adaptations Flashcards
define adaptations
feature of an organism that is present because it gives it a selective advantage
active camoflague
can change to fit in with environment
examples of large scale adaptations
giant redwood lifting water up high distances
honey fungus: genetic fingerprinting to communicate and be large organisms fusing with others
behaviourla adapations
extended phenotyes outside of the body
bird nests, spider webs, beaver damns
makes the organism fitter for its environment
adaptations affecting other organsism
sneeze disperses common cold virus
behaviourla adaptation
what type of adapations is the peacock tail?
how does the peacock tail work as an adaptation
cumbersome and no good for campflageue
is has a counterbalance good effect for attracting mates and effectively passing on genes to next offspring
what is the comparative method
set of techniques for judging if something has an adaptation or no
takes into account history and compared different species
looks at adapations through looking at other species
what behavioural adaptations to honeybees have
waggle dance to show other bees where food is
adaptation does help indivual bees survev or reproduce but helps the whole hive
produced indirect fitness benefits
how are adaptationsdetected using science measures
DNA or protein sequences
can measure how faset evolution is happening realtive to mutation rates
examples of adapations within humans
marine diets lactose toleranc malaria resistanece choler resitance cold climate altitude light skin pigment short stature
notes of caution associated with behavioural adapations
learned behaviours
what are learned behaviours
some adaptations are passed on in laraning rather than edcoded in genes
some argue this is evolution but its iffy
what are preadpations
sometimes behavour comes from coinscneces
features of the organisms may come from another reason but it makes it good at this thing and adapted to it
what is pleiotrophy
genes having more than one effect
example of pleiotrophy
animal domestication
foxes have been domesticated and a side effect to this is new colourations
changes in the colours may be one genes causing multiple changes in behvaiour and also colour
what is theonly scientific explination for evolution
natural selection
what does natural selection do
choose between allesl in a population not a species
the fitness of the allales depends on the environments
what it fitness
number resporesnting reproductive sucess
often called W
given as relative fitness of a genotype/allele
what increases fitness
fitness isnt about reproductive sucess or strength but complexity or progress
what does a change in allel frequnce tell us
how fast evolution is working between one generation and the next
selection is different based on what
if the allele is rare or frequent
define trait heritability
applies to a trait in a particular population environment
effect of selection on a trait depends on the heritability
what impact heritiability of height
environment and genetics
explain heritability of heright
proportion of variation due to genetics
the variation due to environment make the heritiability low
how has selection ben done in the lab
measures how fast flies can get drunk and pinpoints the genes respinsible for the differences in toleration
what doe fitness of a allele depend on
the environment
what determines the amout of gene flow?
how far an indivual moves
define extended phenotype
structures constructed by organisms to influce performance or sucess