Act 1 quotations Flashcards
“High-stomached are they both and full of ire…” - Richard (A1S1)
“High-stomached are they both and full of ire, in rage deaf as the sea,
hasty as fire”
“Thou art a traitor and…” - Bolingbroke (A1S1)
“Thou art a traitor and a miscreant!”
“Sluiced out his innocent soul through streams of…” - Bolingbroke (A1S1)
“Sluiced out his innocent soul through streams of blood - Which blood, like sacrificing Abel’s”
“Let’s purge this choler without…” - Richard (A1S1)
“Let’s purge this choler without letting blood”
“…make leopards tame” - Richard (A1S1)
“Lions make leopards tame”
“We were not born to sue…” - Richard (A1S1)
“We were not born to sue, but to command”
“To stir against the butchers…” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“To stir against the butchers of his life”
“But since correction liest in those hands / Which made…” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“But since correction liest in those hands / Which made the fault that we
cannot correct”
“…to the will of heaven” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“Put we our quarrel to the will of heaven”
“Will rain hot vengeance…” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“Will rain hot vengeance on offenders’ heads”
“God’s is the quarrel; for God’s substitute ..Hath…” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“God’s is the quarrel; for God’s substitute ..Hath caused his death”
“Let heaven revenge, for I may never…” - Gaunt (A1S2)
“Let heaven revenge, for I may never lift An angry arm against His minister”
“We will descend and…” - Richard (A1S3)
“We will descend and fold him in our arms”
“As confident as is the falcon’s flight Against a…” - Bolingbroke (A1S3)
“As confident as is the falcon’s flight Against a bird, do I with Mowbray fight”
“Strong as a tower in hope…” - Bolingbroke (A1S3)
“Strong as a tower in hope, I cry ‘Amen!”
“For that our kingdom’s earth shall not be soiled with that dear…” - Richard (A1S3)
“For that our kingdom’s earth shall not be soiled with that dear blood
which it hath fosterd;”
“And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect of civil wounds…” - Richard (A1S3)
“And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect of civil wounds ploughed up
with neighbours’ swords”
“That sun that warms you here, shall shine on me, and those his golden beams, to you here lent, shall…” - Bolingbroke (A1S3)
“That sun that warms you here, shall shine on me, and those his golden beams, to you here lent, shall point on me, and gild my banishment”
“Nor never by advised purpose meet to plot, contrive or complot any ill
‘gainst…” - Richard (A1S3)
“Nor never by advised purpose meet to plot, contrive or complot any ill
‘gainst us, our state, our subjects, or our land”
“And all too soon, the King…” - Mowbray (A1S3)
“And all too soon, the King shall rue”
“Hath from the number of his banished…” - Richard (A1S3)
“Hath from the number of his banished years plucked four away!”
“…the breath of kings!” - Bolingbroke (A1S3)
“Such is the breath of kings!”
“Think not the King did banish thee…” - Gaunt (A1S3)
“Think not the King did banish thee, but thou the king”
“how he did seem to dive…” - Richard (A1S4)
“how he did seem to dive into their hearts”
“wooing poor craftsmen with…” - Richard (A1S4)
“wooing poor craftsmen with the craft of smiles”
“…to an oyster wench” - Richard (A1S4)
“off goes his bonnet to an oyster wench”
“as were our England…” - Richard (A1S4)
“as were our England in reversion his”
“we are enforced to farm…” - Richard (A1S4)
“we are enforced to farm our royal realm”
“to help him to his…” - Richard (A1S4)
“to help him to his grave immediately”
“The lining of his coffers shall make coats To deck…” - Richard (A1S4)
“The lining of his coffers shall make coats To deck our soldiers for these Irish wars”
“pray God we may make haste…” - Richard (A1S4)
“pray God we may make haste, and come too late!”