Adjectives Flashcards
-fat, thick
-how many?
-few (takes plural only)
-wide, broad, flat
-small, little
-short, low
-long, deep, high, tall
-strange, foreign, new (for people)
-sweet (sugary)
-hard, difficult
-empty, bare, pure (‘nothing but’)
-fierce, sharp, steep, strict
-lazy, idle
-big, large
-great, main, important
-good, nice, pleasant, beautiful, lovely
-old (of things)
-old (of people)
Mtu mzuri
A nice person
Watu wazuri
Nice people
Mti mdogo
A small tree
Miti midogo
Small trees
Mwalimu mkali sana
A very strict teacher
Mzigo mzito kabisa
An extremely heavy load
Mtoto mchafu mfupi
A dirty, short child
Mikate mitamu michache
A few sweet loaves
Mizigo mizito mingapi?
How many heavy loads?
Watoto wangapi wanasoma?
How many children are reading?
Anaficha mikono michafu
He is hiding dirty hands
Mwanafunzi mnene mrefu anachukua mfuko mdogo mtupu
The tall fat pupil is carrying a small empty bag
Mpishi mpya anapika mikate michache
The new cook is cooking a few loaves
A bad door
Mlango mbaya
A few loaves
Mikate michache
A tall person
Mtu mrefu
A lazy cook
Mpishi mvivu
A whole loaf
Mkate mzima
An empty bag
Mfuko mtupu
High mountains
Milima mirefu
A strange teacher
Mwalimu mgeni
A fat woman
Mwanamke mnene
A new game
Mchezo mpya
A large town
Mji mkubwa
Long legs
Miguu mirefu
A small salary
Mshahara mdogo
Heavy loads
Mizigo mizito
Sweet bread
Mkate mtamu
A steep mountain
Mlima mkali
Dirty hands
Mikono michafu
Sharp thorns
Miiba mikali
Fierce fires
Mioto mikali
How many inhabitants?
Wenyeji wangapi?
A small bad loaf
Mkate mdogo mbaya
A very good salary
Mshahara mzuri sana
A few long nails
Misumari mirefu michache
A big fierce fire
Moto mkubwa mkali
Long arms and short legs
Mikono mirefu na miguu mifupi
A few small fierce insects
Wadudu wadogo wakali wachache
Lazy old men
Wazee wavivu
A whole big loaf
Mkate mkubwa mzima
How many fat women?
Wanawake wanene wangapi?
Strange European hunters
Wawindaji Wazungu wageni
I am planting good new crops
Ninapanda mimea mizuri mipya
He is trying a difficult examination
Anajaribu mtihani mgumu
Shut the big doors!
Funga milango mikubwa!
The small children are buying a good game
Watoto wadogo wananunua mchezo mzuri
How many people are coming today?
Watu wangapi wanakuja leo?
The long nails are loose
Misumari mirefu inalegea
We are looking for a dry river
Tunatafuta mto mkavu
The small heavy doors are suitable
Milango midogo mizito inafaa
Would you bring a few loads now!
Ulete mizigo michache sasa!
Don’t cook with dirty hands!
Usipike na mikono michafu!
Mwanamume mfupi
A short man
Mito mipana
Wide rivers
Mkate mkavu
Dry bread
Mchezo mzuri
A good game
Watoto wangapi?
How many children?
Mbuyu mkubwa
A large baobab tree
Mganga mkuu
A great doctor
Misumari michache
A few nails
Mimea mirefu
Tall crops/plants
Mwezi mzima
A whole month
Tunaingia mji mkubwa
We are entering a large town
Lete mfuko mtupu!
Bring an empty bag!
Mimea mipya inasitawi
The new crops/plants are flourishing
Mtoto mnene anachukua mzigo mdogo
The fat child is carrying a small load
Mikate michache inatosha
A few loaves are sufficient
Wageni wangapi wanakuja leo?
How many guests are coming today?
