Respiratory - increased respiratory rate
- no of breaths taken per min
Respiratory - increased tidal volume
- amount of air inhaled in a single breath
Respiratory - increased ventilation
- total amount of air inhaled per minute
- and increase in RR will increase in ventilation
- RR x tidal volume
increased pulmonary diffusion
- to allow oxygen to enter the bloodstream, diffusion must occur at the alveoli in the lungs.
Cardiovascular - increased Heart Rate
- no. of times the heart beats per minute
- by increased HR, more blood is able to travel around body in minute
Cardiovascular - increased stroke volume
- plateaus at 40-60%
- amount of blood that leaves the left ventricle of the heart per stroke
Cardiovascular - increased cardiac output
- total amount of blood that leaves the left ventricle of the heart per minute
- Q= SV x HR
Cardiovascular - increased blood pressure
- increase in systolic blood pressure due to increase of cardiac output
Cardiovascular - blood redistribution
- redirected from elsewhere in the body to working muscles
- towards skin to help regulate body temp
- digestive/ internal organs slow down while blood is redistributed to muscles.
Cardiovascular - increased venous return
- increase in cardiac output = increase in venous return
- vasoconstriction: veins constrict, forcing blood to move towards the heart
- muscle pump
- respiratory pump
Relationship between HR, SV, Q
- HR increases as intensity increases
- increased HR = increased SV
- increased stroke volume = increased cardiac output
Muscular - increased motor unit recruitment
- motor units controlled by the CNS
- the greater force required for movement, the more motor units will need to be recruited
Muscular - increased a-VO2 difference
- an indicator of how much muscles are used by the working muscles.
Muscular - increased temperature
- as a result of the increase in the no. of chemical reactions happening in the muscles to produce energy, greater amounts of heat is produced.
Muscular - Increased production of by-products
- if intensity is high an energy produced anaerobically, by-products will cause fatigue including lactate and H+ ions