Activity And Exercise Flashcards
• Ability to move freely, easily, rhythmically and purposefully
Requirements for normal movement
• Intact musculoskeletal system, nervous system and inner ear structures
4 basic elements for activity and exercise
- Body alignment and posture
- Joint mobility
- Balance (stability)
- Coordinated movement
Alignment and posture
• Body parts in a line that promotes optimal balance and function
- Line of gravity
- Centre of gravity
- Base of support
Joint mobility
• Inactivity: bent or flexed position of joint, development of contracture (muscle shortens and becomes fixed)
- Maintained by mechanisms of equilibrium
* Depends on stimuli from inner ear vestibule, vision and stretch receptors of muscles and tendons
Coordinated movement
- Balanced, smooth and purposeful movement
* Dopamine released stimulates and inhibits certain muscle groups
Isotonic exercise
- Muscle shortens
- Ex: running, walking, swimming and cycling
- Purpose of increasing tone, mass and strength of muscles and induce joint mobility and flexibility
- Improves circulation and blood flow
Isometric exercise
- Static or setting
- Change in muscle tension
- Purpose of strengthening specific muscle
- Ex: quad setting
- Increase heart rate but not blood flow
Isokinetic exercise
- Resistive exercises
- Muscle contraction/tension against resistance
- Can be both isotonic and isometric
- Ex: lifting weights
- Purpose of building up muscles
Aerobic exercise
- Oxygen intake is greater than or equal to body’s needs
- Purpose of conditioning and fitness
- Ex: walking, jogging, dancing and skiing
Anaerobic exercise
- Activities requiring more oxygen than body’s supply
- Purpose of endurance training
- Ex: sprinting
Factors affecting body alignment
- Growth and development
- Nutrition
- Personal attitudes and values
- External factors
- Prescribed limitations
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Body alignment
- Gait
- Pace - 70-100 steps or 40 steps for elders
- Appearance and movement of joints
- Capabilities and limitations of movement
- Muscle mass and strength
- Activity tolerance
- Problems related to mobility
- Body mechanics - preventing back injury
- Support devices
- Positioning - with use of pillows
- Moving and turning and transferring
- Exercises
- Teaching ROM
- Ambulate and pre-ambulatory exercises
- Use of canes, walkers and crutches
- Preventing postural hypotension
- Activity intolerance
- Impaired physical mobility
- Knowledge deficit
- Fear of falling
- Self care deficit
- Self esteem disturbance
- Ineffective individual coping
Goals and outcomes
- Increase tolerance for physical activity
- Restore or improve ability to ambulate
- Avoid injury from falls or improper use of body mechanics
- Improve physical fitness
- Avoid complications associated with immobility
Activity tolerance
- Activity: body movement requiring energy expenditure
- Exercise: planned activity structured for repetitive movement to improve fitness
- Activity tolerance: type and amount of exercise or daily activities one can perform without experiencing adverse effects