act 1, scene 2: macbeth golden opinions + praise Flashcards
duncan, malcolm, donalbain and lennox meet a bleeding sergeant.
macdonald had started a rebellion, trying to get duncan’s crown. “brave macbeth” “unseam’d him from the nave to the chops” as described by the sergeant.
SERGEANT: “[1] from the [2] to the chops.”
[1] - unseam’d
[2] - nave
(sliced him open from the nave to the jaw)
SERGEANT: “fix’d his [1] upon our [2].”
[1] - head
[2] - battlements
(written in blank verse with a sing-song quality; iambic pentameter)
DUNCAN: “o valiant cousin! worthy [1]!”
[1] - gentleman
(proleptic irony)
SERGEANT: “which [1] with [2] [3].”
[1] - smoked
[2] - bloody
[3] - execution
SERGEANT: “like valour’s minion [1] out his passage.”
[1] - carved
(valour’s minion = mythical levels of heroism; he is bravery’s fav)
SERGEANT: “as [1] eagles, or the hare the [2].”
[1] - sparrows
[2] - lion
(simile further illustrates macbeth’s bravery; ornithological and animalistic imagery)
ROSS: “bellona’s [1].”
[1] - bridesgroom
(bellona = goddess of war in roman mythology; macbeth addressed as the husband of war)