Adjustment Quiz Flashcards
Which hypothesis involves afferent impulses from one body area resulting reflex activity in other body areas?
Somato-somatic reflex hypothesis
How can vertebral subluxations affect the nervous system?
Could impinge on spinal nerve roots as they exit through the IVF
Who proposed the neurodystrophic hypothesis?
Robert Leach DC
What is the neurodystrophic hypothesis?
Neural dysfunction/abnormal innervation is stressful to the viscera and other body structures and leads to lowered tissue resistance (making a susceptible host)
Segemental muscle hypertonicity that may be associated with joint dysfunction is an example of which type of reflex hypothesis?
Somato-somatic reflex hypothesis
What is the definition of a subluxation according to DD Palmer?
Partial or incomplete separation, one in which the articulating surfaces remain in partial contact
What concept was constructed by Selye?
General Adaptation Syndrome
Distention of the gut resulting in increased contraction of the gut muscle is an example of which type of reflex hypothesis?
Viscero-visceral reflex hypothesis
At what stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body fail to adapt?
Stage of exhaustion
Does a vertebral subluxation alone cause a pinched nerve?
No - accompanied by inflammation, disc deformation, vascular changes, etc.
Which hypothesis involves visceral afferent impulses resulting in activation of visceral efferent output of the sympathetic or parasympathetic motor neurons?
Viscero-visceral reflex hypothesis
The fight or flight reaction occurs during which stage of the general adaption syndrome?
Alarm reaction
Patients under significant emotional distress at the time of a car accident showing more neck pain 4 weeks post injury than other patients in a similar situation is an example of which type of reflex hypothesis?
Psycho-somatic reflex hypothesis
According to a study done by the AMA, patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers had an associated with which spinal conditions?
T6-T9 scoliosis (86%) DDD (90%)
If a subluxation doesn’t cause a pinched nerve, what can?
1 fracture 2 extreme displacement
In what four ways is “subluxation” used in the chiropractic profession?
1 chiropractic theory 2 professional identity 3 clinical finding 4 clinical diagnosis
Diseases of adaptation like ulcers, hypertension, CAD, etc. occur during what stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
Pain and muscle tightness in the left shoulder with the onset of a myocardial infarction is an example of which kind of reflex hypothesis?
Viscero-somatic reflex hypothesis
What are the 3 stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome?
1 alarm reaction 2 stage of resistance 3 stage of exhaustion
Diseases that cause psychological and physical damage and possibly even death occur during what stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
Joint dysfunction leading to conditions such as insomnia and restlessness is an example of which type of reflex hypothesis?
Somato-psychic reflex hypothesis
Who are behind the theory of altered somatic and visceral reflexes involving facilitation?
Earl Homewood and Irwin Korr
Which comes first: facilitation or sensitization?
Does an impinged nerve have pressure on one or both sides?
One side
What is vertebral subluxation syndrome?
Clinical disorder identified by its presenting symptoms and physical signs
What is the theoretic model of motion segment dysfunction that incorporates the complex interaction of pathologic changes in nerve, muscle, ligamentous, vascular, and connective tissues?
Subluxation complex
Which hypothesis involves afferent impulses in one body area resulting in reflex activity in correspondingly innervated visceral organ activity?
Somato-visceral reflex hypothesis
Which reflex hypothesis involves subluxations that affect ascending paths of the reticular activating system?
Somato-psychic reflex hypothesis
According to DD Palmer, what is the real, primary cause of disease?
Tension (which is caused by pressure, and the cause of pressure in 95% of conditions is sublimated vertebrae)
What term is used to describe the multifaceted pathologic entity of a subluxation?
Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC)
Which reflex hypothesis involves significant conscious or unconscious stressors perpetuating sensitization of afferent nerve fibers, amplifying signals by the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex, and reinforcing efferent signals in the ANS?
Psycho-somatic reflex hypothesis
Which hypothesis involves visceral afferent fibers causing somatic problems?
Viscero-somatic reflex hypothesis
Heart palpitations secondary to thoracic joint dysfunction is an example of which type of reflex hypothesis?
Somato-visceral reflex hypothesis
What is the #1 recognized cause of subluxation?