act 3, scene 4: banquet scene (banquo's ghost) Flashcards
from “i’th’ [1]” to “the table’s [2]” upon hearing fleance has escaped but banquo is dead in a ditch
[1] - middle
[2] - full
“never [1] thy [2] locks at me”
[1] - shake
[2] - gory
(LM) “are you a [1]?”
[1] - man
(LM’s main method of pulling Macbeth out of his ‘fit’ is by shaming him with her contemptuous comments)
(LM) “sit, [1] friends, my lord is often [2], and hath been from his [3].”
[1] - worthy
[2] - thus
[3] - youth
(LM) “authoriz’d by her [1]. [2] itself!”
[1] - gramdam
[2] - shame
(fearful of an old wives’ tale)
(LM) “[1], for shame!”
[1] - fie
“what man [1], I [2]. [3] thou like the rugged [4] [5], the arm’d [6], or th’ [7] [8]”
[1] - dare
[2] - dare
[3] - approach
[4] - russian
[5] - bear
[6] - rhinoceros
[7] - hyrcan
[8] - tiger
(LM) “you have [1] the mirth, broke the good [2].”
[1] - displac’d
[2] - meeting
“natural [1] of your cheeks” vs. macbeth’s being “blanch’d with [2]”
[1] - ruby
[2] - fear
(he can’t understand how everyone is so calm)
“it will have [1]; they say [2] will have [3].”
[1] - blood
[2] - blood
[3] - blood
(LM) “you lack the [1] of all [2], [3].”
[1] - season
[2] - nature
[3] - sleep
“[1] are yet but [2] in [3].”
[1] - we*
[2] - young
[3] - deed
*(royal ‘we’; traditionally used by a sovereign - LM is no longer part of his plan)
- deteriorating relationship