Acts Flashcards
Acts - Overview
Theme: The birth and growth of the church. The book abruptly ends with Paul’s imprisonment without mentioning key historical events of the first century church (e.g. martyrdom of James in A.D.62, Nero’s persecution of A.D.64, and the Fall of Jerusalem in A.D.70). The book catalogs the initial (first 30 years) apostolic response to the Great Commission (Matt 28), transitioning from Jesus to the Apostles, and from Israel to the Church.
Author: Luke
Date: A.D. 60-62
Audience: Theophilus (2nd volume addressed to him)
Acts 1 - 7
Apostolic Witness to Jerusalem
Acts 1
Ascension, choosing of Matthias
Acts 2
Pentacost, church gathering
Acts 3
Healing of the beggar, Peter preaching at Solomon’s Portico
Acts 4
First persecution by the Sanhedrin
Acts 5
Ananias and Sapphira, 2nd persecution and Gamaliel’s advice
Acts 6
First deacons
Acts 7
Martyrdom of Stephen
Acts 8 - 12
Apostolic Witness to Judea and Samaria
Acts 8
Saul’s persecution, Samaritans repent, Simon the Magician, Ethiopian eunuch
Acts 9
Saul’s conversion and preaching, resurrection of Dorcas
Acts 10 - 11
Acts 12
James martyred, Peter’s arrest and deliverance, Herod’s death
Acts 13 - 28
Apostolic Witness to the ends of the Earth
Acts 13 - 14
Paul’s first missionary journey
Acts 15
Jerusalem Council
Acts 15:36 - 18:22
Paul’s second missionary journey
Acts 16
Philippian Jailer Converted
Acts 17
Mars Hill
Acts 18:23 - 21:16
Paul’s third missionary journey
Acts 19
Disciples of John receive the Holy Spirit / Seven sons of Sceva / Riot in Ephesus
Acts 20
Eutychus resuscitated / Paul and Ephesian Elders
Acts 21 - 26
Paul’s trials
Acts 27 - 28
Paul’s journey to Rome