AD Adult Flashcards
(PD) What is the DSM criteria for Panic disorder?
A. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks
B. Followed by 1 mth+ of: persistent worry about attacks/consequence, maladaptive change
C. Not substance/medical
D. not other disorder
(PD) What are the three aetiological components?
Temperament: negative affectivity & Anxiety sensitivity
Env: phys/sexual abuse (more common in PD than other ADs), smoking
Genetic: multiple genes implicated
(PD) Explain the cycle of panic from trigger to anxiety.
Internal/external trigger-> perceived threat -> (Anxiety -> phys/cog sx-> misinterpretation-> anxiety)
(PD) What are the primary perpetuating factors?
- High anxiety sensitivity & catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily changes
- Avoidance: interoceptive, situational
(PD) List some assessment scales used for diagnosing PD.
- Structured clinical interview for DSM 5
- Anxiety Sensitivity Index (self report, good progress tracker)
- Panic attach Symptom Q (self report, fear of sx)
- Panic & Agorophobia scale (outcome measurement, rate past wk frequency/intensity)
- Beck Anxiety Inventory
(medical assess prior to treatment important!)
(GAD) What is at the core of generalised anxiety disorder?
Pervasive rumination and worry “I’ve always been a worrier”
(GAD) What are the diagnostic criteria?
A. Excessive anxiety/worry B. Difficult to control C. Assoc with 3+ symptoms (restlessness, easily fatigued, lack concentration, irritability, muscle tension, sleep distrubance) D. Clin sig distress/impairment E. Not substance/medical F. Not other disorder
(GAD) Explain the aetiology.
Temperament: behavioural inhibition, negative affectivity, harm avoidance
Environment: Childhood adversities, parental overprotection (no specific env factors)
Genetic: 1/3 of the risk = genetic, overlap with inheritance of neuroticism
(GAD) What are the primary perpetuating factors?
- Ambivalence about nature of worry (“it’s ok/helpful”)-> dont discontinue pattern
- Worrying blocks other processes necessary for em regulation
- intolerance of uncertainty
- Avoidance of triggers
(GAD) list some assessment scales.
- Structured Clin interview
- Penn State Worry Q
- Anxious thoughts inventory
(SA) How is the criteria for social anxiety different to the others?
Anxiety about one or more social situations when exposed to possibly scrutiny
- negative evaluation
- worry situation will provoke fear
- fear out of proportion
(OCD) What is diagnostic criteria for OCD?
A. presence of obsession/compulsions/both
B. Obsessions/Comp are time consuming/cause stress
What are obsessions?
- > Recurrent persistent thoughts, urges, images- intrusive, unwanted, cause distress
- > Attempt to ignore or suppress with other action/thought (compulsion)
What are compulsions?
- > repetitive behaviours or mental acts feel driven to perform in response to obsession
- > aimed at preventing/reducing anxiety/distress/dreaded event (not connected in realistic way)
OCD aetiology
Temperament: greater internalising sx, high nneg emotionality, behavioural inhibition in childhood
Env: abuse/trauma in childhood
Genetic: 2x greater risk if 1st degree relative suffers (if that onset was in childhood rate ^ 10-fold)
OCD perpetuating factors
- compulsions maintain obsessions
-reassurance seeking
avoidance of triggers
-difficulty tolerating doubt - magical think (though= action)