additional infos 2 Flashcards
What are the requirement for EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering for a C&S project?
Install a minimum of one meter per energy source per floor.
minor improvement LT Sensitive land protection : clearings
limited to one per 300 linear feet on average, not exceeding 500 SF each.
what types of trees can be removed from wetland and water body buffers?
- hazardous trees, up to 75% dead trees
- trees less than 6 inches diam at breast height
- 20% of trees more than 6” w/ condition rating of 40% or higher
- trees under 40% condition rating
- condition rating assessment by an arborist certified
what does into entryway systems?
- permanently installed grates
- grilles
- slotted systems w/ cleaning underneath
- rollout mats
what must be provided to prevent interior cross-contamination? (enhanced IAQ strategies)
- min. 0.50 cm per sf (or as in prereq) to create neg. pressure
- self-closing doors
- deck-to-deck partitions or hard-lid ceiling
whats is included in additional enhanced IAQ strategies?
- exterior contamination prevention (CFD modeling, Gaussian dispersion analysis, wind tunnel modeling, or tracer gas modeling
For MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Mgmt, what shall not be included in the calculations?
- excavated soil
- land-clearing debris
- alternative daily cover
- waste-to-energy not considered diversion (except for wood waste to biofuel)
What are the situations when the lighting boundary can be modified?
- if project abuts public area, can be moved 1.5 m
- if project abuts public roadway, can be moved to the center line of that boundary
- if contiguous properties owned by same entity have same or higher LZ rating.
what is the baseline water consumption for fittings and fixtures?
toilet : 1.6 gpf urinal : 1.0 gpf public faucet : 0.5 gpm private faucet : 2.2 gpm kitchen faucets : 2.2 gpm showerheads : 2.5 gpm
what can have a watersense label?
- tank-type toilets (WC)
- water-using urinals
- private lavatory faucets
- showerheads
What are the exception to provide mechanical ventilation to naturally ventilated spaces?
- ventilation openings are permanently opened
- ventilation openings have controls that prevent them from being closed during times of expected occupancy
- naturally ventilated zone is not served by heating or cooling equipment
- the system is an engineered natural ventilation system approved by the authority having jurisdiction
The energy-related systems discover includes what variables?
- site conditions
- massing and orientation
- basic envelop attributes
- lighting levels
- thermal comfort ranges
- plug and process loads
What must be demonstrated from the “implementation” into water-related systems for innovation credit?
- demonstrate that at least 1 on-site nonpotable water supply source was used to offset at least 2 of the water demand components.
what are the parking spaces that should not be included in the total parking capacity?
- on-street (parallel or pull-in)
- parking spaces for fleet and inventory vehicles (unless used by employees for commuting and business purposes)
- motorbike or bicycle spaces
When is a location considered to be an infill site?
If the percentage of previously developed area divided by total area minus streets, rights of ways and water is over 75% then it is an infill site.
If part of the site is found to have contamination, then _________________ within the LEED project is considered a contaminated site.
the entire area
what are the restrictions for the use types?
- a use counts as only one type (i.e. walmarts)
- no more than two uses in ea. category may be counted
- counted uses must represent at least three of the five categories
warehouses, surrounding density :
- w/in 10 miles of main logistic hub
- w/in 1 mile of on-off ramp to highway
- w/in 1 mile driving o active freight rail ine
- served by active freight rail spur
Bicycle trails or lanes may be counted if they are fully funded by
- the date of the certificate of occupancy
- scheduled for completion w/in one year of that date
What is not required for bicycle storage when it comes to Schools?
- short-term not required
- long-term includes staff and students grade 4 and above
What is not required for showers when it comes to schools?
- do not include students
When is preferred parking not required?
When no off-street parking is provided.
Give 6 examples of transportation demand management strategies
- telecommuting
- shuttles
- shared parking between uses
- residential units rented or sold separately from parking
- transit subsidy
- compressed workweek schedule
What is required for submittal in reduced parking footprint?
- drawings and photographs of signage or pavement markings indicating reserved status of preferred parking areas
What is the minimum score green vehicles must obtain and in waht rating?
45, ACEEE : American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy
What must be addressed in the local equivalent standards of the ACEEE?
- particulate matter (PM)
- nitrogen oxides (NOx)
- hydrocarbons
- carbon monoxide (CO)
What is the requirements for SS Prereq Construction Activitiy Pollution Prevention
- create and implement ESC (conform to EPA CGP)
What are the requirements for SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment and to what project types does it apply?
- Conduct Phase I Env. Site Assessment.
- Conduct Phase II if contamination is suspected
applies to vulnerable populations (Schools and Healthcare)
What does a Phase I ESA includes?
- review of historical records
- site visit to visually identify potential contamination sources and signs
- interviews w/ individuals
- exec. summary indicating whether Phase II ESA is required + report
What are the contaminants that are not part of the scope for a Phase I or Phase II ESA?
- asbestos
- radon
- mold
- lead, etc.
Restorated disturbed or compacted soils should meet what requirements?
- soils must be reused for same original function
- imported topsoils or soil blends must not include NRCS protected soils or greenfields (unless byproduct of construction)
Restored soils for SS credit Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat must meet what critera of reference soil?
- organic matter
- compaction
- infiltration rates
- biological fct OR chemical characteristics
What are the conditions for an open space to count in a multitenant complex?
