Admin Policy Flashcards
A Police Sergeant promoting to a Police Lieutenant shall receive the less of either?
-10 % promotional increase
-The lowest level salary of an employee currently within the Police Lieutenant rank
-The minimum of the salary range
Police Lieutenants are eligible for Special Duty Assignment pay under the following circumstances ?
-Employee is scheduled to appear in court for work related cases during unscheduled work shift
-employee is called back/called out to work
-Temporary high priority project assignments with mandatory deadlines
Regular, full time non-uniform union employees are eligible to ern the following bonus leave for non-usage of sick leave?
-An employee who does not use any sick leave from Jan 1-June 30 will receive (4) hrs bonus time off with pay
-An employee who does not use any sick leave from july 1-Dec 31 will receive (4) hrs bonus time off with pay
-An employee who does not use any sick leave from jan 1- dec 31 will receive (8) hrs bonus time off with pay
Regular part time and limited service part time employee who work ______ hours shall receive six (6) days of sick leave upon the completion of the ______ hours.
-1500 & 1500
Non probationary city employees with minimum of one (1) year of full time service and a minimum accrual of 100 hours (sick/vacation/PTO/STD) after a minimum of _______ hours contribution may participate i the catastrophic leave bank
Religious accommodations which involve an expense of less than ______ may be approved by the department director after Religious accommodations requests have been approved by the Labor and Employee Relations Manager
Non-Uniform and Non-Union eligible positions CT may be accrued up to _______ hours?
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees: Employees who are permanently assigned to the evening shift (after 1pm) shall be compensated an additional $1.60 per hour and employees who assigned the night shift (after 11pm) will be compensated an additional _______ per hour?
Full Time employees in regular and limited service positions shall receive how many holidays?
______ The basic and fundamental job duties that an employee must be able to perform with or without reasonable accommodations
-essential functions
Employees required to stand by for work shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay not to exceed a maximum of ______ hours per week
What does extreme ownership mean?
-Taking full responsibility for everything
Who is responsible for everything in your world?
What does cover and move mean?
-Working together as a team
What does prioritize and execute mean?
-Identifying and tackling the most important task
What is the main concept behind the “No Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders” Chapter?
-Bad teams are the result of poor leadership
In the book, the authors discuss a concept called “The dichotomy of Leadership” What does this refer to?
The balance leaders must find between opposing forces such as confidence and humility
What does it mean to “Get after it”
-To proactively tackle tasks and challenges
In the book, how do the authors suggest dealing with under performers in a team?
-Train and mentor them, but if unsuccessful, they may need to be let go
What does decentralized command mean?
Leadership should be distributed across the team, with each leader understanding the main goal
Human beings are generally not capable of managing more than how many people?
6-10 people
Dichotomy of Leadership-A good leader must be confident but not _________.
The single most important factor is ________.
Which position on the boat is the most difficult one?
-The front
What are the two types of leaders?
-Effective and ineffective
What was the name of the COP that Cover and Move lessons were learned at?
Who was the platoon commander for Charlie Platoon?
-Leif Babin
Who was shot and blinded by an enemy sniper?
-Ryan Job
When did the Task Unit arrive in Ramadi?
-Spring 2006
Principal 3 of the 12 principals mentioned in Extreme Ownership was?
- Be a Believer
It is the City’s policy to provide equitable __________ for its employees in the form of pay and benefits in order to attract and retain qualified individuals for all positions.
The City’s ___________ _________ is a systematic approach to collecting, analyzing, and maintaining information about positions in the City’s work force. Positions are grouped according to their relative duties and responsibilities to ensure that positions of equal difficulty and requirements are equitably compensated.
classification system
The City’s definition of salary ________ is that of a less-experienced employee earning a higher salary than a more-experienced employee.
The City will comply with rules governing overtime and compensatory time as established by the ________________________________.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Employees in this category are exempt from FLSA coverage and are not eligible for overtime or compensatory time. These employees fall into the FLSA groups of ___________, __________, and ____________.
Police Uniform/Union Eligible Positions are?
Police Offices & Police Sergeants
For employees in non-twelve hour positions, they will be paid time and one-half for all time worked in excess of the _________hour workweek. For employees in twelve hour positions, they will be paid time and one-half for all time worked in excess of the __________ hour work period.
- forty (40)
-eighty (80)
Every effort will be made to grant employees _____________ in a reasonable period of time without unduly disrupting departmental operations.
