Activate 1 Chapter 2 Physics Sound Flashcards
To achieve a understanding in the structure and function of the human body!
What is the amplitude of a wave?
Distance from the middle to the top/bottom of the wave
What is the wavelength of a wave?
The distance between a point and another point on a wave
What is the trough of a wave?
The bottom of a wave
What is the peak of a wave?
The top of the wave
What is the alternative name for the peak?
The crest
Which Greek letter is used to represent the wavelength?
λ (lambda)
What is the frequency of a wave?
How many waves go past a certain point in a second
What is the unit of measurement used to describe a frequency of a wave?
Hertz (Hz) or kilohertz (kHz)
What do waves carry?
Waves carry energy
What do we call when two waves meet?
They superpose
In a transverse wave, the …(1) are perpendicular to the …(2) transfer. Fill in the dots
(1) oscillations
(2) energy
What do we call in a longitudinal wave the areas that the particles are farer apart?
How is sound produce?
Through vibrations
Sound is a transverse wave. Vrai ou faux?
The speed of sound is the slowest in gas. Σωστό ή λάθος?
What do we call the waves that are hitting the surface?
The incident wave
What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound is waves that have a frequency higher than 20kHz
How can we observe sound waves?
Using an oscilloscope
How is sound volume measured?
Using decibels (dB)
What does the pinna do?
It directs sound into the auditory canal
What does the auditory canal do?
It lets sound travel through it so that it can reach the eardrum
What does the eardrum do?
It vibrates and passes vibrations to the ossicles
What does the ossicles do?
It amplifies the sound
What does the cochlea do?
It has thousands of tiny hair, which produce an electric signal to the auditory canal
What doe the auditory nerve do?
It sends the electric signals to the brain
How can hearing damage happen?
A hole in the eardrum, a build-up of wax, and loud sounds or injuries to the head.