what are the 3 types of acute asthma
- moderate
- severe
- life-threatening
moderate acute asthma characteristics
peakflow, sentences, sp02, resp rate 5+/-
- peak flow > 50%
- able to complete full sentences
- sp02 ≥ 92%
- respiratory rate ≤ 30 in 5+yr or ≤ 40 in 1-5yr
severe acute asthma characteristics
peakflow, sentence, resp rate adults 5+/-, heart rate 5+/-
- peak flow 33-50%
- unable to complete full sentences
- respiratory rate ≥ 25 in adult or >30 in 5+yr or >40 in 1-5yr
- heart rate >125bpm in 5+ or >140bpm in 1-5yr
life-threatening acute asthma characteristics
- peak flow < 33%
- sp02 < 92%
- silent chest
- altered consciousness
- hypotension
- exhaustion
is tx of moderate asthma of adults done in primary care or hospital?
1) home/primary care tx
2) if inadequate response then hosp
moderate acute asthma tx adults
high dose of salbutamol (SABA) via PMI and spacer
is severe/life-threatening acute tx of adults done in primary care or hospital
hospital immediately
tx of severe/life-threatening acute asthma of adults
high dose of salbutamol (SABA) via oxygen driven nebuliser +/ nebulised ipratropium
near-fatal/life-threatening with poor response to initial tx
acute asthma in adults
IV aminophylline
tx of all adult pt with acute asthma
1) oral prednisolone
2) if x work then IV hydrocortisone or IM methylprednisolone
tx of hypoxemic pt with acute asthma that is fatal/life-threatening
- supplementary oxygen
- maintain sp02 94-98%