200 +405
Active to Inactive $255.00 +200 + 405
Inactive to Active $305.00 +200 + 405
Active to Retired $55.00 +250 +405
Inactive to Retired $55.00 +250 +405
CE Provider fees
- $250, same for renewals
- paid by May 31 of even-numbered years
Additional Fees: duplicate, provisional, retired
- duplicate license is $25
- provisional license is $250
- retired status fee is $50, must be paid on biennial or must also pay change of status fee
Spouse of Armed Forces
- exempt from renewal requirements if absent due to service
- must show proof
Inactive licenses
- must remit the biennial renewal fee
- provide statement certifying that the licensee has neither practiced psychology nor violated any of the provisions since date of inactive
How long do you have to provide (written mail or email) notice of a change of address / change of place of practice
- written or email notification within 45 days
CE Credits, Part 1
- graduate course: 7 credits per 1 course credit; Max 21
-APA approved colloquium, presentation, a workshop etc. by internship: credits specified by the program
-APA approved workshops, seminars = hour by hour credit
- attending a conference = 1 credit per day; max of 5 per biennium
- becoming ABPP certified = 37 credits (not incl Domestic Violence or medical errors)(1st year only)
-presenting / moderating for 1st time, credit limited by those allowed by program
- 1credit for every hour attending a Board meeting; Max of 10 hours ALSO satisfies Professional Ethics & Legal CE requirements
CE Credits, Part 2
- Taking an approved CE courses (such that the course enhances the psychological skills and/or psychological knowledge of the licensee;
- Volunteer expert witness relevant to the practice of psychology. 2 hours per each case; Max of 10 hours
- serve on APA or FLpa boards/. peer-reviewed journals Max of 5 CE credits.
- teaching a new class, for 1st time only receive max of 20 hours CE credit
- publishing in field of psychology, max of 10 per publication with a Max of 30 credits
- Pro Bono work, 2 hours worked = 1 CE credit; Max of 6 hours (equaling 3 CE credits)
CE Credits Specific Requirements (i.e.,
- 40 hours
- 3 hours on Professional Ethics and psychology Florida Statutes and rules; 1 on ethics; 1 on Fl. laws/rules
- 2 hours on prevention of medical errors, incl. suicide risk, mandatory reporting, diagnosing
- if part of employment at licensed facility, 1 hour must be preventing medical errors
- Domestic Violence CE must be 2 hours every 6 years
- must retain proof of CE credits for 2 years
Approval of CE Providers
fee to become first-time CE provider is $250
- must hold course at least 1per year
- 2 years education/research experience on topic
- must submit narrative course description, & all promotional materials (sent at least a week in advance)
- course must have evaluation form, (give certificates of completion)
must ensure attendees stay to end of programretain evaluation forms for 3 years
- notify board within 2 weeks of significant changes (e.g., title, content, provider quals, number of CE credits, length of time of program)
- co-sponsorships are allowed
- approved for biennium