Admin Flashcards
- 0POP01-ZQ-0022 Plant OPS Shift Routine*
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Who approves the use of temporary logs?
Unit Supervisor
Shift Manager
- 0PSP03-XC-0002 Initial Containment Inspection*
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What is the purpose of 0PSP03-XC-0002 Initial Containment Inspection to Establish Integrity?
- *Visual Inspection to ensure no loose debris present**
- Could clog emergency sump strainers during LOCA*
Verify 48” containment purge valves closed
Verify 18” Supplementary purge valves open/closed
- 0POP01-ZO-0006 Risk Management Actions*
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What does front stop completion time and the back stop completion time mean?
- Front Stop Completion Time:*
- *LCO action times in conventional Tech Specs**
- Back Stop Completion Time:*
- *Ultimate LCO Action Times permitted by Risk Management Tech Specs (RMTS)**
- Takes precedence over any Risk-Informed Completion Time calculated to be greater than 30 days*
Risk-Management Technical Specifications (RMTS): Plant-specific set of configuration-based Technical Specifications, based on a formally approved configuration risk management program and associated probabilistic risk assessment, designed to supplement previous conventional plant Technical Specifications.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in action level 3 for primary to secondary leakage?
Leakage from 1 S/G:
- Condition 1:*
- *≥ 75 gpd and ↑ 30 gpd/hr**
- Not required be entered for spikes*
- Condition 2:*
- *≥ 75 gpd w/ loss of radiation monitors**
- May terminate S/D if Rad monitors restored and < 75 gpd*
- Condition 3:*
- *> 150 gpd**
- Must be entered for spikes*
- Go to POP04-RC-0004 (SG Tube Leakage)
- Condition 1 OR 2: ↓50% [1 hr] and Be in MODE 3 [Following 2 hrs]
- Condition 3: Be in MODE 3 [6 hrs]
- 0POP03-ZG-0007 Plant Cooldown*
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What must CV-0198 RMW Isolation be throttled to in MODE 5?
< 110 GPM
Limited to < 125 gpm per LCO Cold S/D Loops Filled
- 0PGP03-ZA-0090 Work Process Program*
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What is a high risk work activity?
Cause / Would Cause:
Unit loses all power generation capability
Reduce power ≥ 20%
Entry into LCO that requires S/D in ≤ 24 hrs
- Conduct of Operations*
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According to 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors, what situations require the NRC to be notified within 1 hour?
Emergency Class Declared
Deviation from Tech Specs
Safety Limit / T.S. Section 2.0 Exceeded
Unplanned Criticality
Radiological, Security, Environmental Events
- 0PGP03-ZF-0018 FPS Functional Requirements*
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How often is it required to flush the Fire Protection Header?
Once per year
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What are the action levels for identified leakage?
- Action Level 1:*
- *≥ 3.0 gpm - < 5.0 gpm**
- Action Level 2:*
- *≥ 5.0 gpm**
- Action Level 3:*
- *Expected to exceed 10 gpm within 24 hrs**
- LCO*
- *> 10.0 gpm**
- 0POP01-ZA-0001 Admin Guidelines*
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When are valves in the AFWST pit required to be checked?
If security barrier is breached
- 0PGPO3-ZG-RMTS Risk-Managed Tech Spec Program*
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When can risk management tech specs (CRMP) be applied?
MODES 1 - 2
Applies to extended LCO times.
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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What is the maximum yearly dose that a visitor that is not qualified for unescorted access to the RCA can obtain?
- *75 mrem TEDE**
- Working Visitor*
- *10 mrem TEDE**
- Non-Working Visitor*
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What actions shall be performed for a secondary chemistry action level 1?
Generate CR
Return parameter < Action Level 1 Value
Have 21 days until it becomes action Level 2
- 0PGP03-ZF-0001 Fire Protection Program*
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While performing a hourly fire watch, what does 0PGP03-ZF-0001 (Fire Protection Program) specifically say is not allowed?
Using a cell phone / mp3 / gaming devices
- Hourly fire watches may have other duties.
- Continuous fire watches may have NO other duties.
- 0POP01-ZA-0014 License Operator Maintenance*
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What is required to maintain an active license each quarter?
