Activity And Exercise Flashcards
What are the benefits of activity/exercise?
- ⬆️ strength/flexibility/energy
- ⬇️ risk of dying from heart disease, blood pressure, control blood sugar
- ⬆️ immune fonction/ability to 🥊 disease
- Helps ⬆️ quality of sleep/concentration
- Helps ⬆️ moods, optimism and confidence
Why is health promotion of activity and exercise is important?
⬆️ awareness of importance of activity/exercise and provide info
What should we do when promoting activity/exercise?
- Make client consider Pros and Cons of sedentary/active
- Encourage client to choose something that they like (confident in)
- Assist client to anticipate barriers to exercising and to problem solve solutions
When we’re doing an assessment for activity we need to look at different things. When assessing for the physical activity, what should annotate?
Describe the amount/type of activity performed
- Asses the need for walking aids when doing activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Assess the ability to transfer independently
- Assess the clients bed _____
With these descriptions, which sign/symptoms of assessment for activity is this?
Mobility (ability to walk easily and independently)
What are instrumental ADLs?
More complex ADLs —> shopping, cooking, etc
What should you do when assessing the muscle mass/tone/strength in an assessment for activity?
- Compare both sides (swelling, masses, deformities)
- Inspect muscles for size
- Palpate muscles for firmness
- Test muscle strength (pt flexes muscles when you apply an opposing force
What are active and passive ROM.
Active: ROM by yourself
Passive: ROM by someone (ex: at doctors)
When assessing for activity, you should look at ADLs, what do you need to look for exactly?
Are they able to do activities of daily livings independently?
Instrumental ADLs
- Patient can move ____? To what degree?
- Does pt perform active/passive _____. Of which ___?
- Assess if _____ move freely and w/o pain
- look for contractures
- Assess for swelling, masses, deformity
Which part of the assessment of activity is this?
Range of motion/ joint mobility (how joints move)
- Requires _______ and joints to engage with brain/ environment/sight, hearing and touch
- Assess pt ability to perform simple movements in rapid succession
- Assess if movements are balanced, smooth and purposeful
Which part of the assessment of sign ans symptoms for activity?
Muscle coordination
What are the causes of activity and exercice?
- Advanced age
- Physical condition
- Psychological condition
- Prescribed therapy
- External factors
- Culture
- Medications
- Nutrition
Why is an advanced age a cause of activity/exercise?
- Muscle tone ⬇️ after 30
- Muscle fibres shrink —> ⬇️ contractility/flexibility
- ⬇️ strength, stamina, endurance, energy
- ROM of joints ⬇️
- Gait slower, short stepped (feet closer together)/shuffling
- ⬇️coordination
Why is physical condition is a cause of activity/exercise?
- Structure/function of musculoskeletal system
- Trauma/Effects of surgery
- Chronic illnesses
- Pain
- Fatigue/Weakness
What makes psychological condition a cause of activity/exercise?
- Depression
- Level of motivation
- Anxiety/stress
- Fear (of falling)
- Personal values/attributes/lifestyle