Mtumishi anasafisha mlango mchafu
The servant is cleaning the dirty door
Mkate mbovu unanuka
The rotten bread is stinking
Ninahitaji mto mdogo
I need a small pillow
Unajaribu mwendo mkali
You are trying a fierce speed
-good (character)
-thin, narrow, slender
-light, easy
-cunning, crafty
-white, light colored
-black, dark colored
-many, much
-some, another, other(s)
Mtumishi mwaminifu
A trustworthy servant
Watumishi waminifu
Trustworthy servants
Mtu mwema
A good person
Mzee mweusi
A dark old man
Mtoto mwingine
Another child
Watu wema
Good people
Wazee weusi
Dark old men
Wazungu wengi
Many Europeans
Watoto wengine
Other children
Mti mweusi
A dark tree
Mlango mwekundu
A red door
Mkate mwingi
Much bread
Mto mwingine
Another river
Miti myeusi
Dark trees
Milango myekundu
Red doors
Mikate mingi
Many loaves
Mito mingine
Other rivers
Kiti chepesi
A light chair
Kiatu cheupe
A white shoe
Kitambaa kingi
Much cloth
Kitabu kingine
Another book
Viti vyepesi
Light chairs
Viatu vyeupe
White shoes
Vitambaa vingi
Many cloths
Vitabu vingine
Other books
Mwizi mrefu mwerevu
A tall, cunning thief
Watoto Wazungu wengi
Many European children
Watoto waminifu wachache
A few trustworthy children
Mlango mwembamba mwekundu
A narrow red door
Mkate mweusi mwingine
Another brown loaf
Miti mirefu myembamba mingi
Many tall, slender trees
Lete kiti kizuri kingine
Bring another good chair
Mfupi yule anangoja
That short person is waiting
Wangapi wanataka kwenda?
How many (people) want to go?
Ninataka wengine
I want some other people
Faithful servants
Watumishi waminifu
White bread
Mkate mweupe
A good woman
Mwanamke mwema
Red shoes
Viatu vyeekundu
Another month
Mwezi mwingine
Many people
(Watu) wengi
A slender tree
Mti mwembamba
A light load
Mzigo mwepesi
A black book
Kitabu cheusi
An honest African
Mwafrika mwaminifu
Much cloth
Kitambaa kingi
Many things
Vitu vingi
A thin book
Kitabu chembamba
A cunning thief
Mwizi mwerevu
Thin bodies
Miili myembamba
Dark materials
Vitambaa vyeusi
Many rooms
Vyumba vingi
Easy Swahili
Kiswahili chepesi
Another rhinoceros
Kifaru mwingine
Crafty labourers
Vibarua werevu
This long narrow river
Mto mrefu mwembamba huu
That old man knows much good husbandry (agriculture)
Mzee yule anajua kilimo kizuri kingi
Bring another large red cup
Lete kikombe chekundu kikubwa kingine
How many small white mosquito nets?
Vyandalua vidogo vyeupe vingapi?
That big fire is putting out much black smoke
Moto mkubwa ule unatoa moshi mweusi mwingi
That examination was very easy
Mtihani ule ulikuwa mwepesi sana
That cunning animal is eating those red plants
Mnyama mwerevu yule anakula mimea myekundu ile
I need other efficient labourers
Ninahitaji vibarua waminifu wengine
We saw a fierce black rhinoceros in Serengeti
Tuliona kifaru mweusi mkali Serengeti
I am trying to learn this Swahili
Ninajaribu kujifunza Kiswahili hiki
Some children are playing a game
Watoto wengine wanacheza mchezo
He went to town to buy some potatoes
Alikwenda mjini kununua viazi
Many guests are coming to eat here today
Wageni wengi wanakuja kula hapa leo
We need other youths to help catch that cunning animal
Tunahitaji vijana wengine kusaidia kukamata mnyama mwerevu yule
He got a very thin nail in the foot
Alipata msumari mwembamba sana mguuni
That old man was a very good person
Mzee yule alikuwa mwema sana
We put some red cloth in the room
Tuliweka kitambaa chekundu chumbani
He needs a faithful animal to stay in the house
Anahitaji mnyama mwaminifu kukaa nyumbani
