Addiction Model of Self-Regulation Failure Flashcards
problem of moral control
has a biological origin
Cost and scope of addiction
how much it harms our society
major negative impact
medical problems
drug crime
Substance Dependence
-Modern short
definition of addiction (Koob version)- chronically relapsing disorder
that is characterized by a compulsion to seek and take drug or stimulus,
loss of control in limiting intake, and emergence of a negative emotional
state when access to the drug or stimulus is prevented.
-The manifestation of a withdrawal syndrome; you can have abstinence
syndrome without addiction
-drug produces ‘a feeling of
satisfaction and a psychic drive that require periodic
or continuous administration of the drug to produce
pleasure or to avoid discomfort’
Drug Abuse vs Drug Dependence
Usually drugs are abused first, and dependence comes later
drug abuse
ICD-Harmful Use- A pattern of use that is damaging to overall health
DSM- Drug Abuse-Maladaptive pattern of substance use with significant adverse consequences related to repeated use
DSM Dependence
Three or more symptoms occurring during the last
1. Tolerance
2. Withdrawal
3. The substance is often taken in large amounts or
over a longer period than was intended
4. Any unsuccessful effort or a persistent desire to cut
down or control substance use
5. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary
to obtain the substance or recover from its effects
6. Important social, occupational, or recreational
activities given up or reduced because of substance
7. Continued substance use despite knowledge of
having had a persistent or recurrent physical or
psychological problem that is likely to be caused or
exacerbated by the substance
Process by which an event increases the
probability of a given response
Positive reinforcement
PRESENTATION of an event
increases the probability of a response/behavior
Negative reinforcement
TERMINATION of an event
increases the probability of a response/behavior
Determinants of Drug Reinforcement Efficacy
- Route of Administration
- Oral, Inhaled, Intravenous - Dose
- Schedule of Reinforcement
- History of the Organism
- sensitization
- tolerance
drug effects are enhanced with repeated drug use (i.e., punding/stereotypy
behaviors, paranoia)
drug may have reduced effects due to tolerance with repeated drug use (i.e.,
high is not achieved with same amount, BALs are lower due to metabolic tolerance)
Conditioned Reinforcement
- resistance to extinction
- blockade of withdrawal
- relapse
- conditioned withdrawl
- motivational state
- relapse
Conditioned Positive Reinforcement
Drug Cues are part of the drug taking ritual … “triggers”:
Paraphernalia - syringes, needles, pipes, matches
People - dealers, friends
Music - certain songs or words in songs
Places - bars, clubs, sports events
Conditioned Negative Reinforcement
(1) Conditioned Withdrawal
-Drug cues can elicit withdrawal signs (when at the subway stop
where they obtained opioids, former opioid dependent
individuals began to sweat and feel withdrawal)
(2) Motivated State
-The cues remind them that drug taking alleviates painful or
aversive events
(3) Relapse
-The negative feelings that the cues bring on can lead to drugseeking
Impulsive Stage
Binge intoxication–> Pleasurable effects–> Abstinence/Neutral effect–> Reward craving
Compulsive Stage
Prolonged intoxication–> Relief–> Protracted abstinence/Negative effect–>Relief craving
Impulse Control Disorders
tension/arousal–> impulsive acts–> pleasure/relief/gratification–> regret/guilt/self-reproach
Compulsive Disorders
anxiety/stress–> repetitive behaviors–> relief of anxiety/stress–>obsessions
A lot of time is spent procuring drugs
Continued use despite negative consequences
Take more than intended
Decreased social and occupational functioning
Withdrawl/Negative Affect