Acute care Flashcards
Impaired and unpredictable in critically ill patients
Alterations in gastric emptying and motility–>opioids, C.diff
Interactions with enteral feeding and tubing–>fluoroquinolines, phenytoin, GI injury/disease
IV: preferred in many of those cases
Relates to fluid and hydration status
-Hydrophilic drugs have high Vd in critically ill patients than regular medical floor patients
Alterations in protein binding
-Decreased albumin–>less protein binding of drugs
-Increased acute phase proteins–>more protein binding of drugs
Ex: lidocaine
Metabolism (hepatic)
Enzyme expression and activity may be decreased in critically ill patients
Metabolism (renal)
Renal dysfunction and HD/CRRT is common
Decreased: shock, sepsis, nephrotoxic drugs
Increased: burn, trauma
How to assess?
Urine output–>immediate
Life threatening dysfunction caused by dysregulated response to infection
-Immune dysregulation
-Coagulation and thrombosis leading to endothelial injury
Occurs in response to any pathogen–>bacterial is most common
Occurs in any site of injection–>lungs, bloodstream, urinary tract
Treatment: early detection and supportive care + broad spectrum IV antibiotics/antifungals and source control
Septic shock
Sepsis associated with cardiovascular collapse and hypotension
-Hypotension caused by decreased vascular tone
Vasopressors–> increase vascular tone and cardiac output via vasoconstriction
1st line: norepinephrine
others: epinephrine, phenylephrine, dopamine, add- on vasopressin, dobutamine
Target MAP > 65 mmHg
If refractory–>IV hydrocortisone
Respiratory failure
Causes: airway compromise, hypoventilation, hypoxic failure, inability to protect airways
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Characterized by acute, diffuse inflammatory lung injury
1st phase: mucous
2nd phase: fibrotic
Risk for ARDS: pneumonia, sepsis, trauma, aspiration
Treatment: mechanical ventilation + sedation +/- neuromuscular blockade
Corticosteroids may be used
Analgesia treatment
Preemptive analgesia in advance to painful procedures (dressing changes, chest tubes, insertion of lines)
IV opioids: Bolus or continuous infusion or both
SE: sedation, respiratory depression, do not have to worry about respiratory depression if on vent
Non-opioids: Tylenol
Underlying causes of agitation
Mechanical ventilation
Non-pharmacological treatment of agitation
Maintain patient comfort
Provide adequate analgesia
Reorient the patient–> where and why they are in the hospital
Optimize environment for sleep patterns
Pharmacologic treatment of agitation
-Adjunct for anxiety and agitation
-Adjunct to non-pharmacological
-Many mechanical ventilation patients
Goal: Less is best–>light sedation
Desire a calm arousable patient, able to purposefully follow simple commands
Methods: spontaneous awakening trial, nursing-protocolized targeted sedation
Lorazepam MOA
Binds to the allosteric site of GABAa receptor increasing frequency of Cl- channel opening
Inhibits GABA activity on neuron impulses–>hyper-polarizes cells leading to resistance to excitation
IV contains propylene glycol solvent that can cause lactic acidosis and nephrotoxicity after high doses or prolonged infusions–>MONITOR OSMOL GAP
Lorazepam side effects
Respiratory depression
Hypotension, tachycardia
Withdrawal (seizures)–> gradually taper dose
Delayed sedation: prolonged infusion, advanced age, hepatic/renal insufficiency (midazolam)
Lorazepam properties
Anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant
Lorazepam pearls
Tolerance with chronic administration
Metabolized into inactive metabolite via glucuronidation–>less accumulation
Least lipid soluble crossing the BBB more slowly leading to delayed onset and prolonged duration of action (long t1/2 life)–>LESS TITRATABLE
IV only
Hepatically metabolized by CYP3A4–> increased t1/2 in elderly, hepatic disease, drug interactions
At physiological pH, very high lipid solubility leading to rapid onset (short 1/2 life)–> TITRATABLE
After 48 hours, t1/2 becomes prolonged or unpredictable especially in renal disease due to metabolite accumulation
Recommended for short term use only, not for long term sedation because of unpredictable awakening time
Propofol MOA
Binds sites on multiple receptors (GABA, glycine, nicotinic, M1 muscarinic) interrupting neural transmission leading to global CNS depression
Diprivan–>contains EDTA that can cause electrolyte abnormalities, recommended drug holiday after > 7 days treatment
Sodium metabisulfate–>allergic reactions in asthmatics
Propofol Indications
General anesthetic
Procedural sedation
Neurosurgical–>may reduce ICP and rapid offset of sedative effects
Propofol side effects
Hypertriglyceridemia–>check q48 hours
Hypotension, bradycardia
Pain with infusion
Withdrawal–> gradual taper if > 7 days of therapy
Propofol Infusion Syndrome–>acidosis, bradycardia, lipidemia
**sustained treatment > 48 hours
**high doses >75-80 ug/kg/min
**metabolic acidosis
**hypotension, arrhythmias
**asystole (rare)
Propofol PK
Hepatically metabolized with no active metabolite
No changes in renal or hepatic function
High protein bound
Large Vd
Propofol pearls
Easily penetrates BBB–> rapid onset
Rapidly redistributes tissues and rapid hepatic clearance–>rapid offset
Provides some amnesia
Phospholipid emulsion–>1.1 kcal/mL
DO NOT HANG > 12 hours–>risk of infection
Dexmedetomidine MOA
selective alpha-2-agonist within CNS inhibiting norepinephrine release