Adhesion to host cells Flashcards
What are the 6 structures bacteria can use to adhese to host cells
- Flagella
- Pili
- Capsule (streptococcus sp)
- Proteinaceous fibrils
- S-layer proteins
- Cell wall components (LPS for gram (-))
What are adhesins
Molecules used by bacteria to bind to a host. LPS is used by E.coli to bind to epithelial cells, flagella is used by vibrio cholerea, staphylococcus aerus uses surface proteins,
Describe type 1 fimbriae
Thin rigid rod like structures composed of protein, uniformly dispersed across the surface of the cell. Type 1 are mannose sensitve as a protein at their tip promotes adhesion to D-mannose residues on host cell surfaces.
Describe type 5 fimbriae
Type 5 are thin rod like strcutures composed of protein called pilin. The N-terminal of pilin contains methylated residue. They are distributed evenly across the cell surface. Neisseria gonnorhea uses type 5 fimbriae to adhese to cells lining the urogential tract
Describe CFA fimbriae
Some pathogenic strains of E.coli posses colonisation factor antigen fimbriae which allow bacteria to adhere to cells of the small intestine
It is argued that probiotic bacteria may _____
It is argued that probiotic bacteria may compete for and block the attachment sites exploited by pathogens.