-time off
Non-Uniform/Union Eligible Positions may accrue compensatory time up to ______ hours.
Non-Uniform/Non Union Eligible employees will receive compensatory time accrual up to __________ hours
Sick Leave and Short Term Disability _______ not count towards meeting a 40 hour work week.
Neither FLSA nor City Policy guarantees that employees in any ________ category shall work in excess of the standard number of hours in a work period as specified in FLSA.
Employees must obtain prior approval from a ___________ by submitting the overtime/pre-time approval form before working over forty (40) hours in a workweek.
Employees may be ___________ for working hours not authorized by a supervisor.
An employee who has accrued ______________ time shall, upon termination of his employment or promotion to an exempt position, be paid for all accrued, unused time at his regular rate of pay before promotion or at the time of termination.
In certain conditions, the ____________ may authorize overtime pay for employees classified as “exempt” (up to but not including the level of Division Manager) to perform work directly related to the emergency.
City Manager
Designated ____________ events are excluded from requiring prior approval.
inclement weather
Exempt employees up to but not including the level of Division Manager are eligible to receive ____________ their normal rate for hours worked over 40 during an inclement weather event
1.5 times
Non-Uniform/Non-Union Eligible Employees longevity payments
-$4 each month for 0-5 years
-$6 each month for 6-all
Non-Uniform/Union Eligible Employees longevity payments
-$3 each month for 0-5 years
-$6 each month for 6-all
Uniform Police Longevity payments
-$5 each month for 1-15
-$6 each month for 16-25
Employees required to stand by for work shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay not to exceed a maximum of _______hours per week. S
sixteen (16)
Standby pay maximum of _____ hours for each _____ hours on standby per normal working day (Monday through Friday).
-two (2)
-eight (8)
Standby pay maximum of _____ hours for each _____ hours on standby per normal weekend (Sat/Sun) or designated City Holidays.
-one (1)
-eight (8)
An employee shall not be placed on standby and cannot be paid standby pay while on _________________.
paid or unpaid leave
An employee who is called to work for an unscheduled period of time shall receive a minimum of ______hours pay at the regular rate or shall be paid for the hours actually worked at the regular rate, whichever is greater.
four (4)
A regular full-time non-uniform employee assigned to work in a position with a higher rate of pay for a period of time shall receive an _________rate of pay
Conditions for alternate rate of pay:
-performs a majority of the duties of the higher classification which are different from their own
Held fully accountable for those duties in the same manner as a newly hired or promoted employee in that position
Alternate rate status shall not exceed state law of ______ consecutive calendar days without written approval by the City Manager.
sixty (60)
_______ will not be earned by employees earning alternate rate in exempt positions.
An employee assigned to work in a classification with a higher rate of pay for a period of time which exceeds three (3) consecutive work days, will receive an alternate rate of a ________ retroactive to the first work day.
5% increase
An employee in the position of ___________ or __________placed in an alternate rate status of a Department Director shall receive salary of previous incumbent.
Department Directors
Alternate rate will not be paid for Department Director or Mid-manager Positions unless there is a ________, or specific approval is received from the _________________.
- vacancy
-City Manager
_____________ employees required to work on a designated holiday shall be compensated for hours worked at the rate of time and one-half their regular rate of pay up to eight (8) hours, or have the option of receiving this time as comp time at the rate of time and one half.
Employees of the __________________ shall be compensated at the rate of two times the straight pay rate for working on a holiday in addition to the eight (8) hours holiday pay.
Communications Division
Exempt employees who are scheduled to work on a ______ shall be given another day off and not provided any other compensation.
Non-Uniform/Non-Union Eligible Employees will be paid shift differential pay of__________ if after 1 pm.
Non-Uniform/Union Eligible Employees shift differential pay will be:
________ per hour after 1300 hrs
_________per hour after 2300 hrs
-$1.60 per hour after 1300 hrs
-$2.00 per hour after 2300 hrs
Communications employees assigned to work 7pm-7am shall be compensated an additional ______ per hour.
Location Differential Pay for _______________ technicians will be paid _______ more per hour for assigned time at the landfill shop.
