ADD Cell junctions Flashcards
Semester 1 year 1
What are the different types of cell junctions?
-tight junction
-cell cell anchoring junctions
-channel forming junctions
-cell matrix anchoring junctions
What are adherens junctions also known as and what are they made up of?
-AKA belt desmosomes
-made up of cadherins
What is cadherin and what can it do?
-it’s a Ca2+ dependent adherin molecule
-makes homophilic interactions
-makes strong links between cells
-links to actin cytoskeleton
What happens when the adhesion belt contracts?
-bottom of epithelial cells doesn’t, causing sheet of cells to bend
-tube pinches off - forms hollow, cylindrical tube
What junctions link to the actin cytoskeleton?
-focal adhesions
-adherens junctions
What do hemidesmosomes do?
Attach cells to basal lamina
What do desmosomes do and where are they mainly found?
-form cell to cell junctions
-found in heart muscle + epidermis
What do gap junctions do?
Allow regulated + directed cell-cell communication
What is the structure of gap junctions?
-made of connexins
-connexins can be made up of 1 type of connexin (homomeric) or multiple (connexons)
-so can have many types of channel
What are gap junctions regulated by?
-membrane potential, pH, Ca2+ and cell signals
-limit damage caused by Ca2+