admin publica Flashcards
it is government in action, the management of public affairs at the implementation of public policies
public admin
is a phase in the public policy-making cycle and the implementation of public interest
public admin
public administration is what a state does, it is both created and bound by
an instrument of law
public administration is law in action:
public administration is inherently the execution of public law
public administration is the ______ function in government
can exist between states that are relatively equal in power and involve mutual security guarantees
group of independent states that delegate powers on selected issues to a central government
A true federal system such as that in the United
States must have the following features:
- a written constitution
- levels of government
- a constitutional distribution of powers
represent federalism in action
intergovernmental relations
are the sets of policies and mechanisms by which the interplay between different levels of government serving a common geographical area is managed
intergovernmental relations
is the oldest written constitution continuosly in force
the 1789 constitution of the United States
first chief of justice of the USA and wrote a few federalist papers
John Jay
is the fundamental settlement defining
federalism and defining the
permanent features of intergovernmental relations in the United States
the us constitution
types of governments
unitary government
federal government
all power lies with the national government
unitary government
national and state governments with power shared between them
federal government
power lies with sovereign state governments and an overarching power has some defined powers
is a revisited theory of federalism, building on
Friedrich’s idea of federalism as a process, but in a new form to accommodate contemporary forms of compound government in the current era
dynamic federalism
refers to the fiscal (financial) relationship between and among units of goverment in a federal system
fiscal federalism
An intergovernmental transfer of funds or other assets
grant powers
principle economic problems to solve:
- attainment of the most equitable distribution of people
- the maintenance of high employment with stable prices
- the establishment of an efficient pattern of resource allocation pattern
theory that questioned whether the
governmental decisions really represented the
wishes of most of the citizens
The Public Choice theory
It is the perfect representation of how the age of devolution is bringing us back to the first principles of the age of revolution
welfare reform
is to get people to do things they have never
done before, to do things that are not part
of the routine and take risks.
the job of a leader
Legal and perceived rights that accompany their organizational positions.
legitimacy of a manager
Cannot be addressed without introducing the concept of charisma, leadership based on
the compelling personality of the leader rather than on formal position.
legitimacy of a leader
Characteristic of a social institution such as a government, a family, or an organization,
whereby it has both a legal and a perceived right to make binding decisions.
Essential functions of leaders or
executives according to chester barnard
- to provide functions of leaders or executives
- to ptomote the securing of essential efforts
- to formulate and define the purposes and goals of an organization
Assumesthat leaders possesstraitsthat
make them fundamentally different from
trait theories
Sought to determine how leadership was established and exerted
transactional approaches
-Determine all policies,set allwork
assignments, personal in criticisms,
and product-task oriented.
-Aggressive behavior and least
satisfied, but highly productive (fear).
-Importantstructuralcause of
organizational incompetence.
-Shared decision-making, left decisions
up to the group, participate in group
activities, not to monopolizing.
-High levels ofconsideration for others.
-Mostsatisfied and productive.
-Allowsfor a peaceful evolution and
-Facilitators: allowfreedom for
individual and group decision
making, provid informationwhen
requested, participatewhen
called upon.
-Lowsatisfaction and low
is one with the ability to change an embedded organizational culture by creating a new vision for the organization and marshaling the appropriate support to make that vision the new reality
transformational leader
The best-known transformational leader is
General George S. Patton Jr.
Leading people in specific directions of
action and thought based on morals and
moral leadership
All our great presidents were leaders of thought at times when certain historic ideas in the life of the nation had to be clarified.
the bully pulpit
(1) the modern doctrine of the
(2) the advent of the modern mass
(3)the modern presidentialcampaign,
which blurs campaigning and
-Popular or massrhetoric,which presidents once employed only rarely, nowserves as one of their principal tools in attempting to govern the nation.”
-The “two presidencies”: foreign and domestic policy
-1948 to 1964
-The Congress approved 58.5% of
the foreign policy bills; 73.3% of
the defense policy bills; On the
other hand, the Congress
approved only 40.2% domestic
policy proposals.
-Noble stateman
Wildavsky’s theory
referring to the economic and bureaucratic elites that run an industrial society.
is an old-fashioned reorganization with a graduate education. Traditional reorganization
calls for changes in the administrative structure or formal procedures of government that do
not require fundamental constitutional change
is quite comfortable with authoritarian management styles and a new version of scientific management has been updated to the constant installation of the latest in behavioral and mechanistic technologies.
reengineering includes 3 steps:
- process mapping
- customer assessment
- process visioning
The key to successful reengineering efforts is the
ability to challenge the assumptions underlying
the current system
has the authority and responsability to make decisions, rather than needing to get approval or instruction from a manager
empowered employee
is an approach to running public service
organizations that is used in government and public service institutions and agencies, at both sub-national and national levels
the new public management
is an approach to research and
development of public administrative attributes and capacity in performing its responsibilities in different political, social, and economic systems
comparative public administration
It is the systematic integration of an organization’s efforts to achieve its objectives
performance management
is a measured relationship between
the quantity (and quality) of results produced
and the quantity of resources required for the
production of goods or services. In essence is
the measure of the work efficiency of an
individual, a work unit or of an organization.
It is a system introduced by W. Edwards Deming in the 90’s which he learned from the statistical
quality control that he learn from the Japanese, is a management approach that required all
employees to participate in quality improvemnent activities.
total quality management
is the overarching term of all efforts to use
the Internet to simplify governmental activities for both the public and public’s employees.
an integration of public services from the point of view of the citizens of the community
one-stop governments
for public administrators, _________ are part of daily life
budget constraints
Fairness in the delivery of public
services; it is egalitarianism in action
social equity