I need a few brown (dark) loaves
Ninahitaji mikate myeusi michache
Some inhabitants lived there many years
Wenyeji wengine walikaa pale miaka mingi
Kidonda chekundu
A red sore
Vitanda vyembamba
Narrow beds
Mlango mwingine
Another door
Moshi mweusi
Black smoke
Mikono myeupe
White hands
Kijana mwerevu
A cunning youth
Mimea mingi
Many crops/plants
Kitu kingine
Another thing (something else)
Dark people
Milima myeusi
Dark/black mountains
Nilinunua kitabu kingine kile
I bought that other book
Vitu vingine vilikuwa vyekundu, vingine vilikuwa vyeusi
Some things were red, others were black
Wanawake wengi walikuwa mjini; wengine walikaa nyumbani
Many women were in the town, others stayed at home
Unaweza kuchukua mizigo myepesi hii; ile inaweza kubaki hapa
You can take this light luggage, those can remain here
Mtumishi mwaminifu anaweza kupata mshahara mkubwa
An honest/trustworthy servant can get a big wage
Wadudu weupe wale wanakula miti mibovu
Those white insects are eating rotten trees
Wageni wengi walifika Tanzania mwaka ule
Many visitors arrived in Tanzania that year
Mti mrefu mwembamba ulianguka pale
The tall slender tree fell over there
Lete chakula kingine hapa!
Bring some more food here!
Usafishe viatu vyeusi vingine vile
Would you clean those other black shoes?
best, better, excellent
efficient, able, energetic, strong, clever
complete, exact
every, each
soft, smooth
fancy, adorned fancifully
poor, miserable
easy, cheap
clean, pure
alike, equal
plenty of, many, much
open, plain
Kila mwaka
every year
Kila chumba
every room
Kila mtu
Kila kisu kikali
every sharp knife
Vyombo safi hivi
these clean vessels
Kitambaa ghali chekundu
expensive red cloth
Mito mipana tele
plenty of wide rivers
Watu bora wale
those best people
Vitu rahisi bure vile
those cheap useless things
A clean cloth
Kitambaa safi
Every month
Kila mwezi
Fancy food
Chakula maridadi
An able cook
Mpishi hodari
A cheap book
Kitabu rahisi
A useless container
Chombo bure
Soft pillows
Mito laini
The best people
Watu bora
Plenty of labourers
Vibarua tele
An open door
Mlango wazi
Equal pupils
Wanafunzi sawa
A poor cripple
Kiwete maskini
Everybody (every person)
Kila mtu
A useless game
Mchezo bure
The best chairs
Viti bora
Clean cups
Vikombe safi
Soft shoes
Viatu laini
Plenty of potatoes
Viazi tele
Clever children
Watoto hodari
Better agriculture
Kilimo bora
Every clever child
Kila mtoto hodari
Those fancy sweet loaves
Mikate mitamu maridadi ile
The complete meal (food) was ready
Chakula kamili kilikuwa tayari
Those poor small children
Watoto wadogo maskini wale
These open doors
Milango wazi hii
These small equal loads
Mizigo midogo sawa hii
Many strong labourers
Vibarua hodari wengi
This useless nail
Msumari bure huu
Every tree was tall
Kila mti ulikuwa mrefu
Every empty vessel
Kila chombo kitupu
Vitu rahisi vile vilikuwa bora
Those cheap things were best
Kila mwanafunzi alikuwa tayari
Every pupil was ready
Angalia mlango wazi ule!
Mind that open door!
Vitabu vingine vilikuwa ghali, vingine vilikuwa rahisi
Some books were expensive, others were cheap
Nilipata chandalua kingine, hiki kilikuwa bure
I got another mosquito net, this (one) was useless
Viatu safi viko wapi?
Where are the clean shoes?
Anataka kitu maridadi
He wants something fancy
Mwaka ule alikuwa maskini sana
That year he was very poor
Usilete vitu bure vile hapa
Don’t bring those useless things here
-all, the whole
-having, possessing, with
-self (myself, himself, itself, etc.)
