Adaptions of plants to availabilty of water Flashcards
Terrestrial plants
> waxy cuticle reduces evaporation
stomata found on under surface of leaf reducing evaporation
stomata are closed at night
lose leaves in winter
Marram grass
> leaves are rolled longitudinally so air is trapped inside which becomes humid
thick waxy cuticle
stomata on inner side of rolled leaf
spongy mesophyll is dense so less SA for evaporation
> store water in stems
leaves are reduced to spines to decrease SA
stem is green for photosynthesis
roots are widespread to maximise wateruptake
Whats a plant adapted to arid conditions called?
Other xerophytic features
> closing stomata when water availability is low
low WP in leaves by maintaining high salt content
long tap root to reach deep water
what are hydrophtyes
Plants adapted to live in water e.g, water lilies
Hydrophyte adaptions
> large air spaces in leaves allowing plants to float
> stomata on upper layer so they are exposed to air
How do hydrophytes transpire?
> contain hydathodes at the tip of leaves which release water droplets which then evaporate