Act 3 quotations Flashcards
“You have misled a prince…” - Bolingbroke (A3S1)
“You have misled a prince, a royal king”
“Eating the bitter bread of banishment, whilst you have fed upon my signories, disparked…” - Bolingbroke (A3S1)
“Eating the bitter bread of banishment, whilst you have fed upon my signories, disparked my parks, and felled my forest woods”
“More welcome is the stroke of death to me…” - Bushy (A3S1)
“More welcome is the stroke of death to me than Bolingbroke to England”
“So weeping, smiling greet…” - Richard (A3S2)
“So weeping, smiling greet I thee, my earth”
“Fear not, my lord. The Power that made you King hath power…” - Carlisle (A3S2)
“Fear not, my lord. The Power that made you King hath power to keep you King in spite of all”
“And darts his light through every guilty hole, then murders, treasons and detested sins (The cloak of night being plucked from off their backs)…” - Richard (A3S2)
“And darts his light through every guilty hole, then murders, treasons and detested sins (The cloak of night being plucked from off their backs) stand bare and naked, trembling
at themselves”
“Not all the water in the rough rude sea can wash the…” - Richard (A3S2)
“Not all the water in the rough rude sea can wash the balm from an anointed king”
“But now the blood of twenty thousand men did…” - Richard (A3S2)
“But now the blood of twenty thousand men did triumph in my face, and they are fled”
“Is not the King’s name…” - Richard (A3S2)
“Is not the King’s name twenty thousand names?”
“White beards have armed their thin and hairless scalps against thy majesty; boys with women’s voices, strive to speak big and…” - Scroope (A3S2)
“White beards have armed their thin and hairless scalps against thy majesty; boys with women’s voices, strive to speak big and clap their female joints in stiff unwieldy arms against thy crown”
“Three Judases, each one…” - Richard (A3S2)
“Three Judases, each one thrice worse than Judas”
“Let’s talk of graves…” - Richard (A3S2)
“Let’s talk of graves, of worms and epitaphs”
“Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke’s and…” - Richard (A3S2)
“Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke’s and nothing we can call our own, but death”
“For God’s sake let us sit upon the ground, and tell…” - Richard (A3S2)
“For God’s sake let us sit upon the ground, and tell sad stories of the death of kings”
“within the hollow crown that rounds the mortal temples of a king, keep…” - Richard (A3S2)
“within the hollow crown that rounds the mortal temples of a king, keeps death his court, and there the antic sits”
“From Richard’s night to…” - Richard (A3S2)
“From Richard’s night to Bolingbroke’s fair day”
“Take not, good cousin, further than you should, lest you mistake…” - York (A3S3)
“Take not, good cousin, further than you should, lest you mistake: the heavens o’er our heads”
“Be he the fire, I’ll be the yielding water; the age be his…” - Bolingbroke (A3S3)
“Be he the fire, I’ll be the yielding water; the age be his, whist on earth I rain”
“As doth the blushing discontented sun From…” - Bolingbroke (A3S3)
“As doth the blushing discontented sun From out her fiery portal of the east”
“For well we know, no hand of blood and bone can gripe the…” - Richard (A3S3)
“For well we know, no hand of blood and bone can gripe the sacred handle
of our sceptre”
“And we are barren and…” - Richard (A3S3)
“And we are barren and bereft of friends”
“every stride he makes upon my…” - Richard (A3S3)
“every stride he makes upon my land is dangerous treason”
“And my large kingdom for a little grave, a little, little…” - Richard (A3S3)
“And my large kingdom for a little grave, a little, little grave, an obscure grave”
“Down, down I come, like glist’ring Phaeton, wanting…” - Richard (A3S3)
“Down, down I come, like glist’ring Phaeton, wanting the manage of unruly jades”
“In the base court’? Base court, where kings grow base, to…” - Richard (A3S3)
“In the base court’? Base court, where kings grow base, to come at traitor’s calls, and do them grace”
“In the base court’? ‘Come down’? Down court, down King! For night owls shriek…” - Richard (A3S3)
“In the base court’? ‘Come down’? Down court, down King! For night owls shriek where mounting larks should sing”
“He that have suffered this disordered spring, hath now…” - Gardener (A3S4)
“He that have suffered this disordered spring, hath now himself met with
the fall of leaf”
“Bolingbroke hath seized the…” - Gardener (A3S4)
“Bolingbroke hath seized the wasteful King”
“their fortunes both are weighted. In your lord’s scale is nothing but…” - Gardener (A3S4)
“their fortunes both are weighted. In your lord’s scale is nothing but himself
and a few vanities that make him light”
“But in the balance of great Bullingbrooke, besides himself are all the English peers and…” - Gardener (A3S4)
“But in the balance of great Bullingbrooke, besides himself are all the English peers and with that odds he weighs King Richard down”