-o -ote
-whatsoever, any at all
All the youths
Vijana wote
All the books
Vitabu vyote
Any work at all
Kazi yo yote
The house itself
Nyumba yenyewe
A two-roomed house
Nyumba yenye vyumba viwili
All the bread
Mkate wote
I went myself / I myself went
Nilikwenda mwenyewe / Mimi mwenyewe nilikwenda
All of you
Ninyi nyote
Remove all these things
Ondoa vitu vyote hivi
All the cloth
Kitambaa chote
It requires all your strength
Inahitaji nguvu yako yote
Any room will do
Chumba cho chote kitafaa
People with children
Watu wenye watoto
The owner of this house
Mwenye nyumba hii
Look at all those parts
Tazama vipande vyote vile / Tazama sehemu zote zile
The present itself was money
Zawadi yenyewe ilikuwa pesa
You can follow any path
Unaweza kufuata njia yo yote
Bring the chair with the cushion
Lete kiti chenye mto
Would all those having their salaries wait outside
Wale wote wenye mishahara yao wangoje nje
Ask anyone with a watch
Uliza yeyote mwenye saa
Would all those with children come with me
Wote wenye watoto waje nami
I myself went to Mombasa in order to fish, but did not get a fish at all
Mimi mwenyewe nilikwenda Mombasa ili nivue samaki lakini sikupata samaki yo yote
He wants you all to go there at 10:45 a.m. tomorrow
Anataka ninyi nyote mwende pale saa tano kasorobo kesho asubuhi
They passed the village but did not have a chance to see anyone at all
Walikipita kijiji lakini hawakupata nafasi ya kuona ye yote
‘What should I give you?’ ‘Anything will do’
‘Nikupe kitu gani?’ ‘Cho chote kitafaa’
The owner of this house has prevented all from entering these doors
Mwenye nyumba hii amezuia wote wasiingie milango hii
Tell the owner of this car to remove it
Mwambie mwenye motokaa hii aiondoe
We must all ask the farmer himself for permission
Lazima sote tumwombe mkulima mwenyewe kwa ruhusa
It has not rained any rain at all since Wednesday
Haijanyesha mvua yo yote tangu Jumatano
Bring all those things here without leaving anything behind
Vilete vitu vyote vile hapa bila kuacha cho chote nyuma
Uje saa yo yote
You may come at any time
Umesoma barua zote?
Have you read all the mail/letters?
Nipe barua ile yenye bahasha wazi
Give me that letter with the open envelope
Mimi mwenyewe sina motokaa lakini rafiki yangu ni mwenyewe wa motokaa hii
I myself have no car but my friend is the owner of this car
Sisi sote tumeanza
We have all started
Sijui kama yeye ana mkate wo wote, mwulize mwenyewe
I don’t know if he has any bread at all, ask him yourself
Yule mwenye kofia nyeusi ni rafiki yangu
That person with the black hat is my friend
Siwezi kukupa cho chote
I am unable to give you anything at all
Yeye mwenyewe anapenda mkate wenye chumvi
He himself likes bread with salt (salted bread)
Waambie watoto wote wasicheze mpira katika kiwanja kile
Tell all the children not to play football on that ground
-a baridi
-a bure
-free, useless
-a hatari
-a kawaida
-normal, usual, regular
-a kweli
-a lazima
-necessary, compulsory
-a moto
-a mwisho
-a mwitu
-wild (of the forest)
-a pori
-wild (of the bush)
-a siri
-a zamani
-old, ancient
-a kutosha
-sufficient, enough
-a kupendeza
-pleasing, pleasant
-a kufaa
-a kukatia
-for cutting
-a kulimia
-for tilling, cultivating
-a kupimia
-for measuring
-a kusafishia
-for cleaning
-a kulia
-right (lit. for eating)
-a kushoto
-a kike
-a kiume
-a Kihindi
-Indian type
-a Kizungu
-European type
-a kienyeji
-native type
-a kitoto
-child type, childish
-a kisasa
-modern, modern type
-a Kimasai
-Masai type
-a kwanza
-the first
-a pili
-a tatu
-a nne
-a tano
-a sita