Seven (7) 8 hr shifts
Five (5) 12 hr shifts
Physicals are valid
- *Enrolled in License Operator Requal Training**
- License Operator Upgrade Training does NOT count*
- 0PGP03-ZA-0514 Barrier Impairment*
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Who must be specifically notified if a fire suppression system is OOS for > 48 hours?
STP’s Insurer
- 0PGP03-ZO-0039 Configuration Management*
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How often is the operator aid review performed?
Performed by issuing authority.
The continuing need for each Operator Aid does not need to be verified. (kinda strange)
- 0PSP03-ZQ-0028 Operator Logs*
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If AFD alarm has been inoperable for > 24 hrs, how often must AFD be logged?
Every 30 mins
- Conduct of Operations*
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When can the STA stand watch as the Unit Supervisor, Primary RO, or Secondary RO?
US / RO must be available to re-relieve the STA if STA becomes activated
US / RO must be in same unit as STA
US / RO must perform shift turnover on same unit
- 0PSP03-XC-0002A Containment Entry (Integrity Established)*
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Who can perform all sections of this surveillance with exception of closing out the surveillance?
Non-Licensed work control SRO
- 0PSP03-XC-0002A Containment Entry (Integrity Established)*
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If a Øa occurs while personnel are in containment, where should personnel evacuate?
Aux Air Lock
If Aux Air Lock unavailable, must reset Øa and open the PAL OCIV. Personnel can then exit via the PAL.
- 0POP01-ZA-0001 Admin Guidelines*
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When are the emergency operations lockers audited?
- 0POP08-FH-0009 Core Refueling*
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Which radiation detectors should be functional for moving irradiated fuel?
RT-8050 OR RT-8051
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What must be done for each of the action levels?
Action Level 1:
Action Level 2:
MAB Walkdowns
Off Hours notification for Duty Ops Manager
Action Level 3:
MAB / RCB Walkdowns
HP Surveys / SG Samples
Off Hours notification for everyone
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What is the objective of secondary chemistry action level 1?
Identify and correct the cause of an out-of-normal value without a power reduction
- 0PSP03-XC-0002 Initial Containment Inspection*
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What is the max occupancy of containment during normal operations?
- *72 people**
- PAL and AAL must be OPERABLE*
Normal Operations is MODE 1 - 4 (Doors normally closed) or MODE 5 with the doors closed
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What should be done if a RCS leakage calculation was performed the test results are suspect?
Redo the Test
If the 2nd test confirms the 1st test’s results, then the action level entry time shall be the time of the 1st test’s results.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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Who performs the necessary notifications for 0PGP-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring?
Shift Manager
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment*
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What are the risk important operator actions?
Manually start idle CRE HVAC train
Start RHR train
Start standby trains after loss of SSPS due to fire.
Perform bleed and feed for loss of heat sink general transient event.
Start PDP after LOOP
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment*
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What are the levels of PRA?
- Level 1:*
- *Core Damage**
- CDF / year*
- Level 2:*
- *Large Early Release of Radiation**
- LERF / year*
- Level 3:*
- *Public Health Consequences**
- Early and Late Casualties / year*
STP does not have level 3 b/c industry standards do not require it.
- 0PSP03-XC-0002 Initial Containment Inspection*
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Who can perform the initial containment inspection to establish integrity?
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment*
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What is the level 1 PRA (Likely to cause core damage) top vulnerability?
- WCG-0001 Work Screening and Processing*
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Who approves high risk plans?
Duty Plant Manager
- 0PGP03-ZO-ECO1A ECO Instructions*
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What requires double valve isolation?
- *Fluid systems > 150 psig or > 200 ˚F**
- Hazardous System*
SFP Discharge Piping
Systems containing radioactive fluids
Systems containing chemically hazardous fluids
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What are your actions for primary chemistry action level 2?
Generate CR
Fix within 24 hrs
If cannot be fixed within 24 hrs, S/D plant to cold S/D.
If heating up plant and > 250 ˚F and Cl, SO4, Fl > 150 ppb for 24 hrs or O2 > 100 ppb for 24 hrs then lower temperature < 250 ˚F.
- 0PGP03-ZI-0007 Confined Space Entry Program*
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What O2 % would be considered safe in regards to Confined Spaces?
19.5% - 23.5%
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What must be done if a woman declares herself pregnant?