- part of a master plan
- must be protected from development
- must be returned to natural state
- combination of adjacent and nonadjacent open spaces can be used.
What is the exemplary performance for SS Credit Rainwater Mgmt?
Manage 100% of rainwater that falls w/in the project boundary.
What are the two options for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction
Opt. 1 : nonroof and roof
Opt. 2 : parking under cover
Name nonroof measures.
- shade w/ new or existing plants (in place at occupancy, 10-year canopy at noon)
- vegetated planters (turf does not count, in place at occupancy)
- shading structure w/ energy generation
- shading architectural devices (0.28/0.33)
- ## high-reflectance paving (0.28/0.33, consider maintenance)
What is the equation for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction and what option # is it?
Option 1 :
A_nonroofmeasures/0.5 + A_highreflectanceroof/0.75 + A_vegetatedroof/0.75 >= A_totalsitepavingarea + A_totalroof
For the calculation method for light trespass, the calculation points may be no more than
1.5 m apart
The vertical illuminance calculation points must be no more than ____ apart and extend from grade level up to at least ____ above the tallest luminaire in the projet.
- 5 m
10. 0 m
What are the systems that must be commissioned for EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification
- Mechanical, including HVAC
- Plumbing including DHW
- Electrical
Where must the envelope be covered?
In the BOD and OPR but full commissioning ioccurs in Credit Enhanced Commissioning
Systems that do not need to be commissioned in the prerequisite
Envelope Life safety systems Communication + data Fire protection and fire alarm Process equipment
how long must the project experience extend for someone to work on a project as a CxA?
from early design phase to at least 10 months of occupancy
in all cases, the CxA must
report findings directly to the owner
What must a BOD include?
- systems and assemblies
- performance criteria + assumptions
- descriptions
- governing codes and standards
- owner directives
- design development guidelines
- revision history
What could indicate that Opt. 2 or Opt. 3 would be advantageous for a project in EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance?
- additional cost of energy modelling not warranted
- budget and timeline could benefit simplified decision making
- project type covered under one or both prescriptive options
What could indicate that Opt. 1 for EA Prereq Min Energy performance would be advantageous to a project?
- prescriptive paths not available b/c of project size or type
- project has HVAC not convered by prescriptive paths
- team wants to maximize points for EA category
- efficiency trade-offs
- calculations for carbon reductions and costs
At what date must the qualified resources for EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets must have come online?
January 1, 2005
What are the accounting processes and standards that must be equivalent to Green-e products to be eligible?
- verifiable chain of custody
- verifiable age of renewable energy
- tracking of HGH reductions from eligible projects
- mechanism to prevent double-counting
- 3rd party verified retail transaction
What is cradle to cradle?
Emphasizes recycling and reuse at the end of life rather than disposal.
Is furniture required to be included in the MR calculations?
No but if yes, it must all be included in all cost-based credits.
What is excluded from the MR calculations?
elevators, escalators, process equipment, fire suppression systems, etc.
Carpets of different pile heights are separate or same products?
separate because they are used for different kinds of foot trafic. (differnet color does not count as separate)
Retail must identify top-X recyclable waste streams and demonstrate that Y amount will be diverted
X = 5 Y = 4
Describe option 2 for MR Credit BPDO EPD
use at least 50% by cost of third party certified products that demonstrate impact reduction below industry average in at least 3 of the impact categories.
valued as 100%
What are the additional requirements for Schools, Healthcare, Hospitality and Retail when it comes to WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction
compliant products added :
- dishwashers,
- food steamers,
- combo ovens.
The checklist ensures that the systems have been
installed, started up, programmed, tested, and balanced and are ready for functional testing.
How long can the project team wait before submitting the construction phase review?
No longer than 2 years after certificate of occupancy.
What is included in a systems manual?
· Executive summary
· Owner’s project requirements
· Basis of design
· System single-line diagrams
· Construction record documents and specifications
· Approved submittals
· As-built drawings
· As-built sequence of operation
· Original setpoints for all systems commissioned
· Recommended schedule for recommissioning
· Recommended schedule for sensor recalibration
· Equipment operations and maintenance manuals
· Equipment preventive maintenance schedules
· Confirmation of completed training for the owner and occupants
· Ongoing system optimization procedures
· Final commissioning report
The CFR and O&M plan must include
· Sequences of operation for the building
· Building occupancy schedule
· Equipment run-time schedules
· Setpoints for all HVAC equipment
· Lighting levels throughout the building
· Minimum outside air requirements
· Changes in schedules or setpoints for different seasons, days of the week, and times of day
· Systems narrative describing the mechanical and electrical systems and equipment
· Preventive maintenance plan for building equipment described in the systems narrative
· Cx program that includes periodic Cx requirements, ongoing Cx tasks, and continuous tasks for critical facilities
What is included in the Cx Plan?
· Goals and objectives
· General project information
· Systems to be commissioned
· Team members, roles, and responsibilities
· Communication protocol, coordination, meetings, and management
· Reviewing the OPR
· Reviewing the BOD
· Developing systems functional test procedures
· Verifying system performance
· Reporting deficiencies and the resolution process
· Accepting the building systems
When must the commissioning authority be engaged?
By the end of the design development phase. (not schematic-design)