-a saba
-a nane
-a tisa
-a kumi
-a kumi na moja
-a kumi na mbili
-a mia
-a mia, ishirini na moja
-hundred and twenty-first
Wape watoto wale chakula cha kutosha
Give those children enough food
Mtoto wa kwanza atapata kitabu, wa pili atapata pesa
The first child will get a book, the second will get money
Watu wengine hawawezi kula chakula cha Kizungu
Some people are unable to eat European type food
Ni kitu cha lazima wakulima wote wafuate kilimo cha kisasa
It is a necessary thing that all farmers follow modern agriculture
Mkono wake wa kulia umevunjika kwa mara ya pili
His right arm is broken for the second time
Hot potatoes
Viazi vya moto
Cold meat
Nyama ya baridi
Free books
Vitabu vya bure
A secret meeting
Mkutano wa siri
A wild dog
Mbwa wa mwitu/porini
An old house
Nyumba ya zamani
The last day
Siku ya mwisho
A female cat
Paka wa kike
Native type clothing
Nguo za kienyeji
Normal work
Kazi ya kawaida
A measuring vessel
Chombo cha kupimia
The left arm
Mkono wa kushoto
A male child
Mtoto wa kiume
True news (pl.)
Habari za kweli
A cleaning cloth
Kitambaa cha kusafishia
The first thing
Kitu cha kwanza
Suitable plates
Sahani za kufaa
The second tree
Mti wa pili
A childish game
Mchezo wa kitoto
European food
Chakula cha Kizungu
Give me a carving knife (a knife for cutting meat)
Nipe kisu cha kukatia nyama
They have gone to look at the rain gauge (vessel for measuring rain)
Wamekwenda kutazama chombo cha kupimia mvua
We do not want native type hens, we need European type
Hatutaki kuku wa kienyeji, tunahitaji wa Kizungu
Children’s clothes are not obtainable in town
Nguo za kitoto hazipatkani mjini
He told us the first thing
Alituambia kitu cha kwanza
It is a very pleasant thing to go on safari to see wild animals
Ni kitu cha kupendeza sana kwenda safarini kuona wanyama wa porini/mwitu
I have bought an old Masai spear
Nimenunua mkuki wa zamani wa Kimasai
That cow has borne her second female offspring
Ng’ombe yule amezaa mtoto wa kike wa pili
People must not have secret meetings
Lazima watu wasiwe na mikutano ya siri
There is a free book for showing all these things
Kuna kitabu cha bure kuonyesha vitu vyote hivi
Mguu wake wa kulia umevunjika
His right leg is broken
Una karatasi za kutosha?
Have you enough paper?
Safari ya lazima
A necessary journey
Anakaa katika nyumba ya tano toka hapa
He lives in the fifth house from here
Hiki ni chombo cha kulimia
This is a cultivating tool/vessel
Amefanya kazi bure
He has done useless work
Amenunua motokaa ya kisasa kabisa
He has bought an extremely modern car
Wageni wamefika Tanzania kuona wanyama wa porini
Visitors have come to Tanzania to see wild animals
Alirudi siku ya pili
He returned on the second day
Pita barabara ya kushoto
Take the left hand road
Yu mwanachama wa chama cha siri
He is a member of a secret society
Wameanza mchezo wa nne sasa
They have started the fourth game now
Ninahitaji kitu cha kufungulia mlango huu kwa sababu haufunguki
I need something to open this door as it does not open
Yule ana mke wa kupendeza
That person has a pleasant wife
Yeye ni mgeni wa pili kuja leo
He is the second visitor to come today
Mke wake amezaa mtoto wa kike juzi
His wife has given birth to a female child the day before yesterday
Leo ni siku ya mwisho ya mtihani
Today is the last day of the examination
Ninataka karatasi ya kuandikia barua
I want some writing paper (letter writing paper)
Chakula cha Kihindi ni kikali kwa kawaida
Indian food is generally hot (fierce)
Mnalipwa mishahara ya kutosha
You (pl.) are paid sufficient wages