Restrict RCA Access
Issue new TLD
Figure out dose since conception
Woman, HR, and RP manager agree on new limit
Limit is < 450 mrem/pregnancy
If ≥ 450 mrem since conception, then limit is 50 mrem for the rest of the pregnancy.
NRC limit is 500 mrem/pregnancy
- 0PGP03-ZO-ECO1A ECO Instructions*
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Whose permission is required to use a check valve, relief valve, or a fail open valve as a tagout boundary?
Unit Operations Manager
Maintenance Division Manager / General Maintenance Supervisor
Also need their approval if:
- Working on system > 140 ˚F without a system vent/drain.
- Using a freeze seal
- Working on flange adjacent to boundary valve
- Any backseated valve used for single valve isolation
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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When must an area be posted a radiation area, high radiation area, locked high radiation area, and a very high radiation area?
- Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 5 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 100 mR/hr @ 30 cm**
- High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 100 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 1000 mR/hr @ 30 cm**
- Locked High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 1000 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 500 Rads/hr @ 1 m**
- Very High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 500 Rads/hr @ 1 m**
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What chemistry transients warrant a Rx trip?
CP Fully bypassed
Condensate Pump Discharge cation conductivity verified > 1.0 µS/cm
SG Cation conductivity rising
SG Na, Cl, or SO4 > 1000 ppb
SG Cation conductivity > 15 µS/cm
SG Na rising
- 0PGP03-ZA-0010 Performing/Verifying Activities*
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When is indirect IV used?
ALARA (10 mRem)
Safety Condition
Emergency Conditions
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What are your actions for primary chemistry action level 1?
Generate CR
Bring back in spec within 7 days
If cannot be fixed within 7 days, then more formal corrective actions will be performed.
- 0POP01-ZQ-0022 Plant OPS Shift Routine*
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How far back in the logs should the on-coming watchstanders review?
Whichever is less:
Since last watch
Prior 72 hrs
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What are the AAL radiation exposure limits?
- TEDE:*
- *2 R/year**
- Shallow Dose:*
- *40 R/year**
- Lifetime:*
- *N Rem (N=Age)**
No AAL for eyes b/c TEDE covers your eyes.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012 Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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What are your actions for primary chemistry action level 3?
Generate a CR
S/D immediately
Lower temperature to < 250 ˚F as rapidly as possible.
- Conduct of Operations*
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Who must be notified if a licensed operator fails a random breathalyzer test?
Unit Operations Manager
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What are the NRC exposure limits?
- TEDE:*
- *5 R/year**
- Eyes:*
- *15 R/year**
- Everything Else:*
- *50 R/year**
- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in action level 1 for primary to secondary leakage?
- Total Leak Rate (All 4 S/Gs):*
- *≥ 30 gpd**
Monitor CARS / BD / N-16 10 min trends every 15 mins
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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What is a DAC (Derived Air Concentration)?
- *Person will exceed yearly limit (5 Rem) if he breathes in air 40 hrs a week for 50 weeks.**
- (2.5 mrem/hr)*
- 0PGP03-ZO-ECO1A ECO Instructions*
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What is a severity Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 event?
- Level 1:*
- *Discovered after work has started**
- Level 2:*
- *Discovered after ECO released**
- Level 3:*
- *Discovered before ECO released**
To classify for these events, the error discovered potentially or could potentially expose a worker to hazardous energy.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0003 Temporary Modifications*
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Who is responsible for reviewing a temporary modification PRIOR to the approving of work?
- 0PGP03-ZI-0007 Confined Space Entry Program*
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How many controlled Entry and Exit points will be established for a Permit entry Space?
1 Entry
0 Exit
- LCO 6.2.2 Shift Manning*
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When must a RP technician be on site?
When fuel is in the reactor
- 0POP08-FH-0003 Fuel Transfer System*
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Who authorizes the operation of the bypass switches on the RFM and FHM?
Core Load Supervisor
If Fuel is attached, he must have permission from reactor engineering and the SM.
- 0PGP03-ZA-0514 Barrier Impairment*
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When does the requirements of 0PGP03-ZA-0514 not apply to a barrier impairment?
- Fire/HVAC/Flooding/Security:***
- *Personnel stationed to immediately close the door**
- Flooding:***
- *Breached for < 1 shift**
IVC Doors 002-005 are an exception due to HELBA