-Fleet Services
Non-exempt employees not regularly assigned to work Sunday shall be compensated at a rate of __________ for every hour worked.
two times (2x)
Certified full-time employees who have passed the second language assessment are eligible to receive a differential of _______ per week.
fifty-eight dollars ($58.00)
Department Directors may designate critical personnel who will be required to report to work and/or remain at work during inclement weather events, those designated employees, shall be compensated with an additional ______per hour for every hour worked.
Communication court appearances will be paid _________ OT/CTO with a minimum of one hour.
time and 1/2
For non-twelve (12) hour shift employees: A shift differential of ________ per hour will be paid for all hours worked by an employee when a majority of the employee’s regularly scheduled shift hours occur after 3:00 p.m. and before 11 p.m.
A shift differential of ________ per hour will be paid for all hours worked by an employee when a majority of the employee’s regularly scheduled shift hours occur after 11
p.m. and before 7:00 a.m.
For twelve (12) hour shift employees: A shift differential of ________ per hour will be paid for all hours worked for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift, or 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. for early shifts.
FTO pay will be paid at the rate of ______ hours per shift. FTO’s will only receive the additional pay for time actually spent training probationary Police officers.
three (3)
The City shall pay each officer ____________for all required court appearances, other than during regularly scheduled duty hours.
A minimum of ________ hours for job required court appearances
- time and one-half
- two 2
Employees on forty (40) hour work weeks who are called back to work from off duty status shall receive a minimum of _______ hours or the actual time worked, whichever is greater at time and one-half in compensatory time.
four (4)
Employees who report for duty and are detailed to work at a station other than the station to which they are assigned and provide their own transportation or participate in the meal at the other station will be compensated at a rate of _______per detail.
The City of Little Rock administers a compensation program with the following objectives:
-to provide salary ranges that are fair and internally equitable.
-to provide salary ranges that are externally competitive with relevant labor markets.
-to ensure compliance with federal and state regulatory guidelines.
-to review classifications on a timely schedule; and
-to ensure administration of the compensation program on a fair and consistent basis.
Non-Uniform ________ of the salary range is considered to be an internally equitable and externally competitive salary for a new employee who meets the minimum qualifications required for the classification
In the event an inequity exists, the __________________ will have the discretion to approve salary adjustments up to mid-point of the salary range
Chief People Officer
Movement between classifications with the same grade, same maximum of the range of the grade, or same title shall be considered a ______________
Lateral Transfer.
Uniformed/Union-Eligible Employees Upon promotion, an employee’s salary will be increased to the _______ of the new grade salary range.
Police Sergeant Promoting to Police Lieutenant
An employee who is promoted shall receive the lesser of either:
I. Ten percent (10%) promotional increase
- The lowest level salary of any employee currently within the Police
Lieutenant rank. - The minimum of the salary range.
Police Lieutenant Promoting to Police Major
An employee who is promoted shall receive the lesser of either:
- Ten percent (10%) promotional increase
- The lowest-level salary of any employee currently within the Police Major rank.
- The minimum of the salary range
Police Major or Police Lieutenant Promoting to Assistant Police Chief
An employee who is promoted shall receive the lesser of either:
- Ten percent (10%) promotional increase
- The lowest-level salary of any employee currently within the
Assistant Police Chief rank. - The minimum of the salary range
In no instance will a _________ increase be granted which does not maintain internal equity. Such as an employee promoted receiving a salary receiving a rate below the _________ salary range for the new classification.
While a normal general rule for a promotional increase is approximately _________. Any salary recommendation in excess of the midpoint of the range will require the ____________ approval prior to the salary offer.
- ten percent (10%)
-City Manager’s
If the promotional increase would cause the employee’s salary to exceed the ________ of the salary range for the new grade, a lesser percentage increase will be given such that the employee’s new salary equals the ___________ of the new grade salary range.
The __________________________ shall have the discretion to grant a transfer or voluntary demotion with approval from the Chief People Officer.
Department Director
When moving within NON-UNIFORMED classifications, it shall be considered a _____________ if the maximum of the range of the employee’s new grade is equal to the maximum of the range of his current grade, or if the new classification and the current classification have the same job title.
lateral transfer
_______________________________ is payment reflective of the overtime rate or compensatory time at straight-time (hour for hour) to specific employees in the classifications of Battalion Chief and Police Lieutenant designated by the respective Department Director who are required to work non-scheduled work time beyond the forty (40) hour or fifty-six (56) hour workweek
Special Duty Assignment pay
Battalion Chief and Police Lieutenant are required to work non-scheduled work time beyond the forty (40) hour or fifty-six (56) hour workweek in any of the following circumstances:
a. Employee is called back called out to work.
b. Employee is required to work a minimum of three (3) additional hours per scheduled work shift.
c. Employee is scheduled to appear in court for work related cases during unscheduled work shift.
d. Temporary high priority project assignments with mandatory deadlines.
Attendance at routine/required meetings or holdover time during non-scheduled work shifts __________ be eligible for Special Duty Assignment Pay.
will not
If an employee holds a classification that is reclassified or upgraded to a classification which has a higher maximum salary range than his current classification, his salary will be adjusted as needed to maintain equity among incumbents within the new pay grade. In no instance shall a salary increase result in a salary which exceeds the maximum of the salary range of the new grade.
Amount of Reclassification or Upgrade Salary Adjustment
If an employee holds a classification that is reclassified or downgraded to a classification which has a lower maximum salary range than his current classification, his salary shall be adjusted according to equity in the grade he is going.
Amount of Reclassification or Downgrade Salary Adjustment
A ______________ progression is a progression from one classification to another within a designated career path.
career ladder
When an employee has completed the ________period of service in the lower classification, he shall receive an increase determined by equity
The purpose of the _______________________________ is to standardize the internal equity review process in determination of salaries for all employee status changes, including hiring, promotions, and reclassifications.
Pay Equity Assessment Policy
The Pay Equity Assessment process assesses an applicant’s/employee’ s ______, ________, and ________ in order to determine an appropriate starting salary.
The Pay Equity Process allows the City to consider special factors beyond ________ and _______when determining the appropriate starting salary, such as specialized skills or training, beneficial to the Department or the City.
The ________________ Department will be responsible for completing all Equity Assessment Forms (EAF) for current employees with assistance from the Department, as needed and will score the selected candidate once they have been identified as a prospective hire.
Human Resources
The City’s _______________will be utilized to calculate the applicant’s equity points.
ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
While placing two employees at the same amount with different values of education and experience does not violate the City’s _________, it does not provide recognition for more experienced/educated employees.
equity policy
___________________ may advance any combination of up to forty (40) hours of Leave (Vacation, Sick, PTO or STD) to regular or probationary employees.
Department Directors
When an employee moves from a uniform classification to a non-uniform classification and vice versa, ______________, __________, and _______ balances shall be processed as though the employee had terminated employment.
Compensatory Time
Vacation Leave
Uniform/Non-Uniform move:
Sick Leave and Short Term Disability may be carried over to a maximum of ______ hours, to the new position and used according to City policy and/or department rules and regulations.
Uniform/Non-Uniform move:
In the case of a retiring Police Officer or Firefighter who is entitled to a sick leave payoff, any remaining sick leave will be carried over to the non-uniform position to a maximum of __________ hours
Non-Uniform/Non Union Employee
Vacation and discretionary days converted to ____ and three days of their Sick Leave converted to ___ and the remaining balance of Sick Leave to Short-term Disability Leave.
Employees moving to a non-uniform union eligible position will have their ____ leave converted to vacation days and their ____ leave converted to sick leave.
Part-Time employees moving to a Full-Time classification shall have vacation and bonus leave paid out at the Part-Time classification rate up to a maximum of ______ hours plus current year’s accruals.
Leave may only be used after completion of the _____________ or after six (6) months of employment for 911 Communications Operators, unless it is advanced to the employee by the Department Director
probationary period
For this policy, the date of transfer from a uniform position into the non-uniform position will be used as the ________ for computation purposes.
date of hire
What is PTO?
Paid Time Off
___________ leave may be used for vacation time, personal illness, or illness of a family member
Paid Time Off
PTO Maximum Balance for all non-uniform employees?
Each employee will accrue the equivalent of _______ hours per year
The maximum balance of the STD account is _______ hours
Short-term disability can be used for extended personal illness, or illness of a family member, requiring the employee to be absent more than ________ days.
Non-union employees may use _______ leave without the three (3) day requirement for COVID quarantines and illnesses, doctor’s appointments, yearly wellness visits, recommended age-appropriate preventive care and required medical procedures
Employees will be allowed to use up to ________ of STD for the birth or adoption of a child
six weeks
Employees at the maximum balance (1 ,250) at the time of an illness/injury ________ be required to use three (3) days of Paid Time Off (PTO) before using their STD
will not
Before an employee can charge leave against the short-term disability account, a _________________ form must be submitted to his Department Director with acceptable documentation.
STD Leave Request
When there is no accrued time in the paid leave account, the first three (3) days per incident of illness must be _________________.
leave without pay
An employee will be able to charge additional absences resulting from the same injury or illness to short-term disability if an absence occurs within _______calendar days of the last absence charged to leave.
thirty (30)
Employees who have a death in their immediate family, such being defined as mother, father, including stepparents, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandparents, grandchildren, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, spouse, or spouse’s immediate family, shall receive up to ___________ days off.
three (3)
After five (5) years of service with a cap of twenty-five (25) years an employee will receive 4.0% of the ______ account per month of service divided by twelve (12)
The city will pay a designated beneficiary of any non-uniform employee who dies while an active employee the balance of accrued STD up to a maximum of ________ hours.
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
Vacation may be accumulated to a maximum of _________ hours to be carried over to the next calendar year.
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
Employees will receive a maximum of ________ days discretionary days per year at the first of the year
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
The use of discretionary time for the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or New Year’s Eve must be requested by ________________.
November 15th
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
Regular full-time employees earn Sick Leave at the rate of _________ days per year.
twelve (12)
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
If unused, this Sick Leave shall be allowed to accumulate to a maximum of __________ hours for those regular full-time employees
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
During an extended illness, it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the supervisor not less than ________________ of the status of such extended illness so long as the employee is physically able to do so
every week
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
In cases of a non-job related injury or illness for which the employee is absent more than three (3) consecutive workdays, the employee _______ be required to provide the employer with a physicians statement indicating the length of disability, date(s) of treatment, anticipated return, and any work limitations
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
Any employee who has to be absent from work in excess of __________ of the normal and usual convalescence time as established by Professional Activity Study may be required to see the City’s physician for an evaluation examination and a release to return to work.
2 weeks
Non-Uniform Union Eligible Employees
The city will pay a designated beneficiary or the estate of any non-uniform employee who dies while an active employee the balance of accrued sick leave up to a maximum of _______ hours.
Uniform Police Department Employees
Leave may only be used after completion of ________ years of employment or upon completion of the Police Academy Recruit Class, unless it is advanced to the employee by the Department Director
two (2)
Uniform Police Department Employees
Vacation leave will be earned according to Arkansas State Law. Union eligible employees will receive ______ days/____hours
Uniform Police Department Employees
Non-Union eligible employees will receive ______ days/_____hours per year vacation leave
Uniform Police Department Employees
Union Eligible: Vacation days a maximum of _______________may be carried over to the next year, except when an employee is unable to take Vacation because of departmental needs.
forty-five (45) days (360 hours)
Uniform Police Department Employees
Non-Union Eligible: Vacation days a maximum of __________________may be carried over to the next year, except when an employee is unable to take Vacation because of departmental needs.
fifty (50) days (400 hours)
Uniform Police Department Employees
Discretionary Days/Personal Leave
Union eligible employees with five (5) to fifteen (15) years of continuous service shall be granted _________Days per year (40 hours).
five (5) Discretionary
Uniform Police Department Employees
Discretionary Days/Personal Leave
Union eligible employees with fifteen (15) years or more of continuous services shall be granted ________ Days per year (56 hours).
seven (7) Discretionary
Uniform Police Department Employees
An employee shall be compensated in cash at his basic rate of hourly pay for any unused Sick Leave up to ________ hours for union eligible and _________hours for non-union eligible upon retirement or death.
Uniform Police Department Employees
Employees will be able to receive a sick leave incentive payment for up to _________ hours for union and _______hours for non-union eligible employees after twenty (20) years of service who have a maximum sick leave balance
Employees in regular positions will be granted a ______________ for time required to serve on jury duty and shall be compensated at their regular rate of pay.
leave of absence
An employee required to be absent from work by a lawful subpoena issued by a court or legally constituted commission, which compels his presence as a witness in a case to which he is not a direct party shall be granted an ______________ with pay for such absence.
administrative leave
In accordance with the Arkansas State Law, the employee will be entitled to paid leave at a rate of __________hours , plus necessary travel time per calendar year for military leave.
Up to _______hours unused military leave hours may be carried over to the succeeding year for a maximum of ______ military leave hours for military training purposes for that calendar year.
For Drill/Annual Training:
No employee should be required to work the ______ or____ if they have to report to an official duty status the following day.
After an employee has exhausted his military time for the year they may use accrued _______, _____ or _____ to remain in pay status for short term (not more than 30 calendar days)
Any regular employee who is a member of the Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard, who is called to duty in an emergency situation by the Governor or by the President of the United States, shall be granted a paid leave of absence not to exceed _______ days.
_________________ is defined as any case of invasion, disaster, insurrection, riot, breach of peace, or imminent danger thereof, threats to the public health or security, or threats to the maintenance of law and order as defined by Arkansas State Laws.
Emergency situations
The United States Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA) sets a _________ cumulative limit on the amount of military leave you can perform and retain reemployment rights with your employer.
Employees while on a leave of absence ____________ accrue Vacation/PTO and Sick Leave/STD.
shall not
Under this policy, the City of Little Rock will grant up to _______ (or up to 26 weeks of military caregiver leave to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness) during a 12-month period to eligible employees.
12 weeks
FMLA eligibility conditions:
1) The employee must have worked for the City for 12 months
2) The employee must have worked at least 1 ,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately before the date when the leave is requested to commence.
FMLA Qualifying reasons:
1) The birth of a child and in order to care for that child.
2) The placement of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child.
3) To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition
4) The serious health condition of the employee and makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the employee’s position.
If eligible spouses both work for the City and each wishes to take leave for the birth of a child, adoption or placement of a child in foster care, or to care for a parent with a serious health condition, they may only take a combined total of ______ weeks of leave.
Full-time employees in regular and limited service positions shall receive _______ holidays with pay:
To ensure compliance with the __________________________, the City is committed to making a reasonable accommodation for the physical or mental limitation(s) of a qualified candidate employee with a disability unless the accommodation would cause an undue hardship on the operation of the City.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A modification or adjustment to a job, an employment practice or the work environment which can be accomplished without undue hardship and which would enable an otherwise qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job.
Reasonable Accommodation
A person with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education, or other job related requirements of the position that such individual holds or desires, and who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of such position.
Qualified Individual with a Disability
The basic and fundamental job duties that an employee must be able to perform with or without reasonable accommodation.
Essential Functions
A physical or mental impairment which substantially limits “one or more major life activities, a record of having such impairment, or the perception of being impaired
Any action that is unduly costly, extensive, substantial, disruptive or that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the organization.
Undue Hardship
When a supervisor becomes aware or an employee and believes he/she needs an accommodation to perform the essential functions of his/her job the supervisor or employee must notify the _________________ in the Human Resources
Labor and Employee Relations Division
Under the ADA, an employer can reassign an employee to a lower paying position and the ADA does not require employers to maintain the salary of an employee who is granted a reassignment.
Job Reassignment
The ______________________________________ must
- Review the request,
- Gather pertinent information including equipment needed, modifications needed, potential sources for equipment and/or technology,
- Determine an agency or organization which may be able to assist in the evaluation and implementation of an accommodation,
- Clarify all aspects of the request, including estimated cost.
for all ADA requests
Labor and Employee Relations Division Manager
The results of this ADA review and information gathering process should be forwarded to the Department Director within ______ work days of receipt of the Reasonable Accommodation Request form.
ten (10)
Accommodations which involve an expense of less than _____ may be approved by the Department Director after ADA accommodation requests have been approved by the Labor and Employee Relations Manager.
The City is committed to making reasonable accommodations to respect the religious beliefs, observances, and practices of all qualified candidates and employees, unless the accommodation would cause an undue hardship on the operation of the City.
Religious Accommodation
Who has the authority to approve a Reasonable Accommodation for religion?
Human Resources Labor and Employee Relations Division
Accommodations which involve an expense of less than ______may be approved by the Department Director after Religious accommodation requests have been approved by the Labor and Employee Relations Manager.
________________________ has the authority to approve any reasonable accommodations request over $250?
The Labor and Employee Relations Manager
12 Principles of Extreme Ownership
1: Extreme Ownership
2: Not bad teams, bad leaders
3: Be a Believer
4: Check the Ego
5: Cover and Move
6: Keep it Simple
7: Prioritise and Execute
8: Decentralise Command
9: Plan
10: Leading Up the Chain of Command
11: Act Decisively
12: Discipline